The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


IE0AI NOTICES. 'tfQJOtOT NOTICES. FOR JSALE. Bupeiicr Odar Fitllnga, Glaa. Coont en, and Shuw 'lypewrltera, Kales, bewlns afuvliineit.

Window Workroom i Alirroni, Dlouao and Coatuni. Gtanua. Couutcr Stock Boxot, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, NO RBASONADLI! OFl'KR Rxri'SED. IIIilh-cLifti Cedar viith liandaomo uir. an.i lmt liitfli, liy loin.

diei with a receia of a and 20 Imiliea, dceii lielcw recent; in portul'lo Icnu*tha of 1 O'll. lMt, Ji-ll, Rill, lult eln, and 6ft. Co CENTlie f'lATIJIIE of CEIIAIl, 12ft flin liigli, fft loutf, nnd 4(t wide, with 15 kuuiiru (eel of 1-lutc-Kliiw. alirror each cud. 2Cft IJKI1AR KI.VI l-RE, aultabln ManchMer 1(111 tilove Fixture, ciinuilltlne; 12U tllovn in w-parute conipartnicnta and fixture, belnw loiM-urd und rcnerve etocliH.

-1 ENCLOSED ULASS ltlft ln lllltu, liy deep; In lenittlia of hit flin and lull. I.n.ic CENTRE SHOWCASE, Plate Qlan, aUniJ. Ina Oft liixli, lie 12ft and lilt ulde. BeiiLtifi.i ENTRANCE CAKE, ataudlnir oft 4ft flin wide, bv 22in deep. CLAKs COLNTElt CASES, Mt, Oft, 12ft ollf.

12ft Gilt, anil loft. CEDAR COUNTERS, loft ein, 10ft 01n, and 10ft. acH-aoo-sos ceorge-strket. Jpoa. SALE.

One Large DOUDI.E DOOR, PnnXIPS SAFE. One CROSSI.EY GAR ENGINE. both in perfect order, MVt Lcaae ot FAOTORY PrtKitlnKS, recently occupied In ltcdfcru. Full nartlcalan apply to 1 i.i1 MANACER, TADS MI.VER.U, WATER New Factor', Dourko.itreet, Ilmir, rn. i near l'liiUlp-fctrcet, QITIUE FLR.MTL'RE AM) IRON SaTEsT 'i A OFFICE TABLE, elzc oft tahus.

Vatuw tori, 224 A I'H'YINi; FKESS ami STAND. Kli. 'S A Solid Oak IlKVOLVINi; OFFICE CU.1IR, 37.U. '-V A Gootl.iict of PIGEONHOLES, 22. "Ta lilii 'li 1 I'lII-lil.

tiixiiiiv ciil.u.. Mlvo Solltl Walnut OVERMANTEL, tui eio 4ft, fitted mirror IN THE Sl'PRKMB COtTRT OK 'KW flOUTI! JurUUictlon. In the Etate of THOMAH CONNOLLY, late of Ulouorster, In the SUIe Application will be made after'fourteen uaya from the publication hereof that AdntinUt ration of the KaUte of i ne aiHivenaiuexl ileteafeil nuy be irronte-l to kllk CONN'oLLV, of Walk Ivory, near (Jlouceater aforeaald, Iho Widow of the auld Uet-eaj-ed, and llut Uie uaual udmliilatratloii bom) may he dinjioniied with; tnd all noliefM mav 1h aervnl ut the ollleea of the uiidfrwlimed IWlora for tho Aiiminitmtrix, to wltotn all Creilitoni ure required in M-nd in imrtfctdara ot their claims forthwith, HOOItK, RURTliWICK, and Prootora for the Adiiiinl'tratrlv, llowlIiiR-Htrret, DiinR. My meir Acent HUWMAN und UACKENdK, U7U Ueorse ulreet, Sydney. IS THE HI Tit EM CUUUT OF NEW HOUTH WALEH.

Probate the Kutate of DANIEL CONN Kit late of lUthiirat, In the State of new nouin waini, i ueeaHii, liiitaiuie. Application will bp made utter fourteen daya from Uie niblicalion lo-reof that Administration of thv Estate of the abovcnatiifd deceaatW niuy be irranted lo WAI-TER JOSEPH COXXKRY, of Hall. uml, aforeanid. 1UII-wuy Kinployre, a Hon or the aukl deceael, and that tlie iiuiia I Rand be reduced in amount. All clainiR aKalnat the aaid eatute uhotihl lm aent to the uudrniKneil within fourteen day of the publication hereof, and ill notieea herein may be aervod at the undermentioned addrrnn, F.

J. KKNYY, Proctor, hunh-Mreel. Itathiittt. liy FL'LTON and LOWE 62 TN THE SLPRKUK COURT OP NEW SOI utyrt the Will of MARY ATMtSON, late of Sydney, in the State of New South Walea, Widow. Application will be made after fourteen daya Intra the publication hereof hat Probate of the hut will and Teilament of Mary Putrim, late of Sydney, in the SUte of New Kmlh may irranted to ADA "ARRY JOHN PaTKRWi.V, and (bUINAI.D CHARLES PATKRSftN.

the KxccutrU mal Kxmitora relatively naincil tn the aaid Will; and all creditor are refurtttel tn forward purtinilon of Uieir cluims to the undi-nifaticd, at whotw- nfth-e all notieea may I hi nerved. THOMAS OR MONO O'RRIKN, M'VP i ur mid and Kxecutoni, 7 hljgalieth-Mtreet, Is V.fV..."l,IIKMK COI'RT OP NKW SOUTH eifi. the itf IIIOMAS THItl'SSELL LAWHKNCE, laU ot North (iyd. nej', in the State of New South Wales, Master Mariner, divea.rd. -Apidicatfon will bt made ullcr lotirteen days hereof that Probulo of the last Will of tho nbovi-tmmnl deceaited may lm craiftetl to iuioi.

ai.MiiA III ItLLY ami KDW Altl.) JORDAN IIOPKIVS, the Executrix and Executor numed In tint laid Will; uml all notices may bi iervrd at tlm olllen of tlie uiideralKiieal. All persotw hnviug (laimn UKtiiiiNt Iho Estate of the aboet'iiamwi detTuaed an: rcl nested in Hcud partkulaM of wuue tn the under-biuned within (he tlttio nfureHafd. T. J. DICKS IN an.) DICKSON', KnirliMh, Hcittisli, und Aus iniltan Wytiney, IN "TIIK sfT'ltlCMK CUl'RT OF NKW 1.

Probate the Will of EMMA JANE HANSFOKIl, late of Knht Umiford. in lliA Stito of New South Walea, Married Woman, dereawd. Application will be made after fourteen from Ihe pi.lilication Iwn-of that Proliale of the laat Will tin- utMivenamed may lie Rranteil to HANSFORD, the Executor named in the said Will, and nil notice may lx nencd at the undermentioned to whidi all creditoru and other iemoM luvintr clulma affjiiitt the Estate of lite auid are n--ruested lo end in particular thereof witjiia Hie hi id fourteen daya. FRED, hi WOOD and HILL, or, for ExLi-utor, Poal OtUui-chaiubera, 114A Pirt-atreet, Sjdney. IX TIIK S1P1IKME V.OVUT OP NKW efiETft WALK-.

-i'mlmte Juriwliction. In tho Fartntf of ilNMB late of Mayneld. in the SHU of New South Walcu, Widow, deceased, Application will lie made after fourteen daya from the njoiicutioii hereof that AdminiKtration of the Etate of the alHivenamed ik-cvaMil mar lie gran Id to ELI.A. HITH ItltltKMAX, of Rothbury. the duly elect Ciurdiaii of A MELD A AH NEK Hie DaiiRhter und sole Next of Em of tin said d'-ceaacd, limited until urh Next of Kin hhall attain the uffe of twenty-one veati, and all notieea may be nerved ot the ofllcea of Die undersiene'l.

All prrsnn kavltiB any elaimn analtiHt the Naid E(Jite arc requeated lo fumiah of Rime to Ihe undereiRned within the time afnrewiid. It KID anil RKID, ttolk-ltora, 37 Rolton-strret Xeweiiitle. i i IN THE Sri'ltEMK COrRT OF NEW S'01-TIT Prolate the Will of WILLIAM PET1I1E. lute of PadditiKlon, in the State ol New South Walea, Con tractor, will lie tnude after fourteen day from the publication hereof that Probate of tho last Will and Testament of the abovenameil dcceiifced may lie RT.inie.1 10 I A PKTltlE, ELLEN HOLMES, ami AN NIK lU'ELAND, the Kxii'iitritea named iu the said Will: mid alt nolici-a may Im- M-rved at tlie ollkva of thc tmdersicneit: ami all pernnna havinir any claini aRaimt the drecaneil or lun F.slate are iicrvny rernnren to enn niirlieulars theieof to the nnilerniRnni. FITf CHARLES Pl.TRIE, PrrM-tor for Applicautj, renucnnialuinilx-n, ilT.i Iei inret ni-t Svdnev, IX TIIK SI PltEMK NEW S'tH tit Probate Jurisdiction.

In the Will of IIANCKV. lute or yiilrindi. Retired Umzlcr, deTail. will In made after fourteen thvK frni the publication hereof tint Prolate of the last Will of ihe aboveiiiimcd deccaaci nnf he KTulited to JOSEPH EVANS IIANCKV, the Sole Kxectitor in tlM" mid Will named; urn) all notieea may be terved at Oh office of the ur.deniirned. to whom alt credilnra are rc-pieatcd to aend In artienlart of ihelr elainw within the time aforenai-l.

PERCY D. COX, Proctor for Eieciilor, fJeorRe-sirect. i irindl. Itv liH -rnu, ELLISON' RICH und SQV, 1 BliL-h-rtreet. Sydney.

TllE" SI PIIESIE "lH'IIT OP NEW SOti'ti'f 1.ES. I'mlute the Wilt nf CHARLES MCIO DEANI late of IIiirwoo.1. in the State of New South Wale. Retire I Acemmtant, de-ciuxed. Application will Ik made after fourteen daya friiiu fhe publication hennf Ihut Prolwte of the last Will of the alHitennuied dc-i-aHed itinv 1m ajanted to CHARLES MAKMADI KK DKAN'K and LINDSAY DAR-LINtiTON DEANK, Ihe ciilora named in the tuid Will, and all notice may le arrvnl at, and claim atCMiuxt tiie KMulc the auld decciMnl nent to Ihe oflici-! or the uuderfiTnrd.

CHARLIE DKANE. proctor tor tho Exctntoni, Octan House, Miinn'itrerf, Sydney. tx Viii: siii-irKMii cucrt op new south i- WAlNr-l'robate the Will of JANE (OflPKR PORTIA, late, ot Arden-Ktiwt, Coo-tvc. in the Stute of New South Walea, Mtrried Woni.Ti, will be mnde after fourteen day from the mihlicatinn hereof that Probate of tin lat Will nf (he iiboveiianiiil decense.1 may a a rant to JAMr-S Initri'iK. the Hne i-cciunr in tne h.ii-i nn: named.

And all Creditor are required to fend in Notice of their clalnin williiti the aaid perol fourteen daya lo. und all Nohcea mre oj erve. the ottlce the iimterniriird. JrtirV WILL1AUS MAl'ND, Proctor lor Executor, 3 CaitlervaRh-atrect, IN THK SI'PREME MH'RT OP NKW i WALKS. ProlMte In the Will of LOt 'IS PRITHIOMMK, late of Sydney, in the Stale ol New South Walea.

Merchant, detieu. Applbn-lion will 1h made after fourteen daya from the puhli-ration kerrof Dial Pnibate fit the I met Will atnl Tcata. ment of the alHwenamcd deceased maV lie Rranted to ROSE PRCDHOMMK. the Widow of the deceae-l, the sole Executrix nanieil in the mid Will: ami all Cre-dimm are reipiesteil to wnd in partlculara of their POLISHED ROSEWOOD SIDEnilAIII). JC5 10- SYMONTO- FCSSIrlUlNO.

