The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)

v'- i Sunday, Jai. 31, 1965 Corrections and Cancellations Today: 4 5 p.m. GR 6-6386 Austin Amrriratt-Statrsmatt Smart Plan for Mondays: Classifieds! GR 6-6381 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Austin, Texas Page B9 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 10O-HOUSES fO UU 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 100 HOUSES F0I SALE iOO-HOUSES FOR SALE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 100 HOUSES FOR SAL? CLASSIFIED GR 6-6386 PAINT FOR DOWN PAYMENT EQUITY BUYS NORTHWEST NEAR DELWOOD CENTER BEDROOM home with family room.

ru 5-2 DenOnt garage only Good, attractive 2 BR home, $9,850. less $350 allowance for painting. Otherwise CLOSE TO Hanco*ck Shopping Center New luxury 2 bedroom. 1 1-3 baths, carpeted. air-conditioned.

built-in. 1 block to but. $10,950. Hooper Co. 2 BEDROOMS Double Car Garaae senarate living room.

Heat ir. Shrubs 31500 down 3114 per mo. SATURDAY 2H BEDROOM borne Fieldstone construction, convenient to everything. As- aump pstahlichpri loan. Law nrice of.

good condition. Extra fine neighborhood. yara. ix-aiea in qinei Austin. Skelly Hebert.

Realtor. GL 3-4082. 1 2) 3-2 large kitchen, fenced yard, garage. 3395 down 373 month. About 4 blocks W.

of 5000 Bornet Rd. $375 HO 5-7568. I7S.VI Small down navmenL Don Grimes. I salary will help. Vacant WA S-1142.

Or House in excellent condition. 3 blocks from school. On bus line. Close to shop-Din Beautiful chain link fenced lot is Hi Laree 3-2 Cent HAA. double garage.

REAL ESTATE tteauor, xi-h. itiiw-raj. DELWOOD Nice family home well constructed, in good repair. 3 bedrooms. 3 tile baths, large den.

large closets. fenced yard. $1,950 down 3141. PIT! Call GL 2-1705 Austin Homes, Inc. BY OWNER 4 bedrooms, central air SPECIAL CANCER INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE SoW) down paymenL $75.00 per month.

and heat fenced yard with 6 foot Bar-B-O pit This heme is in walking distance to BY OWNER 3 Bedroom 2 Bath fenced back yard. Carpeting, orapes in-curled. Close to 3 good schools. GL SETTLING ESTATE ideal retirement manv extras convenient to schools. u.

uinningnan tu HdL riites HI 2-D9D0 TWO BEDROOM home, repainted tnM home. 2 bedrooms, den. 1 baths, wash 3-1-345. GL2-151S. Bcrgstrom and IKS.

ti4ov tquiiy ipr out storage room. Fenced yard with COMPARE-THEN BUY 1493 tQ. ft centrally heated and air conditioned, custom built 3 bedroom home In beautiful Al-landale Oaks. Double garage. Huge oak trees.

Assume 4s per cent loan. 314.500 U100 monthly. 3000 equity), GL 2-1942. OPEN HOUSE 3700. 4S05 Enchanted Lare HI 4-130S.

all schools, shopping centers and playground and only 3 minutes to downtown. FHA appraised $19,300.00 it can be sold for $500.00 down and $136.00 PITI per er-dryer connections, furnace, Fedders air conditioner, quiet, refined area. Travis trees. 20 Rountree. HO 5-7544.

$195 DOWN. $85 MO. Highland Hills As owners of Highland Hills, we do a certain amount ot speculative building in furtherance of a program of continuous development Consequently, we usually have on hand one or two unsold completed houses and one or two others under construction. All offer extra-ordinary value for the money in a particularly fine residential environment Your inquiry solicited! Visit our nearby office at 3400 Northland Drive, corner Balcones or call HO 5-7624. Weekends GL 3-2225.

This outstanding wiui spacious ca- REXALL CLEAN North Aus'ln. 2 TOMPKINS 3 BEDROOM, 2 beth. carpet, den cathedral ceiling, break iast bar. GE range. Heights.

Bargain less than U. Frank J. Clement, Realtor. GR S-96S5. kitchen, close in.

Fenced ga ard. ROWLAND month, in uuvs. bedroom. 5411 Harmon. Rarbara Austin homes 4811 WESTFIELD DR.

I FROM 2 UNTIL 6 In TUlihland Park West just off Han co*ck Drive. Luxury 2 bedroom home. JOE E. DAVIS, Realtor trees, fenced yard, 2 years old. owner Hoover.

HI2-ea9L A lice Anderson. HO rage. Call GL2-17UO, GL 2-5753. BY OWNER: 3 bedroom. 1 bath, extra 100 PER cent brick.

$100 down. Just like new. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, built-in leaving town. HI 4-1784. 5-6577.

clean, walking distance to Joslin and Porter Schools. $1100 equity for 3600. For range A oven, carpet Heat Air. Garage. EARLY AMERICAN Cyclone fence.

Skelly Hebert Realtor, GL appointment to spe this Jewel call GL BY OWNER Off price of this beautiful 3-2 rock -cedar contemporary. Vaulted ceiling den. T3nm inc. v.ncinsed garage. Located BY OWNER.

507 East 41st. Redecorated. 3 3-4082. 3-761S or WA 6-1391. rooms, floor furnace, fenced yard, til This fin 3 bedroom, 2 bath home Is tn Wooten Villase.

8604 Parkfield. GL $400 MONTH AIR CONDITIONED 3 BR-l'i BATHS NORTHEAST AUSTIN 4 BEDROOM VIEW bath. $100. down. $i0 month.

CRM.H oeparaw amine (or deni. SkMif- SchooIJ- mrm 2-0573, GL3-168v walking distance or elementary scnooi and Jr Hirti will be near a brand new SPECIAL SHOWING TODAY OPEN 11 A.M. TIL DARK 3100 Silverleaf Dr. Two Story 3 bedrooms 2 baths. Double garage utility room.

Central cooling and heating. Every inch of this home is functional. Tioflteil in wrv HYDE PARK i room, closets galore. Redecorated. 220 wiring, floor furance.

double garage, fenced. GL 2-5440. Located In Beautiful Balcones Park. Large RrvgrEnR CONTEMPORARY TARRYTnWM wooded lot with a home ot excellent construction. 4 bedroom.

