BNHA Watches Big Hero 6 - LunaTora - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter 1: Intro


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I closed my eyes and pictured a simple movie theater. I opened them to see the theater. I smiled looking around, adding in a snack stand, the bathrooms ( women's on the right wall, men's on the left wall and gender neutral in the middle), I counted the chairs making sure that there were enough before summoning them.

"37, 38, 39, and 40 there are just enough chairs for all of them!" I turn to my pet "Right?"

"Yes I would say so love." Butters mention with a small smile

"OK now lets get this show on the road."

I place my hands together and summon the people into their chairs. Everyone shouts out in surprise as I stand at the very front of the theater. I look over them and nod. I move Butters back so that I'm the first thing they see.

Class 1-A, the big three, Shinso, Mei, Aizawa, Mic, Toshinori, Nezu, Recovery Girl, Mandalay, Nighteye, Tensei, Naomasa David and Melissa Shield and the four kids are all seated in their chairs.

"Where the f*ck are we!?" Katsuki screams as he begins to struggle out of the chair and growl like a rabid dog.

"What happened?!" Izuku yelled attempting to get up

"Is this a Villain Attack!?" Mineta yelled almost pissing himself.

"Why can't we get out of our chairs!?" Ochako whines looking terrified as she tries to make herself float off!

I clap my hands causing a loud boom to happen. They all look up to me as I smile at them.

"Welcome to the Multiverse Projection Room!"

"The what now?" Denki asked confused as he raises a brow and his face looks like he is focusing on something fuzzy because just what even?

"The Multiverse Projection Room?" Izuku asked still trying to get out of his chair

"Who are you and why have you bought us here!?" Aizawa yelled, quirk activated looking at me with disdain.

"H-Hey let's chill a second everyone we keep freaking out and they will never say what is up!" Hizashi soon counters them all using his quirk to get them all to listen.

"Agreed as heros we must keep a level head." Toshinori added trying to calm the kids

"Thank you Mr. Yamaha." Butter says as she struts out from behind me.

The kids gasp seeing Butters is a forest green giant fluffy cat. She purrs loudly to sooth them. I smile clearing my throat

"I am LunaTora, a creator in a dimension known as AO3. As for why you are here, well you are here for our entertainment."

"Your entertainment?" Nezu asked, his paws clenching into fist "what do you mean?"

"Well I was bored and my original world plan for this month was taking too long to be blueprinted so I quickly made this one and pulled you all into it."

"'re a villain?" Hizashi asked cautiously as he raises a brow with a frown toward us

"No. I'm a creator. I create, destroy and remake. I am neither good nor evil. I have no will to kill any of you as I am fond of you all. No, the reason I brought you here was to enlighten all of you."

"Enlighten us how? You got some truths to reveal?" Hizashi asks again eyes narrowed.

"Mm.. Not exactly like that."

"May we know your true name?" Tensei soon asks as he raises a brow at me


"What why!?" He yells glaring at me

"I don't need a reason not to charge it." I smile looking over them. "By i wish to show the children why you are all training under seasoned pros, to show them that anything is possible with a little ingenuity and again for my entertainment."

"How would you be doing this?"

"Excellent question Denki! It's easy by the name of the room you should guess how."

"So you're going to show us another universe?" Izuku questioned

By now everyone had stopped struggling and were looking up at me. I nod as the students and little ones start to talk about how this was amazing.

Hizashi then counters.. "I am still concerned why we can't get up and why you just brought us here.."

"Yeah me too!" Bakugo growled

"What are you hiding?" Naomasa yelled

"Nothing, I just didn't want to fight like a million people to explain what was going on."

"That sounds reasonable." Recovery Girl said looking around the room

I cleared my throat again, dang cold.

"Now as amazing as this is, I must explain something regarding the room. This room is made to accommodate all your needs. There are bathrooms on both sides of the room for each gender. The chairs and seating arrangement changes depending on your mood and actions. If you wish to have a snack the ghosts from the snack stand will bring them to you."

Everyone turns to the snack stand to see the four ghosts from Pacman. They smiled before bustling around making food and snacks.

"Now, any last questions before I reveal the universe we will be watching?"

"Will we be allowed to take notes?"

I snapped my fingers as multiple stacks of notebooks and pens appeared around the students and teachers.

"At this rate I might as well make it a test." Aizawa groaned scaring many of the students

"Maybe next time you should send out invites before kidnapping everyone. It would help with the fear many of these kids felt."

"Yes. Now the universe you all will be watching is known as the Big Hero 6."

Izuku started writing the title of the universe on the front of his notebook as I turned towards the screen and lit it up.

"Without further a-do, the showing of one Hiro Hamada."

"Hey that's close to my last name!" Hizashi laughs grinning!

"Hush Hizashi! It's starting!" Tensei calls with a small huff and a smirk.

Aizawa threw some popcorn at Hizashi as the kids shushed them. They all smiled as the Disney Castle came up.


Seating arrangements right to left

Front: Ochaco Uraraka, Kota, Eri, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuma, Mahoro, Tenya Iida

2nd Row: Koji Koda, Tsuyu Asui, Shoto Todoroki, Fumikage Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, Mezo Shoji, Yuga Aoyama

3rd Row: Minoru Mineta, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugo, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, Mei Hatsumei

4th Row: Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyorozu, Rikido Sato, Toru Hagakure, Mashirao Ojiro, Hitsohi Shinso, Melissa Shield

5th row: Sir Nighteye, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, David Shield, Tensei Iida

Last Row: Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, Nezu Chiyo Shuzenji, Toshinori Yagi, Naomasa Tsukauchi, Shino Sosaki


Edited: July 4 2022

Chapter 2: Part 1: The Opening, School and Project (Edited)


So this is my first time writing a reactions story so here's to it being good.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own the Big Hero 6 franchise nor tmdo I speak to its creators. I also do not own any part of my Hero Academia.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

[The movie starts with the opening to Walt Disney.]

"What the hell is this? I thought we were watching other universes!?" Bakugo yelled

"We are but to see them they must be shown in movie format." Butters adds from her spot in front of Izuku and the kids


"I do not know Denki. I am a creator not a know it all." I reply

Some of the students snickered while others looked confused. Nezu wrote this down as it was strange that I can create but I do not know all. Others also made note of this as it would be an important question to ask.

[The screen pans over the Golden Gate Bridge late in the night. It zooms across the lit up city. Showing off its beautiful scenery.]

"Is America really like that All Might?" Izuku asked looking back at Toshinori

"I do not think so." Toshinori responded "it seems much more technically advanced than what I remember."

"No it's not." David answered "it seems we really are watching another universe."

[The screen then pans under the rails and into an alleyway where two robots are fighting.]

Many students started to murmur and look excited at the idea of giant robots. Mei in particular was drooling eyes zooming in to see every inch of detail. Marissa was also excited thinking this was a very technological world.