LTD. (Orlv Address), Jil Pitt-itt. near Ititliuntl-et. 274 l'itt-nl: TTIGHEST Quality Furniture, fete aample, of. beat A J.

n.anulai-t. work. ll.c. Maple IS. Rosewood) and silk lap.

Drawins r. Stiite, tame In old Bold, oriir nrieo double present. Alaple Dlninir Suite, in SaddlT-biKi, with lame (hciterlleld Couch, 2 Divan Iiairit, 2n p.e. Iieloiv usual prii-e. Ouk l.

"M- "i'lf. Solid uak il 1). Table 2 lovely llui.le Pi.lslioanJ, 4.l and hrifi-lally made to owner', rbob.e. Alaplc mid Oak and S. and D.

Iletliteatls; with circa and bi d-ilittir eninplele. Oak Sidebouitls, from iJi'Ki- dark iireen lleilrnom Suite, 3 'ilo. Siilem k' tiWim. lib. lied, lieavilv in 1 liutpection Showriiotna to-day.

OelA George struct, iliiv." niatket, 1st floor. 2U21 mi, General Umite Furnisher'. (JAPES. 1 Hall a Safe, patented, fire-proof, tombi IO nation lock, 27i 1 Ixnidon ExceWoiv 22 22; 1 Richard Davie Wrought -iron Safe. Hre-rcBWting, 40 25 3 in.

1 Tnouiu Turner nnd secure, flre-reBisting, IS 20i Its in. De-It- Amei-icuu Rollton Dtk. in In 1 Lchair, revolving. Hallstand: 1 Black. Oak.

Cari-I riirs: sets Stoles und Muffs," minplo, ported. Gun: 1, maker Edward Um -aster, 1 D.B. breech-loader. 0 Runington, new and second-liid. Piuno: J.

G. walnut, 4 2.2 5 ft, extended iron-frame, thi count ry. L. 41 ARDBOAIUI BOXEH (Slides), aire 2j tiHOP of Oak I'ittlnluibit lifl Eliubcth-si, city. WIRE, fencing, American punt 'Galvanised, waTer SUimed.

htantl unv Iti.nHfiirr nr r. free on rail or boat. ISAACS, 10 WIRE, 4-guage, Galvanised, bargain, 14 rnil or loaU Laaita, 10 VVIHE, Fencing, American, Galvanised, water rustcS, t08t lu, frcu rail, boat. Ism in Brisltanc-itrccl. it v.

WIRE ROPE, 7 wires, ld-gaugc, pure Galvanised, suit any work, bargain, 10 ton. ISAACS, Brisbane-street, city. JJPEE1MJ.METKH3, 20 ill all, cheap. Isaacs, 10 Dm; lune-Kt. eity.

'I'lmne. W7I Paildlntfton. WIRE, Ameriuiti, 6-irauge, Galvanis'l, 4:12 ton, free I. boat. Ia acs, HI iliisbanc-st, eity.

BOXES, 3000 Cartridges, tin lined, patent slide lid, Ca all screwed, lgaaca. 10 Bri.hanc.Bt. JiTEW GRAMOPHONE and 12 lioublc-sidcd Records, noma war. I imn.y.ttl. Aloore 1'arlt.

IlENCINU W11IK, damaged, 12-uauge, front I nlmr. a i im. VOlt SALE, Wire stretcher, liuliok Mattress, Creton VV Alt (Back) Nunibcrs Syilney flout flENDKRi TO MERCHANTS, BOOT MANUFACTURERS, AND OTHERS. Id the ASSIOKED E8TATK ot ROBERT HURST, of urtnt-sueet, Aortn ettzroy, vooi junuuciurer. TENDER fl will be received at the ofllcea of WIL SON, RATTRAY, and DAN BY, 47 Queen-street, Me, bourne, up to p.m.

on THURSDAY, the 22nd iiLi, imj, tor mo i-uHWHADts oi iho iwuuwiug ASSETS: LOT J- LAM, having a frontage or Mft 4fn )y U5ft lo Grunt-titreet, North Fitxroy, touctlu-r with brick fiLtorv thereon 3.230 0 0 LOT 2- STOCK. It FACTORY. nnlUlOd 0.897 13 li Lot Partiv slamiraetiired tioorti, ijeatner, Cwivaa Linings, Grindery, Findlnga, and other materials 2.381 14 II LOT 4- Liita two tor 6 Machinery and Plant 1,713 id 9 Furniture and Fittings (at l-uctorj'j mu 2,003 15 9 LOT Horses and Ralllns Stock tOT 7 IjANH having a irontage ot ls'it 10 Heldelberg-rd, by 101 tt along Grant-street, North Vitiroy, with Iron sheds tbcreoo LOT 8- JjAND (Vacant) Having a frontage 1235ft 61n to Rosebcry-arcuue, We ton, by 113ft RETAIL SnOPS. LOT P-COLLINGWOOD. STOCK of Hoots anu enoes, etc, in sliop at comer of Smith and Peel streets 0M IS 3 Fixtures and sittings 160 0 LOT 10-COLLlSGWOOD.

STOCK of Boots ami snoe at 200 Sniith-atrcet FUlurea and Fittings 961 6 1 100 2 6 1,061 8 LOT 11-NORTHCOTE STOCK of BootM ami Shoes tit SOTt High-Ktreet Fixtures and Filtitiga 570 16 3 80 13 0 LOT 11-BRUXSW1CK STOCK i( Hoots aim emoes ul 410 Svdncy-rnad 14 5 Fixtures and Fittings 07 10 0 1,180 18 IX LOT STOCK ot BouU mid Shoes at 2dl Brldge-roiul Flxturctt und Fittings 074 0 10 360 0 LOT 14 -RICHMOND. STOCK ot Boots tcid Shoes at 221 Swan -f I reel Fixtures and Fittings IXT L1-FOOTS RAY. STOCK of Boots and Shoes tit 120 reet Fixtures and Fittings 75 4 8 00 14 6 CS40 4 2 110 6 0 LOT 10 -MELBOURNE. STOCK of Boota mid Shoes at 22S rcct Fixtures and Fittinga 298 10 0 17 0 LOT 17 MELBOURNE. STOCK of Hoots UJid SliOCS at Sw-atiston-atrcot 1,718 8 9 Fixtures and Fittings 133 14 0 LOT 1K-GLENFKRR1E.

3,800 1) stock 01 Hoots uiui ioes at 467 Bimvnofl-roDd Fixtures and Fitting- KS IS 119 0 LOT 10-SOUTH MELBOURNE. blXH'K 01 iioota aim Miora at corner of Clarendon and Coventry MH 1,005 10 5 Fixtures and Fittings 78 7 0 LOT MALVERN. STOCK of Boots and Shoes nt Glenferrle-road 7.4 38 8 Fixtures and Fittings 13 5 0 LOT 21-MOOXEE PONDS. blUCK or Hoots iui(t Mnoes ut 10ft Puckle.Htrcct fW8 Fixtures and Fillings 110 12 8- LOT 22 GKELONC. STOCK of.

Hoots anil Bhoea at Moorahool-atrcct ....1.100 8 8 Fixtures and 2U0 13 1,400 0 3 LOT 23-WONTHAGGI. STOCK or ItooU anil Hhoeg at M'Brlde-avenue Fixtures and Fittings 635 4 3 73 13 8 LOT 24 BOOK (iooxl Doubtful 1,393 0 11 IOT 4 1 283 8 1 35,733 4 0 These boolc debts include those of the wholesale and retail departments, and of trie various shopa. 'Phe a love may be tendered tor as a whole or separately Miock-iueeta mar ne orttainen at me omces or m-SHAM and SHERLOCK, Public Accountants, Quccu-sirect. Melbourne. Tender forma, and all other information may be omaineii at tne omces 01 uie -irmicou.

Our usual t-onuUtions of tenner win oe ouserveu. II. II. SHERLOCK, F. ti.

WILSON, Trnstees. 1 W. KM AIL WILSON, RATTRAY, and DANBY, Public Account T1 HIE GEEIXNG HARBOUR TRUST COMMISSIONERS. CANTILEVER CON VEYORS, CORIO QUAY, Tenders are Invited bv the Geelonsr ILarbotrr Trust Ccmmbwioiicra fnr the manufacture and erection at Corio Quay, North Gcelong, of one or more, up to a total of six f6) Cantilever Conveyors. Drawings and MtcelHcatlons mav he aeon at Uie Offices of the Sydney Harbour Trust, nnd similar Con veyor, constmcieii ui tne.

itusi worKsnops, may oe inyecieti at orio suay. TJie iiersoii hose tender la accented shall, when required, enter into a formal Contract with, the Com- miasioncra for the due execution of tne work, but tbe written acceptance cf the tender Is to constitute a Dinning agreement uoiwcrn tne 1 ommtsstoners ami the nersoii so tenderini. whether such Contract is or is not Mihsc(ueiitly executed Time allowed fur execution of Contract eta-ht ISA wei-Ka irom accrpiuncc tenner. iicpoait 01 juai uy inarKeu cneque, or DtUlK orait, or in cash must accompany the tender Tenders should be addressed to Uie Commissioners in cover endorsed "Tender for Cantilever Convey- and should be delivered at their OfM-n. Brougham-place, Gecloug, not later than 12 noon on Uie 2nd day OI August, 1015.

Tne lowctt or any tender will not icarilv be accepted. i.ceiong, lotn juiy, itjis. TENDERS' are invited for leases of 111 acres of Land, wtfli frontage to the Broad wood-road. Goulburn. beinir part of a Saviour's Cathedral Glebe Lands.

Tendpra mav be for 2. 4. or 8 acre B1ncL ne 1. ternately for tho whole 12 acres, less 1 rood, reserved tor church purposes. Specially suitable for faetorr or workahnn (rites, ailla- cent to mil way.

A siding runs on to the Glebe, and may be extended by tenants. Leases will be for 25 years. Tenders returnable Amrust art-mi 'nioh Tn. and addrejrscd to the undersigned, who Will furnish Information as to ternj of leases, etc. RANSOM T.

WTATT, Jliiieesa 11 Itegihlrar, Goulbtrm. Colonial Sccn'tarv's Oitice! Suva. Pill. 3Kt Jim, im. rJIENDERS FOR TUB WTPLYr OF BORNEO LIQUID Sealed Tender, marked "Tender for Borneo Liquid tuei, anil addrcsscti to "Tlie Sctrelary, Tender Committee, Colonial Secretary's office, Suva," for the bVpply In 1016 of fio Tona of Borneo Liquid Fuel for tho ue of tho Drainage Works, will bo received up to the 1st SEPTEMBER, The conditions of tender and specification tnav be seen at the Colonial recretarv'a Office, Suva or at the office of Mera.

Iklgrty and Company, Miller's Point, Sydney, Agents for the Fiji Government, ted. tcMdcr necessarily ac- ItW.) -IRE 1IUTSON, tolon ial Secretary. Stores Supply CnminiFtccT" UF VP JU'y V2 lm' mENDCRS for the tttpply and delivery of Meat for a. a numher of Govenimcnt Inuitulions, during the month of Augunt, will lie received the Stores SuppIv Department, 1.1 oung-slreet, Sydney, 111, to 10 rJo on Tuesday, the 20th Inatant. Tender fonns nnd furthee imHl.iiurj 1..

i.ii tra UUMUOni sn application. A. HEIICKKLMAN, r' vei-titivef ember. Water CoiiNLTvution unii lrngutfon 21) Kllrabeth-htn-et, fpENDERfl will Ite rerolve.1 up to 2 o'etotk in. on 1 MONDAY, the 2(ith fn.m imMS wi" HUT to I 'on met for MVwTlil- i.t TIMBER BEAM BRIDGES ALUM CREEK AMI mANril.

lX DEVIATION OP ROAD. YASS Tt) WOOL. ipci in ix um, ami rorm ot Tender mav be seen at this otlko nnd nt tlie offices of tho Clcrka o'f Petty Scssliina, Yw and Gnulbuni. ny orucr 01 tne coiiunixsjoiior. 1E0.