Den, 2 bath. Fire Prira minced tn 313.250. 3 big bedrooms. High School next year. It has all built-ins.

Including dishwasher, disposal and vmp munri air conditioning. Large fire For sale or lease. Two bedroom home OTJ BTTRNET Highway 183. 6 rooms place plus large screened norch overlook PAOFHD wiui yarn, excellent loca- 2 full baths with sky light vaulted ceiling, paneled den. Built-ins.

Located den, tile bath, 2 acres. S'-i miles from ing a lovely valley. $28,500. Tom Rice, uvn mwn or university, ul, z-3m5. city nmits.

owner gl 3-4749. UMMINi north. Will trade. GL 2-0573, OL3-16S6. GR 2-7229.

desirable neighborhood. Electric built-ins in kitchen. Extra large closets. Fully car A total cash outlay of 3400 can get you into this almost new home recently repossessed by the Federal Housing Administration. Priced reduced, extremely anxious to aelL Low FHA financing.

Plenty of cabinets and closet space. Attached place enclosed double garage. Priced at only $19,950.00. We have others. REALTOR, CRSSS MHJJCAN HI 2-1441 OPEN NEAR Hanco*ck, rooms, family room, fireplace, laundry.

Ideal retired rare. vnr.ul.kKnn 5004 Avenue OWNER WILL TRADE bedrooms, large kitchen and Hy CRESTVIEW TREES TREES SEPARATE DINING ROOM Walk Into the cleanest horn In town. Large living room with wall to wan carpet Separate 13' dining room. A big 18-kitchen with breikfast area. Comer sink.

-14' master bedroom with walk in closets. Attic fan. 220 connections. Over size garage that makes a wonderful work shop-area. Fenced yard.

Deeo matted carnpt Kuuptv an: an lamuy. uxa x.ast 39th. Near Wooten. Ilk new bedroom ing room, veniea neai. iu.

new carpet FHA, 100 per cent GI garage, large corner lot Close to bus and NICE HOME $350.00 DOWN FHA Ar.rm JSrl month. Affent GL 3-5892 peted. 3202 Silverleaf Dr. DOUBLE GARAGE UTILITY AND STORAGE ROOMS 3 BEDROOMS TWO BATHS CENTRAL COOLING AND HEATING smu montn. ho s-eza.

GL 2-6139. schools, call KUtt inuKUia, ul, it THOMAS REALTY CO. -ASSUME Gl EQUITY FROM OWNER-NORTHEAST An niicfanriinff value. Exceptionally at COLORED CLOSE into town, new nomas on Thompson Street in Pecan Park 2 and 3 bedrooms. 38.950 to 310,950.

Call FOR SPANISH ASSUMPTION NO qualifying 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, den, real fireplace. 3o0 down. $fi5 monthly. GR 6-3845.

p-iniaru nuoper UP. HQ a-Ybb6. Have lovely 2 bedroom home on paved street 613 West Annie (South Austin). This is a very beautiful, all white brick this brick elevation, 1 story home Is In excellent condition, 3 bedrooms with privacy fenced back yard, til bath, with TARRYTOWN BRICK 315 950 Real Close In South tractive and spotless home, with low interest loan. Payments of only $109.50 per home that is sure to make someone CLOSE TO Gulf Mart 313,950.

New three Open for inspection from 10 to dark Older home surrounded by trees and fences. Gracious living room. 3 bedrooms. 4 Panvim 1 vtaih Cntstnne home. $500 DOWN ASSUMPTION built-in rang and oven, payable at only month.

3 bedrooms, i bams, ramity room. naiitiriii vnrri and Datio. Air condition aay. This one is priced to sell. Come by.

Weekday! call Bell Lumber Company. HI Chain link fence and trees. Really nice ucuiuuiu, mu Da in, aen, entry nail, air carpets, fenced. Small down. Hooper Co HO 5-7668.

9 Rprimnm 1 bath, chain link back yard PITI to Bergstrom, IRS and Downtown. For appointment to IVt baths, large closed porch, huge kitchen. Central air. Owner will finance. proud and happy owner.

Family room has 9 ft. open beam ceiling with fireplace that has a barbecue grill opening on patio. Kitchen has all electric built-ins and a unique portable island bar. for 39.500.00. Call Carter Harvey wiin 675L grass.

All tile bath. Air condition unit goes with home. All this and more for only $11,725. EZ financing $375. down payment $86.00 month total payments.

See today, move In tomorrow. Call Nelson Roberts at Nash Phillip0)pus HO Nites GL 2-5441. Near school. Payments $80.00 per month Lltt Jewel. IX.

I Kill. see cau JACOB BAUERLE ASSOC. ing. Near shopping, schools, on bus line. Will take as little as 3950 for total equity.

No closing costs. No qualifying. Call WA 6-1638 evenings or during day 44 per cent Gl loan, cau carter narvej OWKER NEWLY decorated inside -out 2 bedrooms. 1 hath din This 2 bedroom Is in fine condition with with Office HI 2-7881 Home GR 6-0327 Glassed in breakfast area facing patio. REALTOR CRESS MILLICAN, HI 2-1441 stairway to play area In attic Real NORTH AUSTIN ($12,500) (central air heat) Near JJT.

3707 Hollywood. 38,950. HI JACOB BAUERLE ASSOC. Separate dressing area, large walk-in fireplace, small study. Near Deep Eddy.

Saturday or Sunday. A IA) J. closet and bath off of master bedroom on quiet street Bus. Office HI 2-7881 Home GR S-oa! BY OWNER Act now. Just on the market 3 bedroom SOUTHSIDE SPACIOUS $17,750 So unusual and charming! Entry with SELLERS LOSS: YOUR GAIN TREES, TREES, TREES BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED ELEGANT MANSION Dries; name, only I years old.

in a good location. Fenced back yard, established planter divider, stone steps leading into 7712 LAZY LANE 314,900 Owner leaving. Brick. 3 brs. 2 Ba.

living dining, large kitchen. Air conditioned. Utility room. Carport. Fenced backyard.

Conveniently located. Northwest (Furniture- optional). GL 2-8052. N. Interr.

US 290 neighborhood, easy assumption. Call GL large living room, i oversize bedrooms. 3-0011 imuw. mgms can Mr. Padgett Are von looking for a 5 bed 3 batn LATIN AMERICANS Montopolis area, Santos Street Two, three and four bedroom homes.