[The red robot with the scissors attacks first being blocked by another robot and pushed back. They clash arms, sending each other back. The red bot hits the round black one who brings his shield forward to block. The red one goes forward and gets shield slams into the ground.]

"Look At Those Babies Go!" Mei yelled writing down what she could see of the schematics

"Powerloader Sensei is going to have his hands full." Izuku sighed

Many students and teachers sent their respects to the Support Course teacher.

[The robot slides back and reveals that they are tiny remote controlled robots.]

"Awe I thought they were big!" Denki yelled, tossing some popcorn at the screen.

The blue ghost showed up in front of him mad.

"Do not throw food you don't clean up here!"

Denki jumped as others laughed at him.

"Haha damn that's what you get." Jiro jokes "what made you think that was a good idea?"

"I do it at home."


"Yeah. I always clean up afterwards. Mom would kill me if I didn't."

They turned back to the movie. They watched in awe as the fight continued.

[Then as the red bot went to finish the black bot it grabbed its arm and changed its shield into a saw.]

"Smart multi functional." David mentioned that down in his own notebook "more heros should have multi functional tools to help them."

"Agreed." Aizawa said looking down at his students who didn't bother acknowledging his stay statement "maybe I should add that into a lesson plan."

"I don't see why more people don't." Toshinori asked oblivious to the stares his fellow heros and staff members were giving him

"Yes I wonder why." Aizawa grumbled

[The bot sawed the red one down as people started to exchange money.]

Iida jumped up chopping his arm at this.

"Gambling is highly illegal, they should not be participating in such an awful corruption thing!"

Behind him some of the students looked down at their hands as they had all made snack bets on who would win. They quickly hid the evidence as Aizqwa facepalmed.


"Awe calm down you were just as bad." Mic added earnings an elbow to his side


Yama: Who's next?! Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama?!

[People in the crowd nervously hide their robots, even destroying them, too scared to fight.]

"Pff, puss*es."

"To be fair that guy really did destroy the other person's robot." Kirishima tried reasoning with the unreasonable Bakugo

Hiro: Can I try?

[Everyone turns around to see a fourteen-year-old boy, holding a cute little robot.]

"What the hell , what's kid doing there!?" Mic yelled getting an elbow to his side

"Why would he be there?" Mina asked

"Money. Fame. Recklessness." Jiro named off counting on her fingers "honestly it's not too surprising."

"Let's be honest…some of us would have been there if we knew about this." Sero added

Hiro: [innocently] I have a robot. I built it myself.

[Everyone laughs at Hiro's robot.]

"That's mean! He built himself a robot and all just to participate!" Mei yelled

"In what is most likely an illegal gambling ring." Shoji stated "this could end badly for him if he wins."

"That's true. Darkness holds no bound for anyone. Even the young." Tokoyami muttered unnervingly

Announcer: Beat it, kid! House rules: You gotta pay to play.

Hiro: Oh. Uh... is this enough? [Holds up a handful of money]

Yama: What's your name, little boy?

Hiro: [shyly] Hiro. Hiro Hamada.

Yama: Prepare your bot... Zero.

[Hiro and Yama place their money in the bowl.. Hiro and Yama prepare to fight.]

"This isn't good not at all for him." Toru said holding on to Ojiro

"Well he could have beginner's luck?" Ojiro answered

"Or total annihilation." Shoji countered

[Yama sits down causing the ground to shake. Hero copies him.

Announcer: Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready...? FIGHT!

[Hiro's robot is destroyed in seconds.]

Many students flinched seeing this as cruel to the boy. The teachers however were thinking. Something wasn't right. Some of the students also seemed to wonder why he would just go in blind like that.

"Well that was anticlimactic." Shinso sighed "poor kid never stood a chance."

"I wouldn't count him out yet."

Everyone looked to Mineta who was smirking.

"Remember what the hot magic lady said were following the story of Hiro Hamada."

Hiro: That was my first fight. I-I– Ca-Can I try again?

Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home.

Hiro: I've got more money.

It's this that some people start to take the connection.

"That cheeky child." Aizawa grumbled pinching the bridge of his nose

Nezu chuckled while sipping his tea. Izuku also noticed what Hiro had done.

"What do you mean, Sensei?" Mina asked, "A kid could have rich parents."

"But this is not just any kid." Naomasa added "this is our main protagonist so far."


[He reluctantly places the rest of his money on the plate for a second fight.]

Announcer: Fighters ready? FIGHT!

[Megabot suddenly reassembles itself.]

"Wait what?!"

And with that they had their confirmation.

"Cheeky child indeed Eraser." Sir commented

[Hiro drops his "shy, innocent little boy" act.]

Hiro: Megabot, destroy! [Grins evilly]

Yama: What?

[The Megabot makes quick work of Little Yama by separating and twisting his body in different ways. Megabot takes off Little Yamas left arm then uses it to remove his right arm before popping his head off.]

"Holy sh*t that was awesome how did-"

"He made him lower his guard by acting innocent." Izuku stated writing down what Hiro had done

"I noticed that too. A clue they gave us was how much money he had. No teenager has that kind of money unless his parents are rich-"

"Or he's already done something like this." Tsu finished for Momo

"Wow had us in the first half not gonna- ow what! I can't meme in peace?"

"No. Try again and I'll make sure to hit you with a stronger heartbeat "


The students watche Mei as she practically salivated at the Megabot.

Hiro: No more little yama.

Yama: But, wha...This is not possible!

Hiro: Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck. Do you want to go again, Yama?

The students and teachers looked concerned at the shadow that befell Hiro as the audience and announcer all backed away from him.

"And as such the darkness descends."

"That's not good."

"No sh*t Sato." Toru hissed, grabbing Ojiro's arm for dear life.

[Hiro is seen being thrown against the wall by Yama]

Yama: No one hustles Yama!

Hiro: Whoa. Hey...

Yama: Teach him a lesson.


Many students got up to try and help Hiro only to be suddenly pulled back into their seats. I appeared before them again rubbing my face.

"You can't help anyone on the screen, these events have already happened. There is no changing what is going on right now so please don't jump out of your chairs like that again or I will permanently attach you to them."

The students looked a little sheepish as I disappeared.

Hiro: Hey, fellas. Let's talk about this.

Izuku gripped the armrests to his chair as the thugs closed in on Hiro. Shoto was letting little whips of frost and heat off, Iidas engines purred ready to move. Even Bakugo let off tiny explosions. All of them ready to jump in and stop the thugs.

Unknown: Hiro! Get on!

[A light shined on the thugs as a scooter showed up with an older man on it.]

Unknown: Hiro Let's Go!

Hiro: Tadashi! Ah, perfect timing!

[The man grabs a helmet placing it on Hiros head revving and driving off.]

"Oh thank god!" Ochaco said letting out a sigh

Many of the students also let out sighs along with some of their teachers. Toshinori chuckled as David and Nighteye looked at him.

"What's so funny?"