J. EVATT, Seeretai rpo DRAINERS. TENDERS will be c7veTbr the undersigned until noon on MONDAY, the snth inst, for Snpplvlng and Uylng nliout iwnft of flin Slouowaro Drain Pines for Henry Bull and Liverpool. Drawings and Specification can lie Inspected at the Woollen Milt, Liverpool, or at my office. 1.

11, lIUUUIIilM, 31. in-t. C.E., 63 Pitt-Rtrcct, wytiney. rro BUILDERS. Tenders arc invited for Building plans, and particulars apply to the undersigned, VARNEY PARKES, ApehllfW Castlercflgh.

street and Hunt cr-it rcct, cltr. TKNDF.RS are Invited for the Erection and Comple-tlon of COTTAGE, Blaxlaud-rond, Eastwood, Plan ou upon tippiiciiiion 10 B. it. BUCHANAN, wtft Architect, 375 George-itreet. City 740.

11ENDKRH required for Erection of largo Factory Went worl h-avenue. Apply U. LINDS-AY THOMPSON, i f2 SYDNEY ARCADE, KINO-STREET. BUILDERS. TENDERS are tnrlted for the Erectloti nf filinn DWELLING at MOSMAN.

ALFRED If. HALE, Hunter-ttreet TENDKRfl are" Invited forthV Erect Ion atComnie- m. Hon nf Cottage, East wood -a venue, Epplng, Plan ou pimtfaiuiioii iion iiiiirai inn in S. II. BUCHANAN, TtU air Ttf.

574 Jaum STOCK, SHAKES, AMD MONEY. A U. JOSEPH. KINANCIEB, Eatbliihed fiO year prepared to Adruc Monejr at bU Upam low ratea of totereat upon Furniture, fewlng Uchj, Land, and all ClwrTof becuiUy. ALSO ON YOUft OWM PHOklSSOUY KOTU.

1 pay off louna from other 1 i-j vnn ei n.hl At weektv. foe MMl LENT FOR 2, payable 67 weekly, for 1 mt 14 LENT FOII payablo weekly, for 13 moj. a LENT FOR Kt payable 116 weekly, for 12 mo. 25 LENT FOR payable 78 week for 12 mot iiau LENT FOtt 1W, yablo 10 weekly, lor 13 moa. And rpwanla to any amount.

Mote New Addrewi IIKItltY'SCIIAMRKHfl. IM PITT- DOOR FROM KISfWiTBKKT, awneaii Wm TAKE LIFT. 'Phone. CtUr 43M. XDVANCKH MAIroirpunVfuire, pianos, Deed, and XV nil kin la ol )WrST Wltnumi, ftAOl KLDOX-CHAiaiERH.

flil Pllt-blreet, FJriit Floor, ftbovo DVANCElTon Ureda, from 5 to no legii expensca, Rubtirban AllotmenU for Sale; Louoa butL ii Pltt-etreet. XTAN quiek'ly and'pH'eily rap'eb''1? A. without iihiiuI loan office publicity and de t.v. intptt lower, renuvmenta to wilt everyone. No retr.

fe or other chaotea. Mr. fleorre. Bo 74S. O.P.O.

-AUVmiTV PRIVATK ADVANCES or. Furniture, Planoa, etc, and withont accurity. LONDON' FINANCE and MOUTOAOK EllMbelhtiirJIu "A STARR Itowket Approprta'tlon for iOl for ttole. A S. (iillctt, KTTEIt THAN BANKING.

Peraona having- nnall iJ auma to invest, I have client who vlll pay Up to 15 per cent, on 0 and SuburUli MortpiRe Securltlea. We have several excellent propositlona requiring auma of 1000. up tn rJ.0un, at from tt to8 per cent. Trustees ami othera aee w. CraUnan, 375.JQeoTKe-at, II.

BITJMJIKO, LAND, Jit AND SAVlXiiS INSTITUTION, omeeit, Equitable-bui I dinga, Pitt and Park jlreeta. To DencitorH. Limited atnounta received for ned periods at niling rate of intercut. To Horrowcra, Advance made In buy or nulla upon approved city or wibtirlun freehold aecuritie. repay, nble bv eaay inatalmenta of principal and Intermt.

RepnyinentH oommetii-fl from eompletion ol tnilldlnic. PToperlic- rexhenied from tlxed inortgagc. Call or rlte for pj-phloU W1UJAM citADmcK, 1J1. A. OOLDKIN'G, li Financial Agnt, Union Ttnnkcnnibeni, cltr, HAS MONEY AVAHjAHLB FROM PKU for P.VSTORAI CITY.

Hrm ttRAN', ann rd-'lLDiNO Imi HHORT-DATEi) IX)ANS. IMNA St: Advert laer wanta 'i'0, two jcara, to purchiwe cows for dairy farm; will pay yeai interest: Kecnre: ex. tiera. refa. Coaat, P.O., Manly.

I A I I a si 1 Shearing Company. Parcel Share X1 for immeiliale Mule. Apply by letter, C.H., u.r.u. jTOR "SALh, 4 Shareii in S.S. Walea Starr-Bo wkctt Society.

11 oa paid. Apply Vera, lvy-at. Rand IJWRSale, Starr Ro'wkett Hook, 4 bharea, 5 jiaid In, 1 will lake KM. Eltliam. Mount-at, Coogeu.


Wood, II. 1). Mali. BECURiTT AND SATISFACTORY INTEREST FOR YOUR BA VINOS, DEPOSITS BECm'KlTFROM 1 CFWABDfl, INTEREST paid at S) per cent, on first 200, and per cent, on exceaa to 000. MONET TO LEND TO FARMERS AND SETTLERS in amonnta up to i00, repayable by in-Ulnenta extending over 31 yeara.

lnteren per ceoi. Branches and Agencies throughout the State. POST-OFFICES are NOT NOW Agencies lor this Hank. Kf order of the Commhnlonera. Secretary.

rTOU IfAVB AN INTEREST UNDER A WTLL. Bcreralooary Interest, Ansniry, Remittance, or are ENTITLED TO PROPERTY or MONET coming to yon on the ileit of a Relative or Friends in ENGLAND. AUSTRALIA, or ELSEWHERE, you can turn ttfice into eaati at once by calling On me. I can lend you any amount yon require, or buy your interest right out without humbug or delay. My numerous Agencies enable me to deal promptly with business in any part ot the world.

Temporary advance, ran lie obtained on the day of application. Intending country clients can have their fares paid to Sydney by applying for same. AU rammuaicatioDS strietly confidential. BERTRAM MURRAY, Thirty-Keren Elizabeth-street, Sydney (upstairs). rARRANfiK PRIVATE LOANS AT TIIK RATE 1 1 FOR EACH ADVASCKI1 TO ANY AMOUNT, on Furniture, Piano.

lived of Land, ef. FASY REPAYMENTS. WiANS FROM OTHER OFFICES PAID OFF ON MY LOW TERMS. ft. Itl'STER, -71 Parramatta-raad.

Tlchhardt. I WILL LEND 100 to 400, good security, to 7 cent, P.O., Croydon. Fowlera-chsmbeni. wnosile Orscn has MONEY to LKSD 011 Furniture, Pianos, Motor Cam, Pro. Note.

Ueeua, nusiness, an sectintittt, advances Mime day, euv repayments, atrietly private. Call, write, tif 'ptione M1W1, liOiin. MONEY ADVANCED ON ALL a OF SECURITY UPON EASY TERMS OF REPAYMENT, 1T.S.W. MONT DR PIETB D. AND I.



r.i.V.lW. If you arc seeking Financial Aaslslonce, the chief coiinincruiionit are numeral inien-Jt, cany repaymQlita, and fair treatment, I Ihe actual intercut und lie time Riven tor repayment of I is p. My terms arc tor period ol ri monilis by weekly Instalment, as iollowa: 10 for 2 At tit Weekly. lft for Vt 7'fl Weekly. J.

i-i mr at- At Weekly. Up to o0n. LARGER AMOUNTS I.OWElt RATES of INTEREST nn FI. ILNITCRE, PIANOS, SEW IXC MACHINES, DEKES, without mortgage lee or unv other accuritv. without piiblieiiy.

Lxiiiiiiig Lo.wi.i in other oihcea paiu on, unn piaccn on iatier lonitng. MY MOTT IS PA I DEALlVG. The Publ1-: who have bad dealinjrn wiih me in th" Ikim, I nn vure of heir conlllence. Tr.nne who on not know me, I ak t' favmir me with call urrangiuT a loan elaewhere. otlli-c Elir-lH'th-nlreet, city, 0 aQv to p.m.; Glebe-road, ironi fi p.m.

to p.m. JTKU, CITY YfOXF.Y to LEND upon Mortgage, good Suburban tL and Country Pnmrrties, Freeholds, I-TMtnhifHa bihI Conditional Purchase Lands. Money available, to build good Brick Suburban Proper tie. ProKTeas Payments. Advances made upon Reversionary Interests and Intercuts under WtlU, or such Interest Ptrrchased right out.

All Financial lhndocss transacted. him in kj, i.i.iir.idir:., IS Norwich chamtiers. fw HitnteT-itreet. ORTGACES ARRANGED, LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. ON CITY, SUBURBAN, OR COUNTRY PROPERTIES.

Interest 6 to 0 per cent. Prompt AtUntton, WARREN PAINT. S3 Pitt-street. 1 TOXEY TO LEND KobLirbnn. nr Conntrv JJL un Apprortd Cll rrci-uoion, nun i Trust E-tatei Mnutfed, lttiiian-i Effected.

II. E. RUSSELL id SON, it Martin-plan. MORTGAGES iiu-aiiKid ut pur cent, tor ycun oil Really t-curitka only. Tin: Fitr.r.iioi.n mortiugi; co.

OF N.S.W., OJ Jstlen-agk-Htriel. Lant. TfOVEV, Building find all money nccctarv tor the Onn of Homes, citv and Miburha. ulan tlrwi and build. Casllerragh'i-hnmliers, 4th floor.

10 C'rcagh-st, MONEY LENT on Planus Sew. Machinei, etc without poHncssinn; no tines, ktrlctly and without rcgl tra Ion, EsiHtiug lnin-i piid off. Low rules of InL W. Ilerkman, 2a Kiug-stl, N'lown. L.

Miim mr invcsimem on ian, current rates, nn eominisaion. ARTHUR J. MeDONAI.h and Ki'w. MIS, MOSEY "to irfiul "on Currlc and' Wood, Solicitors, Spring-it, Sydney. MONEY to Lend mi Mortgage.

Building Loans. J. Iblph, Hollrltor, Mu.ui ini on nanus, without pot, H.Sleetruin,W5 Piottard, LfR'hhardt. 6U P. MONEY to Lend on tint and seennt'l mortgage, Frank Biggs, r'olfeltorJl Msrtln pUce, city.

TARR-BOWKKTFwnnlcL up'ln 5ob. state price. M. Charing Cross P.O. THE INTERCoIJJNIAL WILL BUILD FOR YOlf.

OR ASSIST YOU TO BUILD. Liberal ADVANCES mndi nn T. f. Building er Purchnning llniuea. Roirajnblo by eaay weekly or monthly novmcnts.

or Auvnnci-a for Short Prrloda nn nnrwtt iwu-l. Good Iluihllnir Sllea nml WelLlmlli iii.a it, and progressive stibiirbs. Our Wclbknown Easy Terms. -un. in f.

ui. rrioaya, INTEltCOfSIAL INVESTMENT 4 nnd II Cantlereauli-ilrert. imn. 11. fftltUST PUNDS, large and imsll sums, LF.NDt Mnrtgsgo or Building Loans, city ami anburba.