$95. down $39. to $67. per month. Call Mr.

Dick. GR 2-9991 Seldom Is so much offered as In this central air and heat patio, OAK TREES. NEAR CASIS $21,000 8 rooms. Studv could be 4th fcerirnnm Southern Colonial Mansion with a huge cir-i drive located on Hi acres North Austin 6704 Grover fine family home that has everything; Central heat tons of air-conditioning, trti i-euu. exclusive usung.

PUETT-DUNCAN 20" master bedroom near kitchen. Fenced where the huge colonial columns bit? set 3208 Bruce Dr. 3 bedrooms. H4 baths, central air and heat good condition 1107 Tillery 3 bedrooms with larse enclosed porch and large lot Will be renovated. 7508 Blessing 2 bedroom, new roof, new water heater, refimshed interior, exterior.

Large lot $6,500. Texas sized shaped carpeted livln" BEING TRANSFERRED. Northeast large comfortable 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, central heat many closets and ex- r. Im OCni off against the red brick? can uonaio ire covered lot. see and LOVE.

WESTLaKR HTTJ.S Beautiful pink fiesta brick 3 bedroom home. 500 sq. ft In den and kltchea. GL 2-2577 412 Pampa Dr. NORTHWEST BY OWNER Cnntpmnorarv 3 bedroom.

2 bath: fam Dempsey and Associates, ok mqjj. room, ceramic tne entry way, roomy bedrooms with built-in chests plus 5425 Burnet Road REALTORS GL 3-6611 ah mahogany paneled ana lots of cab Sweeping view from magnificent brick honeymoon retreat Much glass. 2 bed ily room, utility room, double carport ample closets. 2 sparkling til baths hav NEAR HANco*ck CENTER fenced yard. Convenient to school, shoo-l HOME OF DISTINCTION WEST LAKE HILLS rooms and baths open onto Romeo bal inet area.

Large patio with brick wall leading from den. Beautiful yard. All carpeted, central air and heat Lots and PRESTIGE HOME IN ROLLINGWOOD ing plenty of linen storage, conveniently arranged built-in kitchen full of ex ping and Northwest fatx ana pool cony above spacious living room. It OWNER HERMAN Brown addition. Bargain! Under S40.000.

Lovelv English Colonial. Hurry. It won't last long! GL S-8611. GL S-IEbS. tras, very large tree covered lot with These may be bought with a reasonable SEE THIS 3 bedroom home that has been completely reconditioned.

It'g located on a beautiful wooded lot with fenced back lots of storage. Located with in wa kin has every modern convenience. Call Mrs. Travis, HI 4-2702 or GR 8-5466. This home will please on who appreciates 4 hArimnm 3 bath.

Separate dining room. distance of best 3 schools in Austin. down payment and good terms. Cau owner. GR 8-8726.

hug patio. Very close to schools, Shopping centers, ft B.A.F.B. Will consider anything of value In trade for down pay Call for appointment GL 3-7063. 3 BEDROOMS. Den.

Fireplace. Frame house for sale. $500 down small monthly payments. 813 Christopher. HI2-845L NORTH CUSTOM built 3 bedrooms, 2 perieoiion in construction and interior decorating.

Nothing has been spared in making this home perfect in every respect yarn, ideal for small childrea Price Call Mr. Steven today, GR 8-5621. baths, like new. Terms to suit responsi ble buyer. GR 2-9988.

Fireplace In paneled family room. Lux-I urious carpeting. Separate living room. Huge den downstairs. 2500 sq.

ft 2 car garage. Privacy fence. Low 30" s. DONALD DEMPSEY and ASSOCIATES ment Exceptionally quiet location. Fori LIKE NEW.

South. Owner transferring. bedroom bath. Assume loan small equity. School.

Center. HI 2-0509. The well arranged floor plan consists of BY OWNER. A real buy. Living room.

riinintf room. 3 bedrooms, l1 NORTH OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS mora Information call: "HTNKLE" an entrance hall, attractive Hving room, baths. Large trees fenced in back. 509 HI 4-2498 Evenings HI 4-4370 GR b-4D3 W. St.

John. HO 5-6946. M. L. Crumley Co.

Three bedroom two bath bouse on 100x125 tw im Kai hnrHwtwwi floors, separate three large bedrooms, two and a half all tHe baths, walnut paneled den. wonderful dream kitchen, utility room and extra ENFIELD. 3 large bedrooms, 2 den, dining, fireplace, range, dishwasher, separate garage has extra room, bath. Bargain. Owner.

GR 8-3214. OPPORTUNITY FOR Fixit Yourself! 3 CALIFORNIA RANCH STYLE BEST KEPT HOME IN AUSTIN unfinished room which be perfect living room wea'ttast area an. and storage, on a pavea iraiiic 308 West 15th St. GR 8-5621 bedrooms, iiuu uu or more uown. unucs; From the pages of history, but with the WESTERN TRAILS For large family.

5 BR. 2v. Baths. office. Extra added features are: iwroueu ALL BRICK NORTHWEST Central Air Conditioning! down and assume Attractive 3 bedroom, all brick home situated on landscaped corner location.

Excellent neighborhood. Cozv sunken liv flavor of every modern convenience: can aunuay vmy $20.00 sq. yd, all wool carpet stainless I ciiv tas! City but no city taxes. LET'S GO SHOPPING real salute to your little woman, SEE conveniences Are you looking for a large s- wun steel double sink, built-in oven and range. Casis School 4 Br jvlth everything a really fine horn should have Owner HO 5-8198.

5308 Buffs Pass. Features: D'Hannls House is less than four years old. All this Allandale lovely 2 bedroom. 2 bath dishwasher, disposal, electronic garage tile entry formal vaulted a manicured yard that's completely fenced the cleanest well kept home all brick, 3 years old. Why pay 3225.

TRI-LEVEL CONTEMPORARY RIDGEWOOD beamed family room, separate breakfast for less than $10,000. For further particulars please call Herschel Crawford at Wayne Burns Homes GL 2-8801. Evenings door opener, 5-tons Lenox central air-conditioning, automatic sprinkler system. In Could 4 BR with large playroom for the children. Den and activity room.