"He had a helmet ready which most likely means the boy has done this before and that man is close to him."

The teachers looked at Toshinori. Of course He would notice that. He's just as reckless as him. They thought

[Yama looks down at the Megabot in his hand, laughing in victory. The bits face changes suddenly.]

Yama: Oh mama!

"Ha Serves you right you big Bully!" Mina yelled chomping on some taffy

"Yeah so unmanly of you!" Kirishima yelled shaking his can in the air

[The megabot catches up to Hiro and Tadashi as they speed away down the alleyway.]

Tadashi: Are you okay?

Hiro: Yes.

Tadashi: Are you hurt?

Hiro: No.

Tadashi who starts hitting Hiro: THEN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, KNUCKLEHEAD!? You graduated high school when you were 13, and this is what you're doing?

"Wait 13!?"

Many students felt very inadequate at this as he was even younger than them and had graduated highschool already. The adults were more concerned with what the boy's parents were thinking, allowing him to graduate at a very important stage in his life.

Yama: There they are!

Random Thug: Hey!

Tadashi: Hold on!

[Tadashi then uses a wooden plank to fly over the thugs and Yama. Hiro looks at his reflection in the building next to them]

Hiro: Yes!

Random Thug 2: Get back here.

Tadashi: Bot Fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested!

"See, it was an illegal bot fighting ring." Iida said chopping his hand

"I wonder how the kid is going to rationalize this." Aizawa grumbled

Hiro: Bot Fighting is NOT illegal! Betting on Bot Fighting, that's– that's illegal. But, SO lucrative! [Holds out a fat wad of cash he won from the Bot Fight] I'm on a roll, big brother! [Throws arms up victoriously] AND THERE IS NO STOPPING ME!

[Tadashi suddenly stops as police cars pull up in front of them.]

"He jinxed them." Mina said

"You said it." Sero winced

Tadashi: Oh, no…

"Indeed they have been caught" Tokoyami sighed as Dark Shadow munched on some popcorn

[Hiro is seen sitting in a cell all by himself. He gives a shy wave to someone. The screen then shows them that it's Tadashi in a cell with all the adults from the arrest including Yama and the thugs. Tadashi looks mad.]

"Oh dang I feel bad for Tadashi." Ochaco spoke between bites of food

"Yeah he only went to go help Hiro now look at him." Tsu added on.

"Press F in the Chat for Tadashi." Denki said

"Seriously?" Shinso raised an Eyebrow at the request.

[A brown haired lady is seen pacing outside the police station as Hiro and Tadashi walk out of the police department.]

"Oh, do you think that's a family member?"

"Most Likely young Toru. Only a family can get a minor out of a holding cell." David answered

Hiro and Tadashi: [Shamefully] Hi, Aunt Cass.

Cass: [Worried running up and hugging them] Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay!

Hiro: We're fine.

Tadashi: We're okay.

Cass: Oh, good. [She grabs them both by the ear and drags them to the car.] THEN WHAT WERE YOU TWO KNUCKLEHEADS THINKING?! [In the car Tadashi and Hiro holding their ears as Aunt Cass drives angry]

Aizawa nodded, thankful there was a reasonable adult there to scold them.

"Man that has to hurt to have your ear pulled like that." Mic said, rubbing his own ear.

Cass: For 10 years, I have done the best I could to raise you. Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about children? No. Should I have picked up a book on parenting? Probably! Where was I going with this? I had a point.

Many hands meet students and teachers' faces as they hear the woman's rant.

"Well no wonder the kids like this. She knows nothing about parenting." Bakugo stated

"Wait 10 years, where are their parents?" Melissa asked hoping that they were just constantly traveling and not...well gone

The teachers looked at each other as they noticed the implications of that statement. Was it possible Hiro was acting out because of parental abandonment

Tadashi: Sorry.

Hiro: We love you, aunt Cass.

Cass [aggressively]: Well, I love you, too! I had to close up early because of two felons. On beat poetry night. Stress eating. Because of you. Come on, Mochi. This is really good!

Aizawa and Shinso perk up at the cat Mochi in the cafe. That was cute. Eri tugged on Izukus shirt.

"Mister Deku, what is beat poetry...and what was she eating?"

"Oh um well-"

"Beat poetry is like karaoke but with poetry Eri!" Mirio yelled from the top row

"What's Karaoke?"

Mirio deflated at how his explanation went over Eris' head but still smiled.

"Well it's when people sing along to songs but without the singer singing."


"But to answer what she was eating that is the famous Donut of the USA." Denki jokes

"Seriously? That's how you're going to explain it." Jiro groaned, hitting Denki with a slight sound wave from her jack.

"It's a sugary treat that kids in America eat. If you'd like I can make some when we get back or-"

Sato was interrupted by a ghost giving the four children donuts.

"Or we can have the ghost give you one. Thanks."

The ghost nods to Sato as the kids bite into them.

"Wow this is sweet!" Mahoro said smiling

"Yeah it is." His sister parroted taking another bite.

"I would have liked strawberry, not chocolate." Kota whines still eating the donut

Eri looked around before taking a bite and smiling.

"I like it."

[Hiro sits down at his desk as Tadashi goes over to his side of the room before walking over to Hiro.]

"Ah they are brothers then." Aoyama said smiling, "such a sweet sparkling brother looking out for his troublesome little brother."

Tadashi: You better make this up to aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe.

Hiro [not paying attention]: For sure.

Tadashi: And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.

Hiro: Absolutely.

Tadashi [catching on to what Hiro is doing: You're going bot fighting, aren't you?

Hiro [spins around in his chair grabbing his bot]: There's a fight across town. If I book, I can still make it.

"Seriously!? You were just arrested and you're going out again!?!" Mineta yelled "does he have no conscious!"

"Rich coming from you."any of the girls leveled a look at Mineta

"Wow he really doesn't care does he." Mirio asked

"It appears the lack of parental guidance is the root of him not caring." Sir answered

"We don't know that yet." Toshinori countered

Tadashi [grabs Hiros hood spinning him around]:When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?

Hiro: What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I already know?

Tadashi [in disbelief]: Unbelievable. What would mom and dad say?

"Yes what would his parents say about you rash and dangerous-"

Hiro: I don't know. They're gone. They died when I was three, remember?

Iida snapped his mouth shut. The group all lowered their heads a little. That had to hurt. For a 3 year old to suddenly lose his parents like that.

"No wonder he acts out." Everyone looked back at Recovery Girl. "If he never got the right support as a baby then it's possible that that has affected him until now. His sad look says that he's still not over that."

"But can a 3 year old really remember their parents like that?" Nejire asked

"Yes maybe not mannerisms and looks but the feeling is all the more present." Recovery Girl answered

Tadashi [tossing Hiro a helmet]: Hey! I'll take you.

Hiro: Really?

The students also looked confused as Tadashi was willing to go with Hiro to his bot fight.