Uw Interest, no cnimnkslon. G. A. RAVES, Sollcltoi ami Not try, Mock Kvehange-Tniildlntn. lis TWELVE THOUSAND IHIUSDS lb nd''ln one "sum on approved lty security nl p.e.

nnd P. II. Pllt-st, Kydney, mo UCNtl, ato'j'Vraoraruifnirity; repayibls mt Vj nuiwi I It'll. UlJ (Nf, I IN TUB BUPRKMK COLRT OP NKW'SOOTH WALKfl. Ja mi ot In Ue Matter of the Companies Act, lflfM, ind In the lU i .1 ri i- tTi.V AltT LK ATI I Kit VM.

iii i lurri-'n Ito dirwHoii of the Manter In Eqiiltr, th wdltoni of tho auoviiiaiiivd Coitipmiy are required, on or beloro the rleveiith duv of AukumI, oiw thoiimnd nine nun-dn-l und llfttfii, to prove their deliU or da Inn by nUn ullkluviu verifjiiitf aame at the ofllee of tho Mailer Hi KUlty, Mipreme i.iiii-ninii r.i.,. in thereof they will be from tlw benelii of ntiy liilrlbutloa mado Mont Miih ilehta or cblnw are provi-d. KuriiM of Proof of Ueut may bo obtained from tho UARRINOTOV PALWKR, 47 KtlMhrtli-Htrvet, Sydney, Dlflriai Liquidator. nth July, iwi. HL'l'ltKMK Ol'KT OF SKW SOt TU WALEti.

In f''3' of In he Hfuttcr of the Compuniea Art, and In the Mutter of l.ilLUKft Bl'ltlMin ai.inu wwanii Ily dlritiioii of iIip Miiiler In Ktulty, the emliton Ol till' UIKHVIIHIIIPll lOlllMliy lll inunv, lure the eleventh tiny of Aukum, one Ihituaaml niiie tu.n.lnui fiini in tirove their cl 'bt or I'biiina by lllinif afllilavlu verlfyinjt fame ut the ollUe ol the ulen't, Kydney, or la default thtmif they will he exclliileil ironi llli oeneni ui ubihuuuvm Forma of I'roof of Debt twy bo obUinod from the under gneu. W(JJAM tuhrln-cton PAI.UKR, 47 Elbatheth-ittrcet, Sydney, Uffleltl Utiuhlator. 14th July, WIS. FTI1E SI PR KM COTRT OP NEW SOI TH WAT.FS. -In Itiii.kiiipuv.-Ke llWIll HALL, ex tU- ii.

in lav Hum-! NoIKd IIIoJ thv twi-iilj-tllth Ujy of jiii. tiwuja'ul iiiiip niinnreti uun iiiiwui. i mim- lyim in I hi Cunri by Jian MH-jh, of UnitHiiiu.vio, Widow, mol tlu- Court in. that thr ot llti Notice lo the SyJnry Morninit llrriil'l antl the HintiiiK of copy of tin- iuxl H.iiikrupu-.v iu rcRisU'it'd viivrlope uddrstl lo at lite i oilier, liunktttown, shall In: l'inl to In- of hotlco lliou you- on Min uair ui i'" piibLiralion utd Kistiiif um afnrosiid. An-l take fitrt.ii'r lllUlit) IllUl till! l1)HN'ipiriHT "I wi, ILitiknniti'v Nut lii' nn tlmt yon will hnvc toinmittiil mi Art of liatilinii'tcy on y(m.

Tim Ilaitkniptoy Nitllt-o run be inspecti'd It sou on upptiiation ut this Court. D.ited lliw of Jiily. 1015. IIKDOKHWICK. HidhKS, mtd AlhN, UAItUI.I) A.

K1CI1 (L.S.I. uiitk it a miL'DI'U u. .11. Din ulllI lit lit ill. IX-eai'i liouK'.

lioonf-Btrtvt. SydncV. IN TIIK SI IMlKMi: Ol UT OF NEW StU III i.r,N 'I'rolute JurUdiitir.ii.-In the Will of ANM-. MATTHEWS! hue of Camm-nlowu. nnir S.wlney.

in the Stale of New Wales, Widow dmuM. Stmi'K herein- civeu ttiat ltl Aitminm ut t.l.MlA CALK II MATTHEWS iii.d UKIIAlin JOHN I'PTOX. the Em-uiIots of the Will of the Ikih- iiuiiimI ilr-teaMil, him- thin day Im-mi tiled hi my ollleo, Sopreine ConrlliotlM', iuineer-nquare, ry(iiu-, I nr cl-iini nn the wiffl Kxtate, or beinit ollierwbe interebteil tberein, ore hen-by re-iiiiml lo ftmic in In-fore me at my iid olliiv, on ur U-fore Hie twenty-third lay of, AiikuU next, at III o'elm-k In the furenoon. and iiihpvet the tame, and if they aliall think tit objeil thereto; olherui' if the ui) Aeroiml.1 ue noi wujreicn io uw i-i-will be fnihinol bv me and (uivtl reorilinff law. And Notice i hereby Rin that, on the al-Inwaniv of the wid Arcomils by the Ortiri, onmus- sfon Mill l-u ui'l'liiil It on Ix-hulf of Ihe taid hse-riHom.

Ifcileil tliia flfieeiilh day of Jiilv. Jiilft. K. C. MC'XDAV (L.S.), KeKiNirar.

iii.wr.i.n aim ItfSSEI.L. Proclom tor tho Kxciutora, UM (Jecrsc- Htn-el, Sydney. IN TIIK Sl'FllEMi; corirr OF NEW SOITH 1- WALES, IVolwie Number In the Will of Hl'CH KELLV, late of Huniiiiuiia, near llathuivt, in llio Stale New South Wiiku, Fiinner, i leeeased, Notice in heiehy Riven that Uie Kiwt Ar-eounla In tin: above esUte have till day leeii filed in my ollh-e, ('huiieery-sipiure, Syilney, and nil pernuim liaviliff nliy claim on llie Kim eMaie, or uemx oiuir-wlun inlerentil thrrein. are hereby reipilred lei i-ume in bclore tin; ut wiid ollk'c on or U'iore the acvtn- leenlh day of AiiRiiKt, at oYhtck in the forc-ii. 'on.

'ami iiiKiiecL tin- rnme. utul if they idiull think lit object tlterelo; othnruisi' if Ihe aaiil accoiiuta be not oliiet-tifl lo the name will examined by me and Ttii-Riil uei-onliiiR to law. llaleil thin tenth thy of ill tlie year one tnoii-iumi nine imndnti ami m-It. C. MONI1AY.

Hririxlrar. F. II. KENNY. Proctor for the Executor, ItathurM; by FLLTON awl littE, HI 11illiiirl direct.

Sydney. IN THE Sl'PliKMk rol Itt OF' SOI TH ALES. Probate In tho ill of TI lull AS FCLI.EIt. laic of tJotiibuni. in the Hlale ol Nru Wiih-s, Frifhobler.

dninsTd. --Pursuant lo Ho' Hill I'rohate ami Aduiinislralion A NOTit'E Is hereby uinii that em' enilitor or other ttt'i-non hatiiuc any iliiiii ajiiint the Estate of Tliuttu riiluT, tlie ntu enameir iImx-jmi, who diet) on Iho twx-ttty-tieientli day vt Fi-hnury, one thouj.aiiil nine hiitidn-d and Hftcn, und Pmlau of wIium ill wmm. ii lie twenty -ninth day of Man h. one tltuiiiaml nine midrel and tiflem. aratileil bv the Sunn-me.

Court Of New South Wall in iln Probate Jnriwlielioti to CIIAItl.ES liAKHNKIt und if ufiireHlld, the Exerutoni in the (sii.J Will named, i In-n-by niiuireil tu M'tid p.iriietilar- in writ i lit; nf mi It t-laiiu t-i llio aaid i harlen linrduer liemnmiii Nnr.wnrlhv. in the care of llurohl O' Urieii, Proclor for tho, aaid Kxet-iilori, ol bin mitce nrn-iiiiiier iiii-iukumi. on or wiore ino M-teuin day AiiRiist, one thoii.san.1 nine liunilrni miI llftini, ut evitirv of whieh time the said turlen ('unlm-r and lli'iijamiii Noswurthy will prm-eed to dintril.uie in- ntela Um mh) umouuvt tin Ihtmhih iiilitleil liienrto, havinj; regard only to Iho claim-i 't which lliey thin have notice. Ami Notice is hereby further Riven that the wid Ckirhn flanlner uti.i llciijaiuin Nosworthv will tiol Im li.ililn lor the nwcts o- any ptirt thereof dihtributrd tn any per-Kin of ulnwe i IjIiii tlirv uliull. not hate had noti'e at I'm time of Kinli ilistributioii.

I luted Oita lifter-nth day of July, one itioiisiaiid ninit Jumdred and llfteeu. IlAltOLO O'lHilKN, Proctor for Charles (iunlner nn-l Hciijatnin Nonuurtii-i, IkTuld-chamucls, nuiiiuni. IN THE SI 'PIIEMK' COI IIT til' NEW Kul tll U.M.hX- IVoLale Juriii-lion. In ihe Will -1 DONALII il AUM LU, Ulr of Review, ar WllKnii' l.iwnfull, in the Slate of New Smlli Wale, ilririrr, will be made after lotirtei-n d.iv Irotu the t'Ublk-atioii hereof that ProliaU- of Ihe hu.t Will nf tin- nkn-ii-nauied dreea-ed may l-e Rrantiil to i.U'l l.AN FltE EltH MrAl.lTEIt. IKtNAI.II KTFW AltT M.

ALlSTI It, and AI.HEItT i I.AllKM the ENeiiitur-i naim-d in Ihe Mid Will, All jH-r-Mint having any damn au-ain-t tin- Kiid I j. tale or beiniT olherwii- inlerihttil therein are reiiietel to m-ihI art itu lam Hun-of to tlie within Hie time and all notice may lie M-ned at the nlHifii of the und.Tr.ii;tii ,1. II.MtlllS uml STliAUT. Proctorx fer the ExeuLrn, Tcuterlh-M. Ily their Acent, RECINAI.H HA HIS, 1 1 of lumber, CO Sylnev.

IS" TIIK SI'PREME CtMrIIT OF NEW SOUTH WALiS. Probate Jurudiction. In ihe EmbIo of ECMT I'll MELF-S HAY, late nf Moore Park-road, ludd ton, in the State ol New South Walen, ln-he lur-lii nrrnl of Police, difceased, intentate, -Nni'ICh it hereby Riven that Ihe Aci-oiuitH in the above Ktale have thiii day twen filed in my ottliv, OuernVtupiare, KinR-Klnet, Sydney and all person hatfuic ity elaim on ihe said Extutr, or beinR otherwise intcrevtcl therein, are hereby required to come in before me at luv h-iid "lllt'c on or Ike tweuly-thiid day of AumiM, at o'clock noon, nn1 innpert the inline, uml, if they iJiall think 111, object hereto; otherwise, if the Mid AcenimtB be not objerted to, the miiio will be rxutiiintil be me. and prniii siectrdiin tn law. Unlit thin sixteenth day of PJl.l.

It. C. MONDAY Iteslxtrar. IHIUH l.l'H and W.ENflEU, I'w lor.K fur Admin intra ton, 171 I'hillifi-utreef, Sydney. IN the si PUEMi; roi iiToV xkw soi fn walks.

i'rohate Jurindicliuu. in Ihe Will und Lodi-'tl of (JKuHliE lIt A XT II AM, lule ot Collinvhlred, iu the Stute of Victoria, M-Ucr, ik-eeaned. Aluiltciitinn will be nude after fourltt-n day- from the pi. Miration hereof llut Probate of the Will of tho Mii.ncii.imed tkxuased, Rr.ltiled to ANNIE El.tZAItKTlI tiltANTHAM, of Tine Tura, M.icihIoii, I'piier Meloria, und TIIOUAS Itltl NTON ORANTIIAM, of ItobbV bulldinRi, MellHtiTne uloioald, Ucn'Ie- the n.imi-c therein, may lie Milled wiih Mal of thin Honourable Court. All norm um bnvlmc utiy cLiitni aKaiut the aaid Heinle are reipieBled to wii-l hiriicular-t llnriH.f in writing Iu Mtkmh.