Large fireplace Chareoaleer in activity room. Beautiful cabinets in kitchen ft dining room. Built In kitchen wdlshwasher. Don't ask price without looking. A house that contains everything you have ever nook, snacious kitchen, oak parquet simu per mo.

for an apartment when this home runs much-much less. Pric only $19,500. lated floors, master BR 14x18, walk in tercom system, one Inch water main, cop you've ever seen witn parquet woou floors you can eat off of in Northeast Austin. Only $15,800. Call Donald Dempsey ft Associates GR 6-1855.

ing room with beamed ceiling off entry foyers. Separate dining room features GL 2-8W11. closets, dressing van tv. two full baths 2. Allandale a sleeper can be yours for: built-in china cabinet separate break' fully finished garage utility room, plus all the privacy of suburban living.

Trades only stone and frame, 3 bed WAYNE BURNS fast area in kitchen plus utility room First showing of this most unique home built and designed for owner. There are two tile baths and four bedrooms one which connects with the master bedroom per pipe throughout, all vinyl flooring in den and kitchen, wood burning fireplace, patio, fenced yard, trees and view of city. What else could you ask for In a home? For appointment to see, call Leo Herzog OPEN HOUSE dreamed of. A house we are proud to show. Call Jim Reeves at HI 4-3666 or rooms.

2 baths, mirrorfinishpri oak accepted. Fortune Homes HI 4-3344 r.ites HI 2-5K4U Builder owner "custom Buna- HI 2-5677. floors. Lot Is Fenced yard and a lot ot nice plantings. 4831 ROLLINGWOOD DRIVE Ing Our Specialty." at GR 6-7414 or Sunday and evenings for laundry and deep freeze.

Two car facilities, central heating CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING. Bedrooms have double closets plus additional storage. Price $13,800 with small down Assume owner moving out of city and priced 3. Shoalmont Addition frame, three bed-l Brick 4 bedroom 2 bath paneled family 3175c LATIN AMERICAN $72.00 DOWN serving very conveniently ror a nursery. The contemporary theme Is carried out in the design of the floor plan.

Exposed beams, terrazo floors, ftone fireplace with black stovepipe hood, all built-in electric irttchan. eantrnl heat and air-conditioning. rooms, one bath, re-decorated, shiny! oak floors. $9900 FHA $500 down in room and fireplace. Bum ins.

uenirai heat and air. Low taxes and only $23,500. $250.00 Down Payment $60.00 Per Month at GR 8-6542. LEO HERZOG AND COMPANY Small down nr trade. Cau GR 10 eu immediately! Ph.

GL 3-7351, Almost new bedroom home, ail tne cludes closing costs. Monthly 377.56. THOMAS REALTY CO. DONALD DEMPSEY and ASSOCIATES ni(es JJJU TKAVAl IE CO 6-Ulb. watu lured livinff room, nice kitcnen The home is built on a wooded lot and 6423 Burnet Lane GL 2-5746 th acene from th rear gives yon a feel Miiaiits attached carport, 65x400 lot located on South 1st.

only 2 blocks from school, nrice 310.400.00. $72.00 down $72.00 ing of living miles from the city. For ad CORNER LOT ROLLINGWOOD DRIVE GR 6-7414 1018 West 11th FOR SALE BY OWNER per mo. AU masonry I bedroom 2 bath. Paneled TARRYTOWN CORNER LOT 17 Huge Trees 20 Den $425 Down "HOME SWEET HOMES" 2716 ADDISON AVE.

NORTHWEST AUSTIN If you are not a tree lover, do not go by and see this 3 bedroom, H4 bath centrally heated home on the most picturesque corner lot In Austin. It ain't right for this comfortable older home with wall to wall carpet to be vacant Price $316,750. Sell FHA VA. Take $125 DN $125 MO or consider taking your property in trade. "605 ELLIOTT ST." WORKING MAN'S FAMILY HOME $87.50 dn $87.50 mo or Trade A brand new 3 bedroom 1 bath, cen trally heated home on a nice lot with elbow room In a semi suburban neighborhood.

North. Best quality built for th money. $10,750. "201 PECAN DRIVE-CENTRAL AIR HEAT Only $84.50 DN $84.50 MO or trade on this family bom with brm 1 bath on a. big double corner lot with country atmosphere.

North. Give an allowance oft the price for interested family to clean and paint $9,950. "POOR MAN'S HOME" 111 EAST BRAKER LN. With only 3 rooms and bath (lbrm) on a big 55x200 lot with chain link fence around the house. 2 miles north of th city limits.

Allowance off the pric of $4,950 for some fixing and painting. Sell for $47.50 DN $47.50 MO or take a cheaper home or lot in trade. N. A. GD3LIN GR 6-9961.

GR M593 CALL C. W. WALKER HO 5-0729 family room with fireplace, separate dining room. Choose your carpeting. Priced EXCELLENT FINANCING on this small Transferred beautiful brick home In Northwest Hills 3 large bedrooms 2 baths.

18'x22 den (cathedral cplllne ditional information can uso at GR 6-7414 or Sunday and evenings at GR 8-6542. LEO HERZOG AND COMPANT GR 6-7414 1018 West 11th Includes Everything Northwest Austin, McCallum school dlst, sharp and dean home, manicured yard. You will be amazed what $7,950.00 will buy. FHA financing. It will be a pleasure to show you tills excellent property.

cjene white GR 7-1409 Realtor at 324.500. win take traae. contemporary s-z. central A-C. Builtms.

Fenced yard. Trees. 417 Ridgewood Road GR 8-8670. and fireplace), 14x23' living, separate din DONALD DEMPSKY a ASSUUIAICS GR 6-4855 OPEN HOUSE See this beautiful Spanish style home with lovely view. Convenient to everything.

5308 Buffalo Pass. Only $17,500. Several homes of excellent quality will be open for inspection in this area. Saturday and Sunday, Bob Noton Realtor, HI 4-4848. This horn Is on of th finest values In $100.00 DOWN' DELWOOD EAST OWNER.

ENFIELD Tarrytown. 2 bed ing, study, beautiful kitchen, breakfast room, utility room, covered patio, lots of closets and storage. Corner lot with plenty trees. $33,500. GL 2-3434.

me enure ciiyi laeaiiy located In Tarry-town with bus service at the front door. room, honeymoon Cottage. Lovely Oak See to believe this home has 1350 sq. Trees 111,950. Terms available.