"What are you planing Tadashi?" Toshinori mumbled under his breath

Sir also wondered the same. This was a rash action on behalf of Tadashi who so far had seemed like a rational person.

Tadashi [Grabbing His Own Bike Helmet]: I can't stop you from going, but I'm not going to let you go on your own.

Hiro: Sweet.

"I see so he'd rather be there to make sure his brother doesn't get hurt." Iida answered

Iida looked back at his brother who smiled down at him. He knew his brother would do the same, thus Tadashi is a good big brother.

[The screen shows a giant school building as Tadashi and Hiro make their way there.]

Hiro: What are we doing at your nerd school? Bot-fight's that way!

Tadashi: Gotta grab something.

Izuku thinks and realizes something.

"I think he's going to try and get him to stop bot fighting."

"What the hell? How's a f*cking school going to dath you damn nerd!?"

"I do know but it's just a guess...Tadashi does know his brother better than us so there must be a reason." Shoto backed up Izuku

Hiro: Is this gonna take long?

Tadashi: Relax, you big baby. We'll be in and out. Anyway, you've never seen my lab.

"I do wonder what Tadashi majors in." Mom asked thinking

"I'm going to say it has to do with mechanics." Jiro replied

"Oh does that mean we get to see some awesome babies!?" Mei glued her eyes to the screen hoping to see something

"I agree if the Bot Fight was anything to go by I'm guessing it has to do with technology." Melissa added also excited.

Hiro: Oh, great, I get to see your nerd lab! Whoa!

Woman: Heads up!

[A woman on a yellow bike speeds past Hiro and stops next to a workstation. She dismounts and takes a wheel off the bike before throwing it back, letting it reattach itself.]

The three biggest tech geeks in the room gasped and stared in amazement.

"Did she use Electro-Mag Suspension!?"

"On a bike!?"

Melissa and Mei both started to write down notes and draw out the bike. Izuku smiled, glad to see that they would get to see cool tech for those that weren't in the hero course.

[Hiro walks up to the bike as he looks around the room seeing different inventions all around the room.]

Mei, Melissa and now David were all scribbling across the pages of their notebook trying to capture all that they could.

[Hiro starts examining the bike moving a hand between the wheel and the bike.]

Hiro: Electro-mag suspension?

"Looks like they were right. It's electromag suspension." Izuku said, noting it down.

Woman: Hey! Who are you?

Hiro [nervous]: I'm...

Tadashi: Go Go, this is my brother Hiro.

Izuku wrote down the name, guessing that this woman would be important later.

"That's a strange name." Melissa said "must be a nickname of some kind."

GoGo [taking off her helmet and blowing a bubble]: Welcome to the nerd lab.

Hiro: hehe Yeah. I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before.

Go Go: Zero resistance, faster bike. But, not fast enough…[GoGo throws the wheel into a pile of other wheels]...yet.

"Well I thought she was going fast already." Denki said

"Maybe it's not the speed she wants to get to."

"Agreed. But can she truly achieve a faster speed?" Iida asked

"It's possible. That's why she's testing it." David added writing down the schematics to try back home

[Hiro walks over to another station with a big man.]

Man: Whoa Whoa! Do not move. Behind the line, please.

Tadashi: Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother Hiro.

Wasabi: Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed. [Wasabi grabs an apple tossing it around before throwing it to Hiro] Catch.

[The apple is sliced up into paper thin slices.]

"Wow, how did he do that!?"

"I'm going to guess a Laser of some kind." Melissa said

[Wasabi turns a nob that shows the plasma lasers]

Hiro: Wow. Laser-induced plasma?

"Called it."

Wasabi: Oh, yeah. With a little magnetic confinement for ultra-precision.

"Damn talk about neat freak." Sero whistled

"Damn nerd."

Hiro: Wow. How do you find anything in this mess?

Wasabi: I have a system. There's a place for everything, and everything in its place.

"That sounds like something some of you students need." Aizawa glared at the messier students.

Said student ducked down to avoid his glare. Toshinori looked away when Sir and David looked at him.

GoGo [Snatching a tool off his station]: Need this!

Wasabi: You can't do that! This is anarchy! Society has rules!

"I agree she should have asked and not just snatched the tool!" Iida yelled chopping his hand furious at the woman

Blonde [rolling a giant ball]: Excuse me! Coming through! Tadashi! Oh, my gosh. You must be Hiro! I've heard so much about you! Perfect timing. Perfect timing.

"Why is she even wearing these headphones in the lab? It could be distracting." Melissa said concerned

"She may need them or she may be careless which I doubt but why does she need so much carbon?" David asked unsure of what she could could doing

Hiro: That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide.

Blonde: 400 pounds of it! Come here, come here, come here. You're going to love this. A dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide, super-heated to 500 Kelvin, and... [Sprays the ball before electrifying it] Ta-da! It's pretty great, huh?

Hiro: It's so pink.

Blonde: Here's the best part. [Touched at ball and it explode into a cloud of pink]

Everyone stares amazed at that. The teachers also notice Hiros expression. Nezu smiled realizing what this universe's heros were up to.

Hiro: Whoa.

Blonde: I know, right? Chemical metal embrittlement.

Tadashi: Not bad, Honey Lemon.

Hiro: "Honey lemon"? "Go Go"? "Wasabi"?

Wasabi: I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time, people. One time!

Tadashi: Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.

Hiro: Who's Fred?

Fred': This guy, right here! [Jumpscares Hiro] Don't be alarmed. It is just a suit. This is not my real face and body. The name's Fred. School mascot by day, but by night... I am also a school mascot.

Hito: So, what's your major?

Fred: No, no, no, I'm not a student. But I am a major science enthusiast. I've been trying to get honey to develop a formula that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will. But she says that's "not science."

Honey-Lemon: It's really not.

Fred: Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't "science" either. Is it?

Wasabi: Nope.

Fred: Well, then, what about "invisible sandwich"?

Tadashi: Hiro.

Fred: Imagine eating a sandwich, but everybody just thinks you're crazy.

Aizawa felt like he lost some brain cells at Fred's remarks.

"I'm surprised he's even allowed to be a school mascot." Mic said chuckling

"Hmm. I wonder what would happen if-"

"Don't even think about it, Mei."

Mei pouted as everyone told her not to even think about making some of Fred's suggestions.

"Well…he has spirit." Denki tried to reason

"Stop it. It's not helping." Jiro groaned

Hiro: So, what have you been working on?

Tadashi: I'll show you.

Hiro: Duct tape? I hate to break it to you, bro. Already been invented. Hey! Dude! Ow!

[A red box lights up as Hiro yells ow. A giant marshmallow looking thing showed up.]

"Wait, what is that?"

"Shush so we can find out!"

Tadashi: This is what I've been working on.

[The robot walks slowly towards Hiro before bumping into a stool. It picks it up and looks for where to move it before setting it down and walking towards Hiro again.]

Robot: Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said, "ow."