SI.V of Syilney, upon uhm all notkfi may be nerved. Date.) ttiii aixteenth diy ot Jnlv. nn- iIi.iMtnd nine hundred and fifteen. I'mkIim, Ily tsl.Y and WJ it -inviManer. i in Tin: si phlmi: ioi kt of new soi th -PmIsiIu In ihe IMatc of PETER liii.MIKOM.

talc el Partaiiutla, in the Mai of Soiitli Wale, Travellci, d.i:ea(il, ti will tie made all fourlet-u dan 1 1' iii tie pi.blicat'on hereof thai of the ite ot th'iiioiicd dcciMsetl mav be Rranletl l. HKSMJ; HOLMsTIIOM, the Widow the Ntid and all t.otlcea may lv ercd nl ihe otHce of tho tiiidrrsluneil. All ln-r-ona haviim claiuH atai'i-l Uie tlie id deceased are teqiutel lo ttv ward partieiilarx thereof In the mulct siRlie.l nilhiii tin- aiil loiirieen dajj. Appllcalion will be niiide to reduce the Adiiiiiin-tritioii I loud by the amount of the 'Jiurce of the con-, nl in. n.ittic.

V. Solicitor, eoiKt-alrift, Purramalta. Iltll. IN TIIK SUPREME ol RT OF NEW Stll 111 WALKS. inn." In llio Fat.n 1 1 1 A 1 1 KERSHAW ANDEHSON'.

laic uf loot-; iiiibble, Iu the Stale oi New South Walef, Married 1 Woiiiiiti, ileeuitied, will l. nftrr fivittecii d'tyh lioin Ihe publication hcni; thill AdlliiuiNtrulioil of the E-1lili' or Die ulioeeiiaiuiil 1 deeetiNdl mav be Rrantiil to JOHN ANDEHSON, Nip Uu'lund of tho Kiid dwe.ifid; and nil notice may Ih-rencd at the olllce of the linden-lulled, 1- nl-i given that applicut will bp ma to di'pciis with the Adminbitiiil inn I lot id. Any having cluinn airnintt the ihl Ed. He un- re-iptfded lo forward particulars thereof lit the under-j uiti iied within the aaid lourt'vn day, I. TuD-Ht'Vl'ER.

JjoHcitor.JIrge.slreet, Purriiiiatt.1, Is "the sTpremi; coi rt op new south WALhX-ProUle Jurisdiction. -In the Will of BENJAMIN' ATTWOoD IIEAI.F.V, hie of lllayiny, In the Stale nf Sew Knttlh Walea, old-atte Peiiaiolier, dc-craped. Apidicatioti will be made after fourteen ila)T from Ihe publication hereof that Pr-ilmtc of ihe laid Will of Hie ulmvcnamcd deceitm'il may Ih- ri anled to II (11 IK I tT ALIIEItT IN, ti Exrciitor liamcil In the aafd Will, sih! all credit urn are to wnd in inrtlculnrs of their elnlm to, and all liolicex may be hcned at, Ihe ut the PILK and WKSTU for the Executor, Adehddp-KtM-et, ihclr Atrenls. 'L -y" Mart In-idwce. Svdnev.

IX THE SUPREME COl OP NEW SOI Til WU.KS ---Probate Juriilielion. In tlm ulll nr nmv SHERLOCK, late of Wyrallnh, In the Stale nf New South Wales, Farmer, km will be made aller fourteen diva from the publication hereof that Probate nf (he lnt Will of the ilecenieii mav He irranti-U In ItilllKRT PEST ELL irtd ALEXANDER Ml'SRO, Ihe Eecutoi nntned In the mill Will, and nil tiullcca mav Ih- nerved nl the m(- nf the ttti'leriilgneil, and ull perotM having imv clulm a it-it nut thu Est ale are required to funiii tiirtlcnlir uierc" io inn executor, care oi uie MelNTOSH mid BEST. lVodora for Exei iilor. Ily II. rliZllAUUlAUK, 14 Wri.

He. TN TIIE SUPREME, COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 1 Pruhilu the Pilule ut Cll MILES MELLUISH, late of city of Nairn lino, iimimvcr Matul. Hritlnh Cnbimhfa, Douiitdoti of Miner, deirai'tl, Ilitcntatc-Applleatiou will bp mule alter fourteen dn. from the publleailou heteof vh-il Ihe Letlrrn of Ad.

Iiiiitrutlon graulnl by Hie Sunrriiie otirt nf llritifh C.ihimbia In lenjiect nl ihe iiIkhi Entate limy be sealed wilh the ncnl nf tkf Cmirf' and all iioIIIim may le tmcil at and nl) clulm tent in In the ollk-ea or tho rslgnrd, LAUBTON und klLFOUD, '1 Bond alrcct, jUiia, fL-y-tssEb-iikai, PROPERTY ACT. fcssr3S is- tho said Act, jjU, JUUUljr. IJNT n111 prtw. ff'j, siiniM. Mtv Ann llcaley, Wlrk.

1MSH i. hi i.t.rtlies. In llB JMMliwl- part lot H. sc, Hon feft'idikV rl ai allot- liw. parlshl, granted to Francis TTOMtrllK nf IllWICriOU, JIW.

ptw, fcttxi WW" jl llw Urt may he Rupecled L. I 1X1 Him "iu'-i ItcRtfilrnr-Gcoml. i J-e. WW. kna i'nueh I'ltUPKRTY ACT.

rliBJCiTIOJM hiring ISn Wn Ihe niH i-r the proviaions of the beffmir indefeiiMhlc Title fiiaT unW Caveat I'-'1. u. WJlf" AITI.H'ANT: Alfred Win Pearl, Bondi K-roal, near l.ilile iwgce- lot South I he- Piw mhurlun ulMni. ul granted to Robert R'lruLsic; ljoii.iiik' ot S. T.

Green, tr-. i Tlut.liir. WJOO. ArTI.M Arthur John Splller SnJnev. MM: Municipality woniiaiira, FfruJm1K.lrt1o-iMrt Lois 14 ami II.

KUH ad imntl to Kj. flmnli 01' I.tigl-md Property j.i;nMtii, HiMft Intiiln mav be imtiecteil Titll'H Haei II. ILL VMS. itegiKuar.ucnerai. (Ml) hflftCB INHI.II l'A" ACT.

fiipiHATinv having tieen made hrinp iha 'nd Lranjfr tfrwrtlHtl nn-kr lltu irn-iions of thr U-u1 CnMttr ict, iVrliflmto liufpfcaHihlf Title will kuiie t'jvi'jl Ih- in jucunliincc with Hip i i.t iiv nir Mvrtr. fjitnuflnt Trecuncl Rnptr, kjiUb. MM: 5lnn an tali, rouil Crfacs' fn inilTfaiif uiiil l.iiiiil'tt-n tlls -part Itoc'i fenrtim, i juti. iitlulni' iit Ti i portion mrli, EiiJ lo Jlni It'll ti lhM)ti; I joining prolan ion 1, tHl lJur-rlv l.i ntMiMiin-iil for Wiiftlt of LvTm. Cfurz T'llly lo Uilljjiu ILnry While.

John Enrico, itrl ri urhttt hiu, rrjii-U'ruil fnn drliiM-Atini; thin lind nur be inspected at Itnnitrtr-Goirral, Uroartmctil of fiiblii Works, t-. ititli Jutv. mis. IrWDfJlS 0l HlHI.II' UUUKS AMI SL'PI'LIrS. I THTOS for lit" WOKKS Fixriilnl Mow will hp fcmrf il tJii-i until o'clock

ou Ota mciiiioiK-ii. MnlV. I I. 1913. fcrAturr.

Minor iitis-l llndcii for GJcareash lUfTlgf' lUIIHill. fcij uJ lii tii ry tit Iroiiharlt or Apprcrrnl BlF'VOOi V'i't "vrr, lor itnm in llill, Condobolin to kxn llill Itjilvt-jr. ut Hrii'k to yard at Tolice Statloa, kniigoof Ni'" rin' Ininrratnr ami Fitinu Water auk. MOSDAV, 'Jilth 1913, hnbrtOTt nf stl Iindtro fur Hie Great tm-rwl. on in jiuuiiiiumi iuy uaiiway.

(flmnli I i hUona Hi)-iul IhiiMint; at Turobarumba, (Time fcciii; Kfillan AcvmittnOikitioa at Tollce bUUoB, I Tt Ksinv. i cisr. WIS. I Brjtrartloo of Iun- nn Sit-Uon Wralosf- to WyalotiB l-il-f I'-ndo-llioi Kail war. ttftm Sr I'M'- Sli.iit the tivurrjl Post Utflce, 1 tdfbitioR) tnd I'Ijtm titty le obtainM on imrment oi jutu iu mt AK-uuniani, i-uuuc noru ftS) for I'uMir Wortai.

Department of lnlli- hisinn-tion, Vlney. July. 1915. fff Work Fimtit In-low will be reeeivnl it Um wurtHieni iiihn vuh-h p.m. "a liic ka Bwtionel tut (utll.rr iortM iiLini COvcni- Hi JIM durriiM, MinUlir vl 1'uldiu Iniiruoiin.

ml iUiwr Repuira. L.r.iti.-Additi'.ii. lo rrxidence, etc. i.V ZiK uml Altrrationa. KKXNfll.

Iiiiiir.iv.-tin-iiin and Hcpaira, etc M'i in clnla, c'e. to JH'l Keiitlrnce.'l Aci-mimodalioli. of a nev School BuUd-i prnT.C.-Vw ltinl. me.

ete. nfomm-Kfpin Jii-I etc. ,4 fQiVllXSrjun und I'iutitiK. Ai mom imx voitm. IIitiV Si tool, ete.

U- -urniM-nt of Offence, tlo'irne. 10th July-. TC15. M.IAN NAVY. TfoJm for the EoppIv of Timt (or Commonwealth fell Uoclijiid, I-admi iU frceiit-l, Mibjei-t tn the eondftiona iu, cnui i n-tu I riuy.

mth July. lis I.r i TuriVr C-jiiinwiniveAllh Kara! Cunatoif LIuii m.1iic. i i ItWirmr ta be f.o.h. ut Mi- ronunonwsaHh Naval iToifrform uid tir irit-it'im in he nbtatneil trom UiUh'fr, Coiimii.ii. alth Naval ihM-kyard, Taiil AmM ho ti.lnrsi-d 'Tender for Thnbrr" in? KiMMtxi runiil of ami si'ltH-rsscn fir (TflUldl Hip nf Nam fi.nlnioia bimtob in all ra-r im lln.

i.r.t.l. .1 "frn, be oUiincU a abu'. o. I. PEU1CK, nf M.iti' ppfrnre.

UriliuiiM' Ih'tvirtnietii, rlnrt North, nrjOTATION'jt for im.lrrnirtu iie. Arlielre 'will nreivfl th i uilivr. Ord- smcm,'i Mi.M Ni.rlli, iinular Wuay, un 1p.m. Iinli Jmy. hliirb, nrdinare.

Htiri.s Wiim Vonnii an-l all Mlirr pirtieiilant ran he me miHtw a.i.ui i iriuUr iuay en- or sn uiti n.Mnt.. k- 4t hfiOlAIlU.SS CLuai; ,11 AT 5 I'l Mitii-i. St i. I', rwii'l I.t 1 1...

ti. V.i bit Jnlv, ini rli li i l- iinltianu-tn up till "Hi. iMBciit. IVi.i.-f'i., il, (Ot "I-IK in i. .71 ''I 't AI ur aiv u't, Milt.

II will imt 1. ntit'nnt in "-h -li l.Y. 1015. 1 i i(e lor Defenep. i'l.