Wilson. COUNTRY LIVING Close-in 310 Canyon Rim Drive rt a beaut ni ipvet fenced vara, centra Walking distance to Casts School and complete shopping facilities. The home is nestled among beautiful trees and the GR 8-5657. GL 3-7771. 2243 ROSEWOOD EAST AUSTIN heat, large den.

3 bedrooms. 2 all tile hnths located close to school shop White Brick 3 bedrooms 2 baths situated on acre hilltop in CAMELOT. garage entrance is from tne side street. ping center, price $12,750.00 with only ATTENTION EMPLOYEES EXACTLY WHAT THE SMALL FAMILY ine interior features: a 2Uxib sunken den, with drapes, formal dining room. liv.

Large family room, ash paneling, ex- PERSONALITY BRICK McCATJ.trM HIGH $25,950 'loa down JHU.UU per no niaaen JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS WANTS 1 Neat 2 bedroom home, near cost, pick-up 5V per cent loan. ing room and three bedrooms. Th owners bedroom Is 16x12 with a 10 walkin Large ceramic tile entry-leads into spa schools, community center and busline. Priced right too. Only $6,000.

Terms. of Southern Union Gas Co. This home is ideal for the man that wants to walk to work and come home for a hot lunch. Beautiful Glass doors to elevated sundeck with magnificent view. Large storage, cen CALL U.

W. WAJjft-Ctt HO 5-0729 In North Oaks this beautiful bedroom. closet You must see this fine home to cious pannelled den. glass walls, interesting firnlaee. Westinghous kitchen, open i baths, mil t-lna.

Central heat, formal NO QUALIFYING ASSUMPTION $75 MONTH This Is an Ideal home for a family getting started or a person who lives alone an1 Is tired of putting money in someone else's pocket Lovely two bedroom home, located In a nice neighborhood. Less than a year old. Has all tile floors, beautiful kitchen with furniture finished cabinets and a breakfast bar. Brick elevation with enclosed garage and established lawn. appreciate Its real value.

Call today! Rex tral air, 2 car garage, vry good terms available and we do take trades. Call into delightful breakfast room built living room, large den. Extra clean. Only! tit*worth at WA 6-1590, Nash Fhillips- 2 bedroom home in excellent condition. Natural finish cabinets, large bath, pretty oak floors.

As in hutch. 3rd bedroom, lb' deep ciosei Copus HO 5-8773 Nites GL 2-6700. DONALD DEMPSEY ft ASSOCIATES GK i yrs old. owner leaving town must sell. Call Everett Swening, with Richardson ft Co.

GL 2-9591, Evenings, GL 2-6170. NEW 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME IN ROUND ROCK, TEXAS interr. us 29U 6-4855. with private oam. PV.Rinf.rT mNDTTTON sume existing loan or $300 down FHA.

$75 per month. Call HO TREES, PATIO, FENCED 2200 SO. FT. CAPITOL PLAZA fAKIH HL'HtMlL. $12,500 FHA, VA.

or assume 4H exist 5-5481. LUCILLE MERSCHBROCK REALTOR Yesterdav's charm. Tomorrow's melo With large den. carpet built-in range, ing loan, payments below JH0.00 per 1607 ULIT NEAT APT size home. Excellent condition, huge lot fence, $4500.

Terms. 1141 DON ANN CORNER ESTATE, new bedroom, family room, panel ray heat patio, storage, shad trees, owner will accept trad. 1176 GRAHAM double garage. 75 per cent masonry- month including PITT. Buy mor house.

dies. OLD BRICK. Winding creek, im Close to schools, churches and shopping centers. Move in immediately and pick up th present loan. Call Wayne Burns Homes Large level lot In a prestige area.

Only supervised contructed, uuu sq. tt. ot luxury living: Formal dining, spacious Willowbrook Cottage 2 Bdms Den Small Down $100.00 DOWN NORTH AND SOUTH trees, electric kitchen, inrormai room with vaulted ceiling, huge log fireplace, dressing rooms, bath, floored 3.000 S15.400.00. GL z-8834, can jonn an0 'or Gary tastwooa. ujl, 2-bmu.

ivini room, knotty nine kitchen cabinets We have homes ranging in total price InsiOQ and breath taking sq. ft of seen Wheat HO 5-9062. C. Darrell Hopkins Realtors 3 BR, tile bath, fenced yard, and many 2 WAYNE BURNS charm, HI 4-2702. other extras, see ana compare wun any new house 'on the market Fortune Homes Only $11,500 and owner will carry long term loan, payments only $79.50 monthly.

It's a Tree covered lot Patio and bar-b-cue In beautiful fenced back yard. In Wilshire Woods area. Near from $10,250.00 to $14,750.00. Onlv $100.00 down on any. $75.00 up to $105.00 per month including taxes.

Insurance and everything. Som of these are 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, central heat and air. REFLECTS INDIVIDUALITY, charm nd HI 4-3344 nites HI 2-5840. Builder-Owner comfort 2 bedroom, living rm.

and aen, Custom Building our specialty washer connection, central heat near MONTnpot.TS ARE Beautiful 2 BR school, bus, shopping. GR 2-24o3. school and busline, $9900. Terms. For more information cau: HI 4-94H6 $250 Lovely 2 Bedroom Home North Near Dept.

Public Safety low down, reasonably priced, immediate BRAND NEW-WESTERN TRAILS YOUR AFTER 6:30 P.M. HI 4-4370 OR HI 2-3807 occupancy. 6801 Cruz Hi 4-1M4 mi z-iisi. Burleson Priest M. L.

CRUMLEY CO. 2100-2104 ALEXANDER WEST AUSTIN WONDERLAND Tf a 2 BR home is ell vou need ft want PRIDE AND JOYI 4808 ROUND UP TRAIL A beautiful home with 3 bedrooms, two baths, large EUBANK ACRES IS CALLING something extra nice you'll be proud or FOR THOSE WHOSE TASTE DEMANDS EARLY AMERICAN NORTHWEST New. air condt. 3-2. large family room, built in kitchen, large bedrooms, double garage.

Prestige area, 30 year 5 conventional loan available. Call GL 2-1705. Austin Homes Inc. Will be yours in this fabulous home. Treat Beautiful 3 bedroom with carpet 2 baths, then see this lovely home with us toaay paneled den and dining area.