"Wait a damn robotic nurse!"

Hiro: A robotic nurse.

"Wow look at you bro you've synced with Hiro!" Kirishima joked as Bakugo raged at him

Baymax: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

Hiro: Physical or emotional?

Baymax: I will scan you now. Scan complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm. I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.

"That's highly impressive. He not only scared Hiro but he was able to correctly diagnose him and offer an appropriate solution to his medical emergency." Recovery Girl stated

"That would be Revolution in the medical field." David said in awe

"That is some impressive coding work at play." Melissa added

Izuku looked back to see Mei furiously writing in her notebook. It was clear she was having a field day...but where were the hero's?

Hiro: What's in the spray, specifically?

Baymax: The primary ingredient is bacitracin.

Hiro: That's a bummer. I'm actually allergic to that.

Baymax: You are not allergic to bacitracin. You do have a mild allergy to peanuts.

"He even can scan for allergies. That's amazing!" Melissa is now fully invested in this

At first she was worried since the name was Big Hero Six but so far it's only showed

Melissa looks up at the screen, hoping filling her heart.

Hiro: Not bad. You've done some serious coding on this thing, huh?

Tadashi: Programmed him with over 10,000 medical procedures. This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax.

Hiro: Vinyl?

Tadashi: Yeah, going for a non-threatening, huggable kind of thing.

Hiro: Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense.

"Well a walking marshmallow is non threatening and huggable so I say he did good." Tsu answered 'he's so cute!'

Baymax: I am a robot. I cannot be offended.

Denki snorted "haha jokes."

Hiro [tapping the lens]: Hyperspectral cameras?

Tadashi: Yep.

Hiro: Titanium skeleton?

Tadashi: Carbon fiber.

Hiro: Right. Even lighter. Killer actuators. Where did you get those?

Tadashi: Machined them right here, in-house.

Hiro: Really?

Tadashi: Yup. He can lift 1,000 pounds.

Sato whistled.

"That's even more than some heros can lift."

"Would be good for heavier patients." Recovery Girl added liking the robot.

Hiro: Shut up.

Baymax: You have been a good boy. Have a lollipop.

Hiro: Nice.

"Mister Deku, you get lollipops for being good at the doctors?"

"Yeah you do Eri."


Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.

Hiro: Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.

[Baymax turns around and walks towards his charging station]

Tadashi: He's going to help a lot of people.

Hiro: Hey, what kind of battery does it use?

Tadashi: Lithium ion.

Hiro: You know, supercapacitors would charge way faster.

Older Man: Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?

Tadashi: Hey, Professor. Actually, I was just finishing up.

Professor: You must be Hiro. Bot-fighter, right? When my daughter was younger, that's all she wanted to do. May I?

Hiro: Sure.

Professor: Magnetic-bearing servos.

Hiro: Pretty sick, huh? Wanna see how I put ‘em together?

Tadashi [taps glass to reveal himself]: Hey, genius! He invented them.

Hiro: You're Robert Callaghan? Like, as in, the Callaghan-catmull spline, and Callaghan's "laws of robotics?"

Professor: That's right. Ever think about applying here? Your age wouldn't be an issue.

Tadashi: I don't know. He's pretty serious about his career in bot-fighting.

Hiro: Well, kind of serious.

Aizawa noticed it along with Sir. Hiro was cracking. He was becoming interested in joining the school. Something that could be immensely beneficial for both Hiro and his society.

Professor: I can see why. With your bot, winning must come easy.

Hiro: Yeah, I guess.

Professor: Well, if you like things easy, then my program isn't for you. We push the boundaries of robotics here. My students go on to shape the future. Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with the bot-fights.

[The scene changes to outside where Tadashi is on the bike waiting for Hiro Who's staring at the School]

"What is he doing?" Shoji asked

Tadashi: We gotta hurry if you want to catch that bot-fight.

Hiro: I have to go here. If I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind. How do I get in?

"So that was his plan to get Hiro interested in something more productive." Izuku stated smiling

"That makes sense. Hiro must like robotics a lot and to show him exactly what the school is capable of will really set him on a better path." Momo continued

"Honestly anything is better than almost getting beat up or arrested again." Shinso replied

[Tadashi staples paper to the wall.]

Tadashi: Every year, the school has a student showcase. You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But, it's gotta be great.

Hiro: Trust me. It will be.

[Hiro sharpens a pencil opening a notebook and lowering his pencil to start making a plan]

"Oh yeah, a cool building montage!" Mineta cheered

[Hiro slamming his head on his desk repeatedly with multiple papers around him]

"Or...not." Sato chuckled

Only the true support geniuses could understand what Hiro was going through right now...even Mei.

Hiro: Nothing! No ideas! Useless, empty brain!

Tadashi [relaxing on his bed]: Wow. Washed up at 14. So sad.

Hiro: I got nothing! I'm done. I'm never getting in.

Tadashi: Hey, I'm not giving up on you.

[Tadashi then picks Hiro up and holds him by his ankles over his shoulder jumping around and shaking him.]

"What the hell! He could hurt him that way!" Recovery Girl yelled

"Hey it helps the boy think….maybe." Mirio chuckled

"Not the time, Mirio." Nejire warned him as Recovery Girl leveled a look at him

Hiro: What are you doing?

Tadashi: Shake things up. Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.

Hiro: What?

Tadashi: Look for a new angle.

At this Izuku wrote down those lines. Use that big brain of yours to think your way out. Look for a new angle. Izuku didn't know it just yet but these few words would define the entire group's existence.

[Hiro looks at his Megabot and suddenly gets an idea. He opens his garage and starts working on his project. A time-lapse of him working is no stop to get it done. He holds open a lid fist bumping with Tadashi.]

I pause the screen appearing before the group again.

"This is your first five minute break. Please use the restrooms, walk around and stretch. You may also discuss what you have seen. I will be back in five minutes to unpause the viewing."

I disappear as the students all get up to walk around and discuss what was going on. Some go to the restrooms, others stretch to keep their legs from cramping. The adults all huddled together to go over what had happened.


If there is anything that I can do to i.porve the story please let me know I would really like to make this a very good story.

Edited: July 6th 2022

Chapter 3: Part 2: Presenting, Tragedy, Warehouse and Realization (Edited)


Here is chapter Three Part 2.

I hope you all are ready for the new year!

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own the Big Hero 6 franchise nor tmdo I speak to its creators. I also do not own any part of my Hero Academia.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Do you think she is dangerous?" Mandalay asked wringing her hands together

It was so strange to be here. They had done a full check of the entire room. Nothing. The room was completely sealed off from the rest of the world. They found that their phones couldn't contact anyone and that their quirks had weakened considerably. The heros looked around to see some of the students stretching others doing laps and some sitting down discussing the movie.

"Quite possibly." Nezu stated "it is hard to determine. Not only because of the quirk dampening effect on us now but the fact that she has remained neutral."