Il III ,1 lUTAliY I'tUJI "MMO.S LALTII, llllil.ny noon on Ll'l'l'ir. lor I lie ASSISTANT fcmi 1 Tlnvsl'llltT. VII-.'lie.SJu.1, Pjnliu. tt ui, n.

i.t.-tvii.. lllj'l It AI'STHAUA. ri. Work. RmiiiIi.

(Mim.Mi luv Hnuiili, el P1 A III "I I I II ol m.mi." WM lb, puldle II II dim. r- aiuif lhA Uirrn rcopio Wh. fb-i lM hW ttibwrlbi to Tenden are herebv Invited 'and arlll he received. UD till noon, 20th July, for the supply of the undermentioned machinery in counactlon wiui the Port Moresby Wharfa*ge: a meri 11 ran rmrau jor riie unrer. f.

A Stoam Driven Hammer for Pile Driver, A Double Drum Steam Driven Warping and Winding Winch. 4. A Verth-al Multitubular Boiler. Plans and Snecilleatiomi for the above are on view tlia linuj I leror. Itliulll.

Ifniitw. Sydney, whero tenders must he lodged on or before noou oa too above date. T. Br. AST I Aa-eiiL Tcrrtlory cd Papua Govenunent bturca Siimdv CommlMce.

'riyoiiey, juin jvio. ii ai. 1.1.01 m. r.Tf TENDERS for tho Snonlv nnd Delivery of, BREAD, FLOUR, during Iho. period of three months, mm-ineuciiig 1st September, IK 10, for a number of Govcrn-iiient Institutions In the Metrottolllan District and throughout tho country, will Ixt received at the Store a Supply Deriartment, 15 Young-atrect, Sydney, 10 to 1Q.M a.m.

oil WEDNESDAY, tho 4tli 1018. Tender forms ana further narticuiars may 00 ouiaineo on uppllcaiioii. A.'vivr.i.u.iA, (01)7) Kxccutlve Mnmlier. nV) BUILDERS.

TENDERS are invited for Erection J- of Cottage, Waiinea-roud, Roaeville. Plans and tpecit)cutlons may Ito seen at my office, THOS, J. DARLING, Cltr 2580. Architect. Attoii-buildinas, 8 Spring-street.

Sydney, TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION of a RKSI-DENCE on the PRIORY ESTATE. NORTH SYD NEY, WOODFOBD und GRAHAM, Architects. Pitt-street, Sydney. TTHaECTRICAL MAClINKit. Gcneratora (direct -l-i coot-led and Belt-lriven): Motors from 45 to 2 ll.P..

Swllcfaboarti. about -4000 feet uf table, ex recent piirchitric, to arrive in stock early. Detailed list by uiipllcatlon. CAUEKON and SUTHERLAND, J-yrmom. rpENDKRS invited-for ERECTION of SEA WALL tt s.

HOSMAX. nUTT.EDGM LOUAT, Architeet. 3011 Geqrgf-iitrect. rii.NH"EltS ure Invited for the Comtruction of nbuiil 630 feet of Road, with drainage, ut Ifuntcr'rt 11111. For PImm nml Snecillcationa nonlv DOBBIE and KENNY, 'utt icri-agh Hoiimp, tfnsrlrTeagh-iitrt'et.

rpKXDKItS invited Erection und Completion of Villa Residence, Ftorance-iit, Cremonic, for W. Muling, Eh, l'luni, Spackuian, Equitable, Pitt und Park streets. TKNDKRS are Invited tor the Erection of Brick Offices nt Baldrock, Balmuin, IMana and t-pcciflcationa can be ween at OVERALL M'CKAY. 44 Cainpbcll- Htrcet, 22nu.Puiy, rpEXDKRS wanted for RKPAHtS at Woollooinooloo. 'SpeclticatioH ut (lice.

VArtHIAN and SON. 142 King-fltreet, elty. fllENDERS. are invited for TWO BRICK RESIDENCES Ut AIAMjI. II.

It. AIKAII, Architect. Manly, rpENDERS wanted for Erection and Completion of -L Bungalow at Longueville. Plans and apeciQcatlon. Appiy in a hi x.

jicMiiian-ro. Arvarnioii. mkNDI-fitS (nr Addition lo W.B. Iloile. lanW onlv.

i Mitchell, Bondi, behind Ocean View Hoaro in g-nouse 011 oca. TO Under, rub Land, Hlverview-nl and Homer -at, Underelifle. Apply on site after 2 o'clock to-day. rpENDERS arc Invited for Cottage, Reid Park, Mos- J- man. Ueo.

i.arion. Arcmtcct. 11a ruc-n. TENDERS for Plumbing Work. Kutidabar, Ocean-st, Double Bav.

ntENDERS, Supply and Delivery 12,000 Bricks, i mUe -a. Lakemna station, llcraici uraneii. rpENDERS for Brickwork, lalKiur only. lurticulam, -loiin Aliuus.

itauway-paranc, tvogarnii. rpENDERS, for lu luting 2 Apply 0'Brien, (Jcorge's Itiver-rd, near Burwood-nl. flENDERS for Tiling Shop. Apply Mr. Skofcild, Gro cer, r.rhKinevi 1 n-ni.

rpENDERS for Plastering and Plumbing of House at 1 niogn-rti, Apply on job. rpEN'DKRS wanted Connect (im nnd Water, Cottage, a- Apply i-at, ftllHrnooti, Cttrii.y, ittcKaru-ni, ii'viiie. rilKNDEItS wanted for PAINTING BUTCHER'S SHOP. -a- v.n iJevonmilre-Ht. Apply on jon rpENDERS wanted for PLASTERING, labour or labour -iini material.

Newjt oltiige, llanovc'rist, fiqniJIIII. nndStepl Hlr- -1. dera. R. Andrew, Ilroud-rtl, S.

Kenp, rpENDERS required for ReKiIrs to Property, Newtown, .1. W. lilcdhill, Kfluic Agent, Newtown Bridge. rpKXDKRS, Painting 11ml 2 beiiitid -X- PtiblicSchod, Rde Ternil ntiy. Kenzie, lynn.

riENDKRS, tiling 2 labour only. Behind Public S'boid. Ryde Terminus. M'Kenzie and Flynn. riAENDKHS, Brickwork, Colt., Bond and J- On nub nls. After 12. IU S-ii(vr-ril. Mosman. rpEXDEItS wanted tor Uriel; Cottage, Bankstown.

t- Klkin, Northain-avenut, Bankslown, rpEXDKRS for Tuck point iug cottage. Apply Fore- man, on ion, 1 ennytMin-ru, Moniakc. IITaMKIi, Quotationa for Jdlcwt Overhead Electric Traveller, wit sua 11 For furtner nan eulara apply Mori's Dock and Englneerinir Baimaln, t'ANTED. PRICE for placing DampcuurM in four nouses at nurry 111 us. Cll AS, R.

GADD, 04 Pitt-street, RANTED, Tenders for brick Cottage, at Carlton. I'linw ot Mm. Wil'on. West IJotany-t. Rockdale.

TJU1LDERS dc-irons of Tendering lor RfaiDENCE, uinuneio, nyiinej, appiy KENT, BIDDEN, and GIIEKXWEI.L. Arcliitccts, 58 Pitttroct. PLANS prepared, 1 Is. DENNING, "Architect, 33 City 8048. Pet 1451 TjliANS Prepared" Complete from "lOO.

G. W. Phil- hps. Arcnuecr. nr.

Munter-nL TJLAN9 Prepared, tront 108. MfcLACHLAN, QualiOcd -t. Mt I uy miz. fPoi- continuation see lmex. Advertifcmenra.) FOR SALE.

17H1R Sale, Limelight O'utflt. complete, with irood A- Biogruph. oil to show. Bacriflce. trial niTni.

im.t.i.AJia, wn rarK-roau, oioore rarK. ILPDGED, 6-stone dla, Ring, I. stoncO4t-20, ticket 1. Need, Stoiimorc P.O. PLEDGED, 7, gold n.K.

Wultliam Wa7eh7osT2d, iiciiet 31. volunteer, Cumpcnlown P.O. 1iLlaKD. 0 10s, gold Cnrir'Albert, dla. locket, cost 15, ticket l.

Recruit, Stanmore P.O., BED Suite, oak, being iinaotd, take 10 BV for cash down. 44- Wnodntnck-st. off Flood M. Bondi. 7MNE old 'Cello, also Bochm Flute and Piccolo, cheap.

iV P.nw..ifl.iv.l IjlOR Sale, ehrap. Limelight Biograph, spools, 2000ft film-. llanrravc-f Poiblinarton. l-'FICE TABLE. Am.

top, 2 or exchange Easy nOR SALE. German RIFLE. from New Guinea, enca p. ii viestinorciaiiu-hl. rorcst ljdge.

L1IE1.I) Glasses, best make, prismatle, suit militarv L- officer. Trantum. Jeweller. 270 King-at, Newtown. IOLLAPSIRLE PRAM, newly dona up, SOn.

Apply rrnMT, navenon, nen Mttie uoogee 1CKER PHAJf, goil 1. 87 Pcrndatc-st. Newtown. MAO. fift Oak Sideboard, din.

Suite; Table, 15 ins; Hetl, Suite. 11c. at Micaulcy-rd. Stanmore. DENTISTS.

Columbia liimp DruUl Chair, perfct onler, cheap. HiVi King-st, Newtown. QUANTITY 8 4 i and 8x 4 818 STEEL FLAT SUEimS; also short length STEEL HAILS, cheap. R. GIBSON, Foundry, Newcastle.

KTOChlXG Knitter, "Beehive," for Hale, cheap, in i.nlnr mn n.ll...l MKRIf'AX llninlrcaslng chulr, Lounge, almost new. Brady, 07 Muljeiw-st, llalinuin. JHOTOflRAPHY, Scencrj-, Camera, nnd Studio Stund, unrK-room propcrtiea, etc. iu, lientkj "hVKHCUA'r ItAltllAINS 1 hare 2Sti Tailor Hand-mado OVERCOATS, all hluipcrf rIzlm, which have been pledged, aud now unca1lel for and for Ikirgitlns, from 10,0, oui u.Aiiitis, i.icciiHcii i-iiwnoroKer, Ift Liverpool -street, city. IjAult SALE.

GAS STOVK, splendid cooker, tuit lmlly prl 4. 72 Sydcnliuin-nl, Marrlckvllle. rpYPKW KITER for Sale, cheap, perfect onler, 244 JL Vjctoria-ni, MarrhjiyH1e Tram to Chapcl-st. LADDERS, Steps, Treaties; also one 40ft I-ddcr; Kitchen Tahle cheap. lilOR 1gf; Ceitar Wardrobe, 3 10s; nr K'xch. Dble. Bcil or Sew. Mach. tiS Read-at, Waverley. JEA Grass Wicker Chairs, Lounge, Factory prices.

3 Factory, GO Addlson-rd, Marrlckvllle. Gft 5in or "fift 01 new, cost 8, JnoTeasoiiab1e onerreltiscil. M. W.t Stanmore P.O. lASH REGISTER -V), cheap, 110 further nckvtlle Newa A Kent, Marrlckvllle.

(RENT'S Dinner Suit, medium aixe, perfect ordcr4or I SALE, chcap. Enliit, P.O.,Jlayitiarket. 14MVK Uiindrr New" tMHklns, black, double lined, cost 17x nd, our price 7s Od oucli. M. Mitchell, 143 nnd 147 Bat hurst -street.

AS TOVE, New Century Eureka, Oiw, ntniost new, lurguiii. l-W Mnrion-tit, T.rfchhardt. Nolid oak case, and nickeled, and A 21 new aelectloiiri. Offers-wanted. View ull, day to-dy, 10 Gcorg-ptnet, city.