Beautiful THE BEST I New 3 bedroom, combination OPEN HOUSE 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm 2406 BRIARGROVE BARTON TERRACE A friendly neighborhood surrounds this beautiful 4 bedroom, Early American brick home. There is a lovely bricked entry leading to a formal living and dining combination and family size den with real woodburning fireplace. The complete built-in kitchen has convenient serving bar and dining area with built-in hutch. Two elegant baths. The master bedroom features a large walk-in closet, dressing area and sliding glass doors onto a garden spot Large covered patio.

Separate utility room and double attached garage. Beautifully carpeted and draped. Easy terms available. To see earlier or Sunday call Bernice Smith, HI 2-2572 or Ralph J. Tippet, GR 2-1829.

carpeted living room, extra large dining yourself to something special by taking a look at one of the most beautiful views of downtown. University and Capitol. that shines like new. Large living room, tiled kitchen, dining area, many cabinets. kitchen and family room, living tile bath.

Owner will accept trade. $10,950. and kitcnen with an ount-ins. anil room with huge fireolace. Sliding glass washer conn, lots of closets, select smny oak floors.

BIG back yard, fenced, trees. Terms. 1807 Rosewood Qtt b-bi31 built-in kitchens with many cabinets (white with gold trim). 125' lot front and S05' deep. With Williamson Creek at rear of lot Two car garage.

Central heat air. 4502 Navajo Path Spanish design with Give your children a chane to romp on this 165x178 ft lot well landscaped. CHARMING 3 bedroom, den. 2 baths. door to beautiful patio.

All brick home with fenced back yard. Paved driveway Curtains, portable dishwasher, colored Hand carved beamed ceilings. A large rpfrippratnr. stove included. Fenced yard.

attached carport, storage. Easy walk to Sky View Bapt church, near shopping ft bus. D. D. JOHNSON, RLTY HO to double garage.

To see. please can ALL MASONRY TWO LARGE BEDROOMS FORMAL DINING NO DOWN PAYMENT TO VETERANS PAYMENTS UNDER $85.00 MONTHLY rormal dining room also a lovely breakfast room. Call Betty Lane, GR CHET ALLEN, HO 5-7694, evenings GL Near school. Bus. $14,500.

Owner leaving and anxious. Delma Barnett. HI 2-2120 S-2 central heat and air, fireplace, entry way. built-in kitchen and all the trim 5-6212. 8-5621.

Evenings, GR 8-7513. HI 2-5964. SEMI-SUBURBAN SUBURBAN mtngs. Has a huge master bedroom, walk-In clojet. Call Buford Stewart HI 4-3666 or-HI 2-1567.

1209 SOUTH LAMAR AUSTIN, TEXAS P. O. BOX 3G36 Phone: HI 4-3666 A real bargain. This 3 bedroom balh Yet convenient to schools and shopping centers. This spacious 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, formal living room, big family room for informal entertaining, double car garage, is a steal for $15,950.

Bob ft half home is located on the edge of On shady street In West Austin, dose Nlirhls and Sundavs call: GR 8-5621 308 West 15th St. town. Large lot with plenty oi eioow room. Extra lot also available. Priced right at $7,500.

Call Lewis Garrett HI AfCT to Dill School, this home has about 1200 sq. ft and is In real good condition. The master bedroom Is roomy enough to ac Noton Realtor. H14-484B. Mary jamar.

John Hardeman Jr. GR 8-2010 Mrs. Opal McBride WA 6-0465 Rev. Thelman Gray WA 6-2466 HI 2-1915. 4-3648, Nights HI 2-0479.

PEMBERTON $32,750.00 L. A. FELDER REALTOR BURRELL DRIVE Spotless 3 bedroom. 2 bath, central heat. NORTH commodate two full size peas ana iiving-dinlng room I big and all carpeted.

There is a separata breakfast area and two air conditioning units. If you want to locate close In. don't pass this up. Call Clarence BRYKERWOODS 1 RRH! TSTNTl TN MTD-TEENS NEW-3 BEDROOMS Charmint and spacious two-story home spt hack on a lovelv tree covered lot. $250 DOWN, $60 MONTHLY Three huge bedrooms, two and a half $10,250 Bos at Nasn rniuips-copus humiij, hnths.

Kntrv. living room with fireplace, extra nice yard, chain link fence, work shop. To see call Jean Arnold, GL 2-8834 evenings, GL 3-7930. C. Darrell Hopkins Realtors TWO BEDROOMS Nites GR 2-6306.

Plenty of elbow room on this 122-foot wide lot and plenty of delightful living in this beautifully-kept a hnlmim home. You'll enioy the banquet sized difing room. Library and This home Is In excellent condition, the $78.00 PER MONTH NO QUALIFYING OPEN HOUSE 2 huge bedrooms 1 all tile bath Formal dining room Large living room Comer lot Double enclosed garage Low down payment 1301 Gamer South on Lamar, right on Treadwell. left on Gamer to 1301 ft open house. Joe Gilbreth Company HI 4-3553 Brand new 3 bedroom home.

Small down payment and move In. All tile bath, built-in range nd oven, glass patio door, brick trim. Convenient to school ft shop separate TV room. Excellent condition, fpntral heat and air New on market. (table neighborhood PLUS the 2- hardwood floors are oeautnui tne oearooms are large and the yard has been Exclusive listing, cau jean Baldwin uit car garage, separate dining room, extra half bath, and the towering trees.

ping. Call L. Felder-Realtor mhmh. well kept only ss.uuw kha. uan iteaves 6-4165 or GR6-6S47.

N. Interr. US 290 ft Becker Co. GL 2-9441 Nites Jim ra ONE ACRE vacant seen at your convenience, and easily financed. Close to school.

ttier H0 5-967L CASIS AREA In the Herman Brown section. NORTH AUSTIN 903 KAREN 632 Lamar Office GR 2-6234 bus, and shopping. Treat yourself to On a beautifully landscaped lot is this Brentwood Lamar McCallum $81.50 an inspection ny calling exclusive NORTHWEST THREE BEDROOMS 3-2 all masonry, built-ins. Real fireplace. AC access to lake.

Small down $115 mo. Call Donald Dempsey and Assoc. GR 6-4855. livable home with four bedrooms, four BY OWNER Exceptionally well cared for 2 bedroom, small den (or third bedroom), home In Rosedale, near school. Nice landscaped yard with 5 large pecan trees and fenced backyard.