"He's right. She hasn't done anything outside of what she has claimed." Toshinori added taking a sip of a bottle called 'Meal drink'

"That doesn't mean we should drop our guards." Aizawa grumbled "she left a watcher here."

The adults looked over to the group surrounding Butters. The 4 smallest kids were sitting around and on the big fluffy cat. They haven't done much but nap around them and playfully bat (gently of course) at the kids. Izuku, Mirio and their friends sat around them watching carefully as they played with the big feline.

A soft bell had gone off as I appeared on the stage again. Everyone moved back to their seats.

"Now that you are all seated I can restart the-"

Izuku raises his hand. I look at him and give a light nod.

"Um, yes I have a question."

"I may have an answer."

"Why do you create worlds for your entertainment?"

I tilt my head smiling at him. "I create for many reasons as do many other creators. But my main reason is that I love to create. It helps soothe me. It encourages me and it helps brighten others' days."

"Others?" I look up at Aizawa as he glares at me. "What do you mean 'others'?"

"Other creators and watchers. They can use our creations to inspire their own. We have main creators that create your universes and we then branch from them."

"I see...this is why you don't know everything?" Denki asked "because you didn't create the original, just a branch of a tree."

Everyone looks at Denki as I nod.

"Yes but this is not the discussion or reason for us being here. I will now-."

"Miss I have a question."

I look over at Melissa as she looks nervous. I nod.

"I wanted to know what we haven't seen any quirks yet?"

"That's because this universe is not your own."

"What bullsh*t-"

"It is not bullsh*t, Bakugo." I answer sternly. The adults and students tense up not expecting my harsh reaction. I take a deep breath before continuing

"Each universe has its own set of rules and surprises. As such, quirks are a part of your universe."

"Which means this world most likely doesn't have any." Shoji added in shock

"Correct, now we have wasted enough time."

I disappear leaving more questions than answers. The hero's look at each other silently, agreeing to ask for some time to talk to me.

[The scene changes to a building in the city. Inside are different kinds or foots and inventions]

*whistle* "that looks a lot like a sports gear festival where people show off their inventions." Melissa said impressed

"I know! I want to make a lot of these babies when we get back so that we can really show off support gear!"

Melissa nods to Meis' statement taking in some underwater training equipment.

Tadashi [walking with a bin]: Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How are you feeling?

Hiro: You're talking to an ex-bot fighter. Takes a lot more than this to rattle me.

GoGo: Yep, he's nervous.

Honey: Oh

Wasabi: You have nothing to fear, little fellow.

Honey: He's so tense.

Hiro: No, I'm not.

Honey: Relax, Hiro. Your tech is amazing. Tell him, GoGo.

"I like those two. They are really supportive, it shines so bright. Not as bright as me!" Aoyama cheered smiling

"Yeah it must be nice to have your own personal cheer squad." Shinso added

GoGo: Stop whining. Woman up.

Many of the girls liked that phrase.

"Yeah Woman Up!" Mina yelled followed by agreements with the girls

Mandalay noted that down in a notebook shyly admitting in her head that she too liked the statement.

Hiro: I'm fine!

Wasabi: What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?

"Seriously!? Why the hell would he need any if that!?" Bakugo exploded

"It seems that this young man is very well prepared we can take a page or two out of his book in preparedness Bakugo!" Iida yelled to defend the man

The other students just realized that Wasabi was a lot like Iida only...less intense and more….comforting.

"Is it bad for me to say that Iida could use some lessons from Wasabi about being chill?" Denki whispered to Sero


Honey: Underpants?

GoGo: You need serious help.

Wasabi: Hey, I come prepared.

Iida sends a look over all his classmates and friends as some really snicker at this. The bonds shared by this group are close and amazing. Some student *cough cough* Izuku and Todoroki*cough cough*felt a little bit jealous of Hiro. He had many people around him that wished to help him. From a good loving family to friends who supported him despite his earlier rebellion.

Fred: I haven't done laundry in six months. One pair lasts me four days. I go front, I go back, I go inside-out. Then I go front and back.

Several students and Wasabi both gagged and looked at Fred with disgust.

"T-That is highly unsanitary and all kinds of wrong!"

"I'll say he's letting harmful bacteria that gets on his clothing move from location to location. I wouldn't be surprised if he has had multiple infections or rashes because of this." Recovery Girl Agreed with Mandalay

Tadashi: Wow. That is both disgusting and awesome.

GoGo: Don't encourage him.

"Yeah I'm with her, don't encourage that." Jiro agreed

"I don't know it is a little-"

Denki got hit on the head by a book from Mina and was shocked by Jiro.

"No it's not." Mina concluded

Fred: It's called "recycling."

Announcer: Next presenter, Hiro Hamada.

"Yes we get to see his baby in action!" Mei cheered, running up and squishing herself next to Iida "scoot I want a closer look!"

At this the chairs for the students glowed and they were lowered a little. Once the glow was gone they were seated in beanbags. Many looked around trying to find me or a camera.


"to ensure no one is in another space." Butters purred "now shush."

The student and adults look at each other before shrugging and looking back at the screen

Fred: Oh, yeah. This is it.

Hiro: I guess I'm up.

Honey: Okay, photo, photo! Everybody say, "Hiro."

Everyone: Hiro!

Fred: Yeah!

Honey: We love you, Hiro. Good luck!

GoGo: Don't mess it up.

Wasabi: Break a leg, little man.

Fred: Science, yeah!

Tadashi: All right, bro. This is it. Come on. Don't leave me hanging. What's going on?

The students look concerned as the adults smile.

"He's nervous." Sir called out

"What why? He's probably got the awesomest bot!" Nejire added

"But he is also only 14 years old. A presentation of this size would be scary for an adult as a teen this is probably terrifying." Mic continued

The students nod at their teachers explanation looking at the screen

Hiro:I really want to go here.

Tadashi: Hey. You got this.

"Yeah you do!" Melissa yelled out

"Come On Bro! You got this!"

"Yeah, show them how manly you are!"

"Kick butt!"

[Hiro walks onto the stage nervously holding a mic.]

Hiro: Hi. My name is Hiro… *mic ringing* Sorry.

"That's not looking too good."

Toru started to wring her hands as Hiro started his presentation.

Hiro: My name is Hiro Hamada, and I've been working on something that I think is pretty cool. I hope you like it.

[Hiro pulls out a contraption that went on his head and a small black metal piece.]

"That's his big invention?"

"What were you expecting, Mineta?"

"I don't know, something else.. bigger?"

Hiro: This is a microbot.

[A big man walks off screen]

"Rude." Mei grumbled as she looked closely at the bot

It looked a lot like...oh. Mei smiled, getting an idea of what he had made.

[Hiro takes a breath after Tadashi encourages him]

Hiro: It doesn't look like much, but when it links up with the rest of its pals…[The bins fall over and many Microbots spill out racing towards the stage]...things get a little more interesting.