-fittiiN, gonuvnew, DfnilUe, lot lss, Includo ivln. aii i nwe, city. UAVill'lioN'Tr Lirrv eoniVt'Tnainniicnt. insuliil Walntil. Swan Neck and Celcbritc rccnt'ds.

com plete Um, 7 10s. Gramophone, Herald HrnncH JjlOU Solo, OtW-gnll. Tank, m-uiiy now. Apply 2ud- C1ARVED oak Si.boaruJ oak Din. bSttitc, Oft, exti.

Table, onk Couch, Kane Chair, 20, or separate. Wennnuah. Northcote-at. Haticrfleld (XAS STOVE, Ralelgiror Eureka, enamel lei I or plain, he seen guar. 7.d llarria st, jty.

cake ItUHkvt, for l.w. worth l-lc. Paivtihrokers, 102-4 Vlliain-st, Sydney, tlillNA Set. 12a 0l. HEM MAN'S, Llcenwl Pawnbrokers.

William sAwetjBydney. HIGH Water Jug, sllver-infflinteif, for 12s Od. Dcrkman'B. Lie. Pawnbrokers, 102-4 Wllllam-st.

IillirrTY Wain Preserve Dialiis, amlrrund Tilt lae and all from 3s Od each. BERK MAN'SLIcensed P.iwnbnikers, 102-4 Wllllam-nt, Svd. rpRY Onir Sllit Trimmings, 24s per set, spring frame. smiali and fall. Bart.

Ill llmwtui TtlRSale; 2 cbean, one 3WiTx 1 4 inumai, Hotel le, FOIt ftile, coIl.iphibIe" Pram, good order. cheap. Apply 31 Ih.pttoiin-M, Newtown. TOOT laiHt, Tnick Wheels, CtopjMjr Self, etc. men ilium- roiiiiorv, neorffo-ai.

Keni. t. icii 1ASII It NuMonal, perfect Onlor, Jd to ft', Tap wnii iimi tnirr. Sl.i -H-nl, flABII HEGISTERS, Id to 210. 11 1 Dayton Com-V- pitting Scales, from 3 to 12, Electric Farts, p.e.

and sit. from 110 to Westfalla Bacon Cutlors, from 4 to 810: Soda Fountains complete, 28; Barliers Chairs, from '2 to 4, ia ci inn -ireei. ion none. VIITiriCIAI. every linailc and lV V.V.

Markelii, lut floor, iipntaln, UISON 2 nnd 4 minute, xtandard, Un lmrn, Kit Ut tlnreood-H, Pyrninnl. 1 IjWHTV I'eet fflnn Inw, trooil cheap. jd'lt, any'lBnitthTboi-ri. Mpel Dulld Ji" my.r, 1)7 nonllniriKl. elty.

rpwo ATTri. Rootn. forSTe, atlTTianV. teady. A live in., Billiaiui TAIILE, Half Slae, ilato bed, on emnlete, AIM. Sh.w, Ironmoeiiref. Neutral Bay. AOliR DOOR.S and FjlAMKM. 7 Iron Veramlali fWlru.

tees Tllea. 40 lot, tlraythorfte. w'ardell-rd. Dill. II.


EASY REPAYMENTS, JAMES SAMUEL, 'Phone, Clt, 2197, fRUST ICL'NUS TO LEND ON MOBTOAUE AND III U.DIM: IJAN'S. FRANK W. LEE, Solicitor, iiTcmn-irrcCT, TRUST FUNDS TO LEND, lowest rates, no ConunU-Jon. Building Loans arranged. ana noiicnors, 83 itowe-wreei.

1MIUST FUNDS TO LEND, in any tutu, low rate ot interest. W. A. GILDER, McliASTEIl, aud Uollcitors, 117 Pitt-street. alRUHT FUNDS to LEND.

Uurence, gou, and Mac dona Id. Dixuon-ftu inline. 64 Pitt-st. flSUsT and other Moneys for Invent, oil Freehold, -a- Jlortgage. F.

BolIcitor.JW PiUat. rpb Lend;" 100, would "uke "Second Mortgage, 8 wholc or part. F.Ctfco- Hog latM. tLP.O. riu istuxu, at ui city, at per cent.


FAIR TREATMENT. M.D.P. COMPANY, IM CASTLERKAGH-STHKKT, corner Park-street, SPECIAL NOTICE. Customer luv iho advanUce of side entrance, through a vcMibula next door (No. 87 tarK-rireei, tnua ottering atwoiute privacy.

UAVK iiAKOK nij MS or Money to lena ai on Srst-elasB City or Country PronerUri, KlAftiu qnn cyx, i.i rm-atrect. 'fV'AST Borrow 4Suu at fi per Frcchukj Dairy VT Farm, South Coast, rulucil 74fW. BUODIE and 1U5 Pittftrect. ITTANTKD, 1500, yean, Ioans, la Illation. UOX lJl, U.

tjUj VfTANTKD to Borrow 00, oii Furniture, insured for -V wt" Py Borrow, P.O., llalierncKi. ANTED, Starr-llowkett Book, li or 10 shares, in c.ichajige block land. tit-urge. AahQcld P.O. rOUNG MAN will Lend Money in large or small J- amounts on 1st or 2nd Mortgages, or will buy Equity right out.

E. B. ket P.p. For continuation see Index to Advcrti-'cTncnla.) TENDEUS. GASLIGHT COMPANY.

LIGHTERAGE. Ten dera, addressed to toe Secretary, will be received mitil Noon of Thursday, instant, for all the Lightenge required by this Company for 1, 2, or 3 ycarm, from 1st January, 1V16, at the option of the Company. npeciiicauons ana mrm oi irwrr mar oc nan on appllcatfoa at the Engineer's Office, Jenkins-street, Sydney. llio lowest or any tender not ncceatarily accepted. R.

J. LL'KEY, Secretary. Conrpanya Head Office, 103 Kent-street, Sydney. i.tih July. 13 t.uv; MOUNTAIN'S SHIRE.

TENDERS, addressed to the undersiftiieiL will be received irp to rsion on the 27th July, 1016, for Contract. lfJJ.ui. Cletrimr. Porminff. on rondx.

Carllslo lvilale. Mount Victoria. Specifications may be aecn ami forms or tenurr ouutneil at Mbiro Office, Ijiwiiii, fltxl office of Mr. P. Sydney Nott.

Hurvevor. SO Sydney. Slit re (Htlrc, MtrVOKSI AHK, Lawson, Shiro Clerk. hth Julr. 1015.

BLll.llKltS dcairoua of Tendering for ERECTION OF INFANTS' SCHOOL, ST. PH'S R.C. CHURCH, EN MORE, arc invited to submit their names to the undendynoi. mcskst a. tiLtirr anu i.kkkn, Arciiitecu, 11 Siirinir-Ktrect, Kydney.

BKlCKLAVEK.Pric wutiteil lay bricks, Oonlon-ot. Mascot. 'Phone, -12 Mascot. TltlCKWliRK. Price for Walls and Piers Job, cor- ner Bryant anil Giblies

Rockdale. Apply Sat, afternoon. 20 Dny-rt, Marrickrille rtlTY OF U'SWICU. I CAST IRON P1PIS, VALVES, ETC. SEPARATE TEVDERt.

emloraed as tmder. rndB be received by the undendgned up to 12 o'clock noon on MONDAY. 2nd AUGUST. PJ13. for tho lollowm- uppllea: I contract ia.

i.un and jam Cast Iron Pipe. Contract No. 2a. -In ami 4in Cast Iron Piiea. Contract No.

3a. Caat Iron Bends, Junctions, etc Contract No. 4a, (Jin, 16in, and ltlia Sluice Valves. Contract No. Sa.

lSln, ISln, S4io, and 271n Steel Pipes, Tenders lo lie on the Conneft'a PrtntMl fn Bn4 be euilocM-d with the Contract Number. 1'iuna, sTH-'Cl neat ions, and tender forma win trw rwvtMl upon receipt of the Bum of 10s, which amount will bo returned upon receipt of a bonaflde Tcndrr. The lowest or any Tender will not Bccej trily be accepted. ALUIO HAYNE, -e Town aerk. 1HAPP QUOTATIONS are Invited for the ffm-ml- nf rnKxrv RAtS (any up to EJU.OCO).

QuoUtions rhould be loitgcd at the Stores Supply Drua rt incut. 15 Vounsr-4trect. Svdner. Mnr in on TUI-DAY, the LtKh July, itHfi. urtiicr parttcular may le obtained on appllcatim.

Stores Supply Comnutte. A. DKRrRELMAN, (Ob-fO Eseeutivc Member. C4AHPKNTER. Price, AnMi job, flsing, g.1.

man. New j.ib, near MajulcHall, IUy-st. HockiUle. Watts. Sydney Barbour Truu vweuuur K'-ay.

xnati wune. ivix JJLECTRIO I'lUlli' PLANT. TENDERS will be received at Oils office nn to 2 p.m. on MONDAY, the 2th July next, for the pur-croom and removal of the Electric Light Plant at Cowpcr Wluirf, Fort Macuuaric, and Napoleonitreet Electric Light Stations. Full particulars may he obtained on application to tho Engineer- in-Chief of the Trust.

Envelopes containing tendem ohould bo endorsed, Tenders for Electric Light Plant." E. W. AUSTIN, (7a-M1 Acting flecTetatr. ILECTRIO Engineers. Tenders, n-ice, 0 Pointa, I.

i.tor U.jni. Anton's job. Penisou-rd, Ronclle, ARDKNERS. Price for Laying Out Grounds. Th.

Ijiurcls, Webber's-nl, Kngarah, next park. TVrUNlCIPAUTY OF PADDINOTON. CONTRACT FOR REMOVAL OF HOUSE UAH DAUB, STREET SWEEPINGS, Etc. TENDERS are invited, and will be received up to MONDAY, the Iflth instant, at 12 o'clock Xoprt. tor the Removal of House Osrbage, Street Sweepings, etc, alternatively for period of 0 and IS months.

Siiecitlca lions mav be seen nn ann! lent tan mt ih. Town C'lctk'a OlBce during office hours. A. VIAIAJUJV, Town Padding ton, Town Clerk. ruMcipALTr of wickham.

Tenders for Public Lighting of the Municipality of Wickham, Ga or Electricity, for at term of five or ten years, from 1st December next. Particulars on application at Chambers, closi 11th August, wTm. SHEDDEV, inwn wanted for Ouarrvlrig Stone i -a bulldimr into larue ntbltle fonndnt on at villc. Coruwell, Builder, Vlew-sl, MMlc. Pet.

Iim TRlCE wanted for building stone Wull. i-. Apply Vaticluw a. II. S.

REID. Yujirmh. 13HICE wanted for PLUMBING. nh, Carlton. Hill und Webber's RICE wanted PHitnbing new cottage, labour only Apply lilng-nt, llandwiek.

ih Kit i.i TeiKicrs wun Iih for Cementing nnd 'Ji'ii rniciuini-st II. or IKK Jiittoiir only, Plumbing, alao Drainer -ewerune, lainnir, inai, wt, i.tme, Grny-st, "for Connecting" Water. Mr-i Putsey, Fainlehl. lfwk. Apply fiiTlt.K wa uteri iVninlVlloii "New Cottage, Tur-X ramttrra.

Plan ut .1. Taylor i. Estate T'tnurra S1' CORPOR1TIOX, ilOIII.AIIOO. LIMITED, TENDERS, elaslns. sTf-Rntv hA llrrehy' Invited for the MI PPLY nnd ERECTION nf TV.O.RA1L KIST IhNt INO.

llio pruitrl, ol Ine above Unrpnrtlou it Ilnolaroo. 8t.etltinllon may be In.nerted at the Companr'n Ofnee, IkniUrno, near Newen.tle: or at the office, of ann i.if., rm-alreet, rlyd-ney. Olid Hmtt-Htreel, Newea.tle, Lowcrt or any tender not nerejwarllr accepted. r. II.

EVANS, Manager. gVDNEY HOSPITAL. TENDERS are Invited irn tn -3rd In.t. lor A. teratlon.

to and Re.arrangemMit ot tho 'N-Ray lietiart. ment at tlila llonpltal. Plan, and Speolflcatlona can bo Inspected at the SccKUry'a offli. A. 0.