Contact owner, after 5:30 weekdays, anytime Saturdays, Sundays 4211 Ramsey, GL 3-1398. payments 2 bedrooms, beautiful trees, Agents at iiu eoi. kejuiviks. w. tile baths, plus a study or fifth bedroom nice neighobrs.

central air HO 5-5804 vr rr Snacious living, dining rooms. Terrazzo floor In foyer, and a huge family room with fireplace, har room, and glass doors opening into a privacy fenced yard with TWO BATHS ALL BRICK oarty patio, barbecue pit, and room for GLADSTONE RICHLAND ESTATES OPEN TODAY itt.iunit.lil tttrpaCR 3 hedronm Spacious bedrooms with p.enty of closet bath. Fieldstone home. $125 month. $1,500 5508 MONTVTEW 2 blocks south of Al large group enieruiinmg.

Ail muaern kitchen, separate breakfast room. Loads of storage. Double gatase. Only a few OPEN HOUSE OUT OF TOWN OWNER MUST SELL BRYKERWOOD HOME UN AUSTIN TODAY) equity for tow, mu a-wim. landale 2 bedrooms, dining room, screened porch.

2 car enclosed garage. 50x200 space, a larg den with a beautiful brick fireplace, lots of paneling, carpeted living room, big double car garage, and a high cedar fence give you a private back vard. All this for iust $17.. vears old and ir. excellent condition.

To inspect call Jean Baldwin, GR 6-4165 or lot. extra duplex lot available. Trades considered. Car mobile home, lot etc GR GR 6-6S17. 750.00.

Call Reaves Becker Co. GL 7-1428 after 5. SPLIT LEVEL CORNER LOT 9441. Nites Jim Palmer HO 5-9571. Truly spacious bedrooms, formal dinins insor m4 Move in-No Qualifying For $7,463 Established Loan Payable $70.50 P.l.T.I.

2 Bedroom Beauty Rosedale Northwest Austin Prira 17lfi3. Pay onlv 1500 down A as NORTH AUSTIN This i bedroom, 2 bath, den, central heat, horn can he bought on an assumption bath NORTH AUSTIN DREAM HOME A spacious 3 bedroom, 2 room and exceptionally large living room. Closet and pantry space you've always dreamed of. Large fenced yard, many Home Buyer's Directory hackoiford nf tha nreient loan. Only $12,600.00.

Call Three bedroom, two bath, paneled fam 0 large trees, double attached garage. New condition! Choice area near UT. down Jean Arnold. GL 2-8834. evenings GL! lly room, formal living room, attached garage.

furniture finished cabinets. 2 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS Brand nw Spanlih-Styl ham en larg corner lof. Bedrooms ar spacious and living is cntrd around th charm of step-down, 2 level plan. Extras includ an n-cloied garag and built-in stov. Truly a lot of horn for $13,800.

Com i It today. 3-7930. C. Darrell Hopkins Realtors town, schools. $11,725 FHA with $375 down or assume existing loan with no qualifying or closing costs.

Vacant, See sum owners $7,463 loan without qualifying, vacant, move in at once. Beautiful range and oven, firenlace. central heat. OPEN HOUSE horn wtih room to grow. Sturdy construction with doubl garag on lower level and living area abov.

Features includ hug ash paneled dsn, 2 pc range and separata breakfast area. This it for lur th bst buy in Austin for $15,730 with central air very convenient to elementary, junior and senior hlcrh schools, shonning centers and the inside for a 181)1 Mohie. 1807 ROCKMOOR TARRYTOWN In a nice neighborhood. AU of this for OWNER 1 P.M. TO 2 P.M.

the reasonable low nrice of $15,250 FHA. 0v.ur our rnis nanay list Carry if with To see this home call Wayne Burns Homes GL 2-8801. Please ask for Herschel comer lot, fenced yarn, irees, garage, near bus, shopping, convenient to ALL schools. Home consists of large livinr room, separate dining room, tiled tiled bath 4 2 over-size bedrooms wliji lots of closets. Also abundance of hau storage closets ft cabinets: furnace heating, select oak floors, pretty Interior texton walls, shown by appointment.


THREE BEDROOMS TWO BATHS FAMILY ROOM CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING CENTRAL During Week Days Call GR 8-419(1 ri you when house- hurttina! This home is only four years old and can be had for $4,000 under FHA ap 1-1 WALNUT Forrest $11,500. Esta. loan. Trade anything, take 2nd. Lien.

3-1 University Hills, $100 dn. $11,650 3-1 Univer. Hills, $12,250. $100 dn. 3-2 Family rm.

Dbl. Gar. 3-2 F.R. patio, nice Dn. 3-1 South, $10,500.

$100 down. 3- 1 NE. Brick, corner, Air, $13,550. TRADE for anything. Car, boat lot.

4- Allandale Park, corner, air. Dbl. Gar. Esta. Loan $20,500.

3 Acres on Onion Creek, S-l-den-Dbl. gar. $9,500. TRADE. Directions: Driv to intersection of Bastrop and lockhart Highway.

Driv ast on Bastrop Highway mil end turn left to tr-covrd RICHLAND ESTATES. Offic open 'til 9 P.M. daily and Sunday at 1501 Brandt EV 5-2180. RETIRED-ONLY $7,950 Do you want to live on a low budget praisal! Two car garage, paneled family room with log burning fireplace, furniture finished cabinets, two Diece built in NEED MORE ROOM BUT short on cash Here is an older home with 3 nice size bedrooms, 1 bath and dining area. Good location.

Priced only $9,700 $300 down n.umant and 172 Der mo. Call DON range and oven, dishwasher and disposal, Well this 2 bedroom home Immaculate with tile bath and kitchen sparkling natio, central neat and air, three nice bedrooms, two baths, privacy fenced hardwood floors, floor furnace, attic fan. BEDDOW ASSOCIATES UNIVERSITY HILLS NEW CONTEMPORARY THREE BEDROOMS TWO BATHS LARGE DEN "FIREPLACE" AIR CONDITIONING, DISHWASHER RANGE OVEN ONLY $15,500.00 Fenced backyard, carport. Flnancin? to 0 0 0 feroUrson. HO 5-7694.

or nites HO vara, excellent location. Close to schools, suit vou. Convenient to Twin Oaks Shop Churches ana shopping centers. For sd 5-W3. ping center.