Similar to the crowd of people on screen the students stare in amazement as they see the microbots stack in a single solid block of them. The teachers nod approvingly at Hiro and his friends' way of catching the attention of everyone.

"How did he do that?"

Hiro: The microbots are controlled with this neural transmitter.

"Oh that's how." Sero added after Hiro took the transmitter off and on.

Hiro: I think what I want them to do… [cube changes into a waving hand] They do it.

[A man looks over at the stage and walks towards Hiros presentation, interested in his tech.]

Hiro: The applications for this tech are limitless. Construction. [Microbots move to build something as Hiro walks up the structure] What used to take teams of people working by hand for months or years, can now be accomplished by one person.

"Amazing! They built a tower capable of holding his weight!"

"Forget that! The amount of time spent rebuilding a city block after a hero fight!?"

"The cost of having to rebuild it!"

"It could also help with search and rescue to hard to reach places!"

The hero's also smiled as they too thought about how useful something like this would be in their world.

Hiro: And that's just the beginning.

[Hiro moves to step off the platform.]

"Wait if he falls then-" Naomasa started

Hiro: How about transportation? [Lands safely on his Microbots]

"Never mind."

"Haha he got you good." Mic chuckled

Hiro: Microbots can move anything anywhere, with ease. If you can think it, the microbots can do it. The only limit is your imagination. Microbots!

Cass: That's my nephew!

[Hiro bows to the crowd as they go crazy for Hiro's invention.]

Tadashi: Yes!

Cass: My family! I love my family!

Tadashi: Nailed it!

Honey: You did it!

GoGo: Not bad!

Fred: Yeah!

Wasabi: Good job, Hiro.

Fred: You just blew my mind, dude!

Honey: They loved you. That was amazing!

Man: Yes. With some development, your tech could be revolutionary.

David narrowed his eyes at the screen. Alistair reminded him of some of those not so good businessmen who appeared every once in a while to convince him to "lower costs".

"Anyone else get a I don't like this guy kind of vibe?" Denki asked looking around

Hiro: Alistair Krei!

Krei: May I?

[Krei looks at the microbot with interest.]

Krei: Extraordinary. I want your microbots at Krei tech.

Hiro: Shut up.

Melissa felt a little uncomfortable with Krei. In fact she wasn't the only one.. many of the students didn't seem to like this man. Some turned to look at Denki who had pointed it out to them.

Professor: Mr. Krei is right. Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech. You can continue to develop them, or you can sell them to a man who's only guided by his own self-interest.

This caught everyone off guard.

"Whoa...that seemed uncalled for. I mean I get we all felt uneasy about the man but to call him out like that seems harsh." Denki said

"It seems the Professor and Krei here have some bad blood." Toshinori added

Krei: Robert, I know how you feel about me, but it shouldn't affect…

"Wow, they do have some history. This is...bad." Melissa commented

"How so?" Toru asked

"Because Callaghan can sway Hiro. Hiro knows Callaghan, he's he's trusted teacher to his older brother and friends. If he doesn't trust Krei naturally, anyone that knows him and respects him will also have that distrust." Mei added "in a community where your reputation follows you having a high profile inventor refuse to not only work with you but willing to talk bad about you can really mess up business opportunities."

"The same can be said in the other way. In some cases showing someone that you're willing to bad mouth them if something goes wrong will make other people weary of working with you." David added "Callaghan is playing a double edge sword."

Professor: This is your decision, Hiro. But you should know Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is.

Krei: That's just not true.

Professor: I wouldn't trust Krei tech with your microbots, or anything else.

"See! Hiro is clearly rethinking some things. The professor holds weight in his opinion and decision making." Melissa pointed out

The hero's however noticed the look Callaghan gave Krei. It seems something really bad must have happened for Callaghan to look at Krei with such hatred.

Krei: Hiro, I'm offering you more money than any 14-year-old could imagine.

Hiro: I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei, but they're not for sale.

Krei: I thought you were smarter than that. Robert.

"Yeah Hiro can do more at the school than he could selling you his Microbots!" Sero yelled

"Yeah that doesn't make him dumb!" Mineta followed

David watched, realizing many of the students have also started to respect the professor and are allowing that to influence their choices.

"Well it seems like you were the right old friend. Even our students are not free of Callaghan's influence and they only just met the man."

"I don't like that I was right. They need to learn to be more subtle with their dislike of an inventor if they want good support contracts."

"Well work on that Mister Shield have no worries." Nezu responded

He really liked this universe so far. Not a single invention has involved animals so it seems like a human world. But logically it could also mean that the screen is just not showing it.

[Krei turns around leaving]

Tadashi: Mr. Krei. That's my brother's.

Krei: That's right.

Mei jumped out of her seat along with Melissa.

"That f*cking Bastard!" Mei yelled holding up a screwdriver "in front of others! The professor was right!"

"That was beyond wrong and against inventor laws! Had Tadashi not stopped him or noticed then Hiro could have been in legal trouble!"

"Um...what just happened?"

"Krei tried to steal Hiro's Microbot. Had he done that he could reverse engineer it and mass-produced it. But since Hiro probably hasn't copyrighted his bots, if Krei did then Hiro would never be able to fight Krei 8n court to get them back or stop him from using them." Izuku added "I'm surprised he had the guts to do that in public."

"Pff damn puss* ass bastard."

David looked concerned if it is possible that this is the start of the conflict in their universe. These, Microbots . David looked down wondering if this movie really was about heros as they knew them.

Professor: I look forward to seeing you in class.

Fred: Unbelievable

Wasabi: That's what I'm talking about.

Cass: All right, geniuses, let's feed those hungry brains. Back to the cafe! Dinner is on me!

Fred: Yes! Nothing is better than free food!

Tadashi: Aunt Cass? We'll... we'll catch up, okay?

Cass: Sure. I'm so proud of you. Both of you.

Tadashi: Thanks, aunt Cass.

[The screen changes to a bridge not far from the building]

Hiro: I know what you're going to say. "I should be proud of myself, because I'm finally using my gift for something important."

Tadashi: No, no. I was just gonna tell you your fly was down for the whole show.

Hiro: Ha-ha-hilarious. [Looks down] What?

The students laugh as the hero's smile at the friendly banter between brothers.

"Ah that must be nice to have such a sweet bond like that." Ochaco cooed

Those with siblings all smiled…all but Todoroki who looked down. Could that have been a relationship he had with his brothers and sister?

Tadashi: Welcome to nerd school, nerd.

Hiro: Hey, I, um...I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. So, you know, thanks for not giving up on me.

Some students started to tear up at this moment. Tissues magically appeared all over the room on small tables next to the students and heros.

"Why do we need tissues?" Kota asked confused

Mahoro wiped his eyes smiling at the scene thinking about his sister as Katsuma in this scene. If only life were this sweet.

[Tadashi hears screaming and commotion as both he and Hiro run back to the building. They round a corner to see the building on fire. Tadashi, looking determined, runs towards the fire Hiro right behind him.]