OOLf.EDflE, Acting Secretary. fpENDURS, MEUUV-OO-ROI'ND ninilTfl TENDERH arc ealleil for the SOLE RIGHTS to nm MKRUY-GO-HOUND. OCEAN WAVE, and BOATS nt Iho B.D.A.H. and Sdt lKTVrt avvi.T lw held st MOSS VALK. 011 the ami 'ait.

March, ifHfl, Succewftil tenderer la deposit with Iho Srerctsry of the nbove Society. Lowest or any other tender not iieceiurily accepted. Tenders doae 81st July, um, Aodrcss tender THE SECRETARY, B.D.A.H. and I. floclriy, Mom Vale.

TO are Invite.) for KfccUon of Residence, York-road, Centennial Park Builders dniroua of Tendering are rentieainl (0 for- city t6. Architect. I Sydney, Ausudtr- yacit IIKS, FRAMES, MOCLUINliS AIOLNT. PULP, and STRAW BOARDS. J.

i. KNIGHT, 307 Pitttrreef. TjXIVi; Shceta llalv. Corr. IRON, new, and quinrily A Tunlier.

euitahle shell, elm. 4 ii.i.'t.i.. TANTED TO SELL, 0 Gcllaliiie Moulds, and Placer Original, of Kitchener. French, King.

Queen. Jiiiof Ainert. and otberii. ver- cheap. 277 r.lizaieth.nren, rVUSS JIKLD I1LASSJ3 .12, perfect conditio.

lOCGLAS BATII-IIEATElt, FOR GAS AND- FUEIV Safest. fnalMI. nml r. nr i. 7 I Gas-aaver Stovo will conk a' dinner for 10 persons at a cost UN.

Before selecting any other, eomo. and '-I sec theni in operation. Also Gaa and Electric Fittings. JAS. MCLAUGHLIN.

Plumber, 6 Dalley strect" nl 1' rlalnw, and all nolices wajr 1 1(n' ON ITS BUSINESS ON THE STRAIGUTEST nf ihe HAROLD T. M'lRtiAN' and tivLv r.L.LUVi a. Ulaeksmiths' Mouse nnd Forges, bet s.twai s.m., unt. i. S1.1(I2.

A ply Roll-Ton. Herald Onice. Hldll-GRADE ilammerlesa Pigeon Gun, bv Vasli. mure, price 4:15. J.

Henderson. 0 frost. pJHEtiSMAKEU'S MODELS, made anv a'ixe, Irom guaranteed 7 daya. Write for cata-1 logue. WALL'S, Pilt-street.

near Circular VVrRlTE your lcttera on a MASTER-MODEirKoTdO VV ROYAL TYPEWRITER, and givo to them that 2 clearness and dlanltv whieh iiuiantlv and compel attention. The flawlena prcsawork ol tho, new noyai jtaster-Moacl 10 enrrloa the high-grado busincM meaaage In aa fine form as your thought, themselves. Let ua show yotl what tin- Royal will do for you.I,A WACEY and Sole Agents, 4U lllintcr.srrret; I RON MAFKlk 24. 211. an, 30.

.11. an. ill A trhalrs. Pe-levtal Stutehburj' and Colcninn. A flobl Hunting refieatltig Chronograpll "i x- Stop Watch, must sell, 4:23.

103. GOI'NTEH, 3 Glass Showcases, Table, giving up nils-s, tnust will to-tlay. J. Itollek. 4A Pliie.

A ML1NE llYl-S, Zinc Sheets, coppered spring Wi'rc C. II. Slade and tro.301 Keilt-st, Sydney. CAMERA, Nu. 3 Kodak, roll "iflms, with film luuiker

.1 .1 A Goere Dagor, 0.S lens, metal telescope trlnotl; in leather, case, complete, aa 10s. D. A. PRITCHARD. rsrramalta MORGAN, ltH-tora for the Executrix, Oceau House, Moore-1rei-t.


AMI OKIGINATOR OF BE- DUCINU ISTl-iUST TO SU('l'Ul-2vS USURY, LEMKt an, t-liiirii. vharer. illli, slid L'hnrK'" '20, ctiargi ili. ALL AI'l'LIUATOINS V'OII LOANS S.UIK HAY, upon 1'IANOS, IDU.MTURK, otiil oilier aiirovfd wcuritlM. (Sn FIum or otlu-r charges.) Home from fl cent.


PRIVATE LOANS AT LOWEST INTEREST. I I.KN1. l'ir LS i for 'm, 'J0 lor 45f, for 5 MU lor l.rirer to illuOO, on Plimilurr, I'LiniH, WITHOUT POSSES-SION OR RKIIISTRATIUN. EASY REPAYMENTS. No leUr or I'ini- Internt uniler Willi, Dmlii of iJtn.t, Ixnreet IntercM.


IMhiirit', A JAMES CAItltOM, AND OMPANY IJ HLNrEII-STRELT, HAVE TRUST TO LEND ihe f.illowintf Stcnritlen: CITY OR SUI11RUAN FltEEIIOLU OH LEASEHOLD PIIOPKIITIES, TASTORAI. AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS, Bnmd Acrex, Dnirv Farm, 1NTUIIKHTS t'NBEIt WILLS. nrrrrnioiniry iV Life Intcrcnla in Eitates, Bcqursta under WilU, Deeds of i Sctthiii'int, etc, And on SI1AUIS IV PUBLIC COMPANIES. ETC. A I.I.

YOU II A VI! TO PAY i- CS I'OR EVERY 10 ADVANCED, repayable in ft ELM'. MONTHS, for il lsu on Fuinltiire, or nny 'inuble lecuiily (without poKcuiont, from 10 to 'i. Apply tu me, and I will immediately make ii iiduinec; tiNo pay off any Jojti at tho bovc NO FIX KM, ETC, CH ARGED. W. CUDWIX.

Mi autlerea-h-nfreet. three dnnra from Kiiic-rMrcil, Theatre Royal. A' BSuLCTKLY THE BEST. Halfoflefl custonicTs are the best reeom mcmlation tor any btninea. Many hundred) of our customers have ex-preiucd in writing their satudactlon with our method of business.

Yoil will have the same ntUfactlon If you transact your financial business with us. We make private advances lo any amount ngaiimt life policies, deeds of acant land or property, aecond mortgages, Htarr-Huwkett shares (eliher by way or Iran or outright purchane), In Companies, Civil Service pensions, furniture, or any acceptable security, at low Interest und on easy terms ot repnymrnt. Ofllcea are open till 8 on Friday nights. CALDWELL AN'O WATT, 0 AND 11 CASILKRKAGH-STltrRT, NEAR HUNT Kit -STREET, SYDNEY. ADVANCr-S UUAMAM'IKhD SAME DAY YOU APPLY A on PUItXITLRK, PIANOS, BUSINESSES, DbEDS, I'llll.

NtlTKS. Klc. 1 GUARANTEE NOT TO REG 1ST Kit, thus niflirlng ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. MY CIIAUKr.S und Ill.rAk nn known si llio LOWEST IN SVDNEV. If oti have a lioan In any other office, I will pay ou, ami auvuncu on more monny on rantr ivtiiib.

IT WILL COST UIJ NOTHIM1 TO CONSULT ME CALL, WRITE, or 'PHONE, and MY SPECIAL It 1 a 1 1 vrii it'll nn ion, I make LAltGK ami SMALL ADVANCES, STAN LEV PELS. Vlckery'i-chambers, 52 Pitt-street, itciuecn sinorA ami iiuniee atreeta. TAKE 1.1 IT, Heiiwwl Floor. 'Phone, City 1233. LOAN at your own terms, sirictU private, giant ml himo day as you appiy, on Furniture, Pianos, ete, iwuuoui ptMsessionr.

am, write, or ioom, N. SAM INS, 7 Market itrcct, 1st ttvor, TcL, tS City. SMA1.I, Maple Book Case 413lj, large ritotre OalA CJ1X lllgl. back II. Chairs, UH; Zt good 0: 4 0.

CIA I ieorge-al. Ilayniarket. I IIAIR beautiiul and Criinsnu silk Oec. i IJA'iT. Chairs and Settees, from verv goTd ejus! BrtKlrilih.

liar. Irniit Sale, Glndsliine "llog, 2llin, a'lsn Kit Bag. Sain. nlitnnt.liew. A.K., P.O., Avbllebl.

Id" Illustrated, Newsagents, a'liLi'JLI'k. fs year, frnin 17.S Oblet-rtlvo Lenses, both oil r. 'JL-' j.ijdTJP1.'.! HALK, large Combination Bookcase andiiSn' a Desk, 2 Screens, 70 Strand I WTLKII DESK and Clair, VYpWt0t7uTeito.i Baking Home. QUAN'ITfY Flat Galv. iron, Light gauge.

CJADIII.ES, Web 7s Od and 12s 6d; Joucs .08 M. Cooper. 2.14 liliONOllllAP'il. real beauty, all Riords. llnrgtiin.

Toose, 84 O.V. Mkbv- CIVIL ENGIXEICHS, Proceedings, -III SO; dim llrst six 80; Flinders' ages, Terra 2 1814; Pi-gills." b'shop. Victoria Arcade. TWO SHOW suitable lor confectioners (i others, lend 4ft. width 3ft, height ISln, Ihlek clsss.

Am.Iv 41 Toxteth-road. Glehe Point. DRESSMAKEHS' MODELS. Window Fillings. Stands and Show Caies, ete.

Brav ami itomduy, -1 p-hllrsU Take Klng st train, 2.1 CSEWINU' MACHINE guaranteed goo.1 neharfiiH'a. onn. Town 11.. SEWING MACHINE, llronhcail, new, slightly el-esii. niBcbinc.

BEBARF.UsD'r?a.-1 opp. Town Hall, Ocorcctreet. KNiTtlNO TlAClTlNB, FLAT, txiali nr frxe Will Increase your Income. BHBARm1'-. KALD'S, opn.

Town Hall, tleorge-st, Sole for W'onilerfitMVerthelm Sewing anil KnitthiT MaeMnWI' TTIOR SALE, flags, KoLe, 2yds, highrfcS) A onler. Invenuay. Burnle-st, l.ll. Coocee. FOR SALE, Younger Slove, 4ft Sfl, sell cheaper Invermsy.

Bnrnle-st. Lit. Cogce. XIAKKI'II an. r.

ui, I' ouver iiuniiiig rseyicss JJ- Lhronogranb, Heavy Gold, Albert, Loekct, Sov. l-urse, cost 12. tkt. im. nnMi.i DIAM, I1INO, Slngle.siorie, pledgtxl' M.D.I1! Co.

.1. rn.t S. tkt. liinr (IHILD'B Mechanical Chair, also Cot, drop Ail jnratbon. Cooner-sl.

Strithflebl. IMKLItlllT Picture Plant. al20t also SS.fxft Filiu.1,. lJ anlrnilld onler, XI a 27 Albcrt-at. Ntwn.

LADY'S 0 c. Gold Bamboo Dangle, gnod aUo bargain, furtlier use. 107, tlcrahb FOR SALE "Completo of RotMrKl' Hums, llliislrateil, G. P.O.. Summer HHL IlTiilTf-l Drophcnd Sewing Maoltlne, almost WMVP nrle.

4. H7 Smltli-st, Summer SPLENDID WICKER PRAM, lor oala. price. H)iC Smlttut, Summer llill. i'vM'.

rpWO Osk Bedroom fhiltes, double nd alncte, ohuia. U' TTIOn. RATE, BolHnson'e Pat, Heating Stote, A-r runtewle. 2101. 4 Alexandert.

tl.nly. IixORTY Seta American Song Slides. w. l'srk-nl, Moore PCAlTSTTfrom 3a Oil. .1.

hart on ami Hon, lUlrdwssera, 021 illy. fj'or 'cogllniullon aee Index lo, AUiertUcuTcnli).

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.