For anpt. n'ease call OR pointment to see this bargain please call 5212 Gladstone $13,775 3 bedrooms2 baths Family RoomDining Area $400 down FHANothing down VETERANS. Herschel Crawford at Wayne Bums REALTORS 2-0969, nights, GR 6-9033, GR 2-7464, GR 6-2301, Realtor. nomes ul -twui. evenings ul z-4918.

Acres North of Austin. 3-L $11,500. Jim Nations 407 crestiana HO 5-7631 5520 Burnet Rd. S-'ViiaV 3 WAYKI BUSKS HIGHLAND HILLS This house has plenty of prestige as well G.I. Nothing Down.

Payments 3110 00 per month. FHA Financing also available. Call Reaves ft Becker Co. GL 2-9441, Nites Call Dan Rawls HO 5-7328. EXCELLENT ASSUMPTION NO CLOSING COSTS 140(1 ft.

all brick home. The well as lots of room and beauty, a oearooms, 2 baths, beautiful paneled den with fireplace. Inter-corn, all built-ins, drapes, lovely wool carpet, and many more Interesting features. To see please call Jean Arnold GL 2-8834, evenings GL 3-7930. OPEN SUNDAY ESTATE FOR SALE VIEW FOR FREE ranged all electric kitchen will save many houn of work.

Th double garage the 2 deluxe tile baths, and the central air NORTH AUSTIN THREE. BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS HARDWOOD FLOORS $11,225 FHA C. Darrell Hopkins Realtors conditioning will make for a happier family. Easy assumption.

$750.00 down 5'4 percent loan, reasonable payments. Call West ft Associates. HI 2-2233 or HI 4-1911. FOR LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY Yes, slick as can be with big covered patio fenced yard. For Just $350 Down fha SK? nn mnnthlv include all Total.

5300 Gladstone $12,350 3 bedroomsLiving roomDining Area OPEN HOUSES! wvff ammIbwh 4 bedroom 2 bath, Let me show you this lovely home. Call 2302 WESTWAY CIRCLE IN WEST PARK Reaves ft Becker Co. GL 2-9441. Nites Nick Brennan GL 3-8026. ADDITION.

OWNER MOVING TO SAN ANTONIO WILL SELL OR LEASE. 3 bedrooms, two baths, large family room 01 i Ilfes. fcd kte rtfcwftKffltt 11 K' I a all brick in Allendale Park. Large family room with fireplace. Air conditioned.

Traditional "Pink i V. and large living room, big yard backine 1603 CORONA DRIVE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Brick" Colonial. up to Barton Skyway. Has gons or caoi-nets. Call today nd be first Buford "'v 7105 Waterlin California Contem Stewart HI 4-3666 or HI 2-1567.

cnciosea garago wm $400 down FHAGI Nothing Down. 0 Enclosed garage will move you Into this 3 bedroom home in excellent condition. Assume porary In a prestige area of North-not niiia Native stone and red 3 4. 4 tur wood. Formal dining room.

A real bargain In a quality home. Call i m. existing FHA loan with monthly pny-ments of $R1, no qualifying. Convenient Plaza Shopping Center call HO 5-5481. Lucille Merschbrock Realtor.

for driving directions. ra Dover Place Rustic Rancher In For Courteous Sunday Service Please Call TO BUY SELL RENT OR INSURE One of These Qualified Representatives Sales Mike Arnn GR 7-4236 Dick Einck GR 2-4816 L. Munson GR 8-8338 Olin Crow HI 2-6072 Floyd L. Raymond HO 5-9716 John R. Davis GL 2-3743 Rental Dept.

Jim Solt 2-4522 Bill Dittlinger BR 6-3964 Herbert Sladek, Jr HI 2-1728 Paul Wendler GL 3-0719 Don Renfro HO 5-1897 John Harrison GR 6-1300 manual Tprrnce. Gullett Lamar. ItkMl McCallum schools. Cedar roof, fire- Mnnrtitlnnpri "rpar entrv" 5204 Gladstone $14,275 rt 0 No Down Payment No Closing Cost FHA 3 Down yini, ii garage. 1750 q.

ft. 3803 Silverleaf Circle Builder's personal home with features seldom found. On private cul-de-sac In Allandale TmrV OTnnra are Montina Corlon ft carpet. "Stone wall" den. Central air conditioning.

a 3 ba Family room 12'xl6' IJ Separate breakfast dn. FHA Nothing Down Vet- ill thaaa home will he open dally 1405 East Riverside Drive Th hug three bedroom, two bath horn wai built with th conicientious buyr in mind. You will lov its many feature, such as study, party room, inside bar-b-qu pit, fireplace, air conditioning, three car garag. All of this plut 1.6 tre covred acres which go with th sal. Th horn alon cost $78,000 when built.

Th land it worth at least $30,000. Both th land and horn will today for only $50,000.00. Directiona: Driv South on Expressway, turn left on Riversid Driv, home located across th street from Gondoiler Hotel. Follow Open House Signs. Open 11:00 A.M.

until Dark. 3 from 8:00 a.m. until dark. If are unable to locate the home, please call our ofuce for driving directions or any additional Information. Ph.

GL 3-7351. erans. HILOtftS AUEftll ft BLACK Driv north on th Expressway to th 51 tt St. Exit to Old mur I.rvF. TN CRESTVIEW -Of QRRlSOnijilLSOnPPQBgnn, Real nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large living 8901 Shepard North Lamar Park a room, extra iarg njraouu, with manv cabinets and GILBRETH AND C0MPMV Manor driv to Norwood Hills turn right and follow th signs to Gladstone Homes.

2 Windsor Builders, inc. HO 5-8773 pantry. All brick with large patio. Paved driveway Into carport with outside fnced back yard. To see.

I 4" I I REALTORS INSURORS 1 305 W. 6th GR 2-6201 pleas call Phet Allen, HO 5-7694, eve 2 Car Carport 15 I Storsf Central Heat, (Ready tor Air) Driv North put Anderson Isn on North Lsmar to 8900 Blk. Right on nings OLii-lli. 3 Bedrooms lVt Baths Furniturt finished Cabinets LARRY BARNETT HI 4-1744 CL 3-6668 HI 4-3553 foSeStaiftAifcAjViAeJ 2 I 1 Anderson Lone.

The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.