"No, run away from the fire, not towards it!" Mineta yelled clutching onto Denkis arm

"What is he doing?" Kirishima asked biting his lip

Izuku had to remind himself that this has already happened and he couldn't help. But he took notes on how people were escaping to see how he could help them should this happen in their world.

The hero's looked at the scene torn about going in to help and remaining in their seats. This has already happened so there was nothing they could do.

Tadashi: Are you okay?

"Take notes. The first thing you should always prioritize in a rescue is the civilians." Aizawa called out

"Yes Sensei!"

Lady: Yeah. I'm okay. But Professor Callaghan is still in there.

[Tadashi looks at the building and runs towards it. Hiro follows him.and grabs his arm]

Hiro: Tadashi, no!

Tadashi: Callaghan's in there. Someone has to help.

"He's playing hero, he's going back to save the professor." Sero added smiling

"It's good to see the hero spirit in others but I'm worried for him, carbon monoxide poisoning is no joke." Toshinori smiled softly but with concern in his eyes

"Agreed he should call the firefighters or his local heroes to come and help with this not run in without any training." Sir criticized

The hero's worried about this, none more than Tensei. He had come so close to losing his life and then to have his brother go on a blind rampage of revenge. He silently prayed that Tadashi would be ok...for Hiro's sake.

[Tadashi ran into the building, his hat flying off as he ran in. Hiro picks up his hat and goes to follow him when the building explodes. Hiro gets up slowly turning to see the building]

Hiro: Tadashi! Tadashi!

The group stares in shock. The heros lower their heads at the incident. Everyone is just barely keeping it together.

[The screen changes to show an altar for Professor Callaghan and Tadashi in front of the school before showing them at the graveyard. The screen pans back to the cafe Tadashi's friends around Cass as Hiro sits lonely on the stairs.]

Everyone looks down when a broken cry is stifled. Izuku and Ochaco are seen around Iida. He is bent over in his chair crying. The scene in front of him having triggered repressed emotions of losing his brother. He was trying not to cry out loud. Aizawa goes to comfort his student but is stopped by Mic as Tensei wheels down to his brother.

Tensei looked over at his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Tenya...hey it's OK I'm right here."

Iida looked up slowly, fat years rolling down his face. Tensei smiled at him, reassuring him that he was alive. Iida threw all proper behavior to the wind and hugged his brother crying loudly. Everyone allowed the two brothers to have a moment. It's not like they were doing much better.

Tsu was imagining one of her siblings seeing that happen to her and she felt hurt. Koda hugged her, comforting the blunt girl as she cried. Kota, Eri, Mahoro and Katsuma hugged Izuku worried something like that would happen to their idol. Izuku turned his attention to comforting the crying children. Luckily, Mandalay, Mirio and surprisingly Bakugo came to help him with a child each. They grabbed the small children holding them close. Ochaco was greeted by Dark Shadow to help with her sadness. Mina had Sero and Kirishima both of whom had tears in their eyes. Mineta comforted a crying Denki as Jiro and Momo tried to calm him down as he was sparking. Toru was holding onto Ojiro crying as Melissa ran back to her father to be comforted. David looked down, hugging his child close. Toshinori had seen a lot during his time as a hero but this hit far too close to home. He excused himself to go cry on his own as Mic was comforted by Aizawa, reminded of their old friend. Even Aizawa had tears in his eyes. It took a moment but the students finally calmed down and looked up to see the screen stopped.

"I believe it is therapeutic to have a good cry every now and then. They help release the pressure being built."

They all jumped looking over towards me. I'm standing just on the side of the rows looking at the screen and not them. They notice tears rolling down my own face realizing that I too am affected by the scene.

"If you would all take a seat now I'm sure we can continue."

They noticed the chairs had changed while they were crying to become couches and spread out there were blankets and other comfort items around.

"thank you."

I turned towards Eri who had thanked me holding a unicorn plush as she was seated in Mirios lap. I smiled a single tear escaping my eye.

"Anytime Sweet Apple baby."

[The screen changes to another day. Hiro is in his room looking depressed holding his Megabot.]

Cass: Hey, sweetie.

Hiro: Hey, aunt Cass.

Cass: Mrs. Matsuda's in the cafe. She's wearing something Super inappropriate for an 80-year-old. That always cracks you up.[sees the plate of untouched food] You should come down.

Hiro: Maybe later.

Cass: The university called again. It's been a few weeks since classes started. But they said it's not too late to register.

Hiro: Okay. Thanks. I'll think about it.

"This isn't good, he's depressed. At this rate he'll fall back on old comforting habits." Recovery Girl said "he's also missing meals which is bad for a boy his age."

"His aunt should get him into therapy sessions." Sir added

"They won't do any good if Hiro's not willing to try." Toshinori countered.

[Hiro closes his blinds and sits at his computer opening the page to bot fighting. He opens up a video message]

Everyone: Hey, Hiro.

Honey: We just wanted to check in, And see how you're doing.

Wasabi: We wish you were here, buddy.

Fred: Hiro, if I could have only one superpower right now, it would be the ability to crawl through this camera, and give you a big hug.

"That's good they are reaching out to him. To show him he has support."

"Also we just appreciate how Fred is such a good friend. Even if he's a bit...strange?" Toru said trying to lighten the mood

It worked a little as some of the students chuckled. Even Mahoro and Kota did as they remembered his past shenanigans.

[Hiro turned off the computer and grabbed the school letter. It is seen falling into the trash can. Hiro grabs his Megabot where one of the magnet balls falls on his foot]

Hiro: Ow!

Everyone winced at that. Recovery Girl squinted her eyes hoping the boy didn't crush a bone.

[After that Baymax's case lights up as he inflates. Hiro and Baymax look at each other as Baymax tries to leaves Tadashi's room]

Most of the students start to laugh at Baymax. Iida smiles knowing that Tadashi's greatest invention is there to help Hiro.

Baymax: Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.

Hiro: Hey, Baymax. I didn't know you were still active.

Baymax: I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble?

Hiro: I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine.

Baymax: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

Hiro: A zero. I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now.

Baymax: does it hurt when I touch it?

Hiro: That's okay. No touching. I'm fine… [Hiro slips and falls] Ow.

Baymax: You have fallen.

At this many students burst out laughing. Recovery Girl realizes one flaw in Tadashi's medical bot.

"He has no sense of human emotion or boundaries...this could be a problem."

Hiro: You think?

[Hiro reaches up to grab a shelf that breaks sending an action figure onto him]

Baymax: On a scale of 1 to...

Hiro: Ow!

Baymax: On a scale… On a sca… On a scale of 1 to 10… On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?

At this point I appeared again as the students and some adults started laughing hysterically at Hiro's predicament and Baymax's lack of understanding. I smile as they slowly down

"Are you all good now?"

"Yes thank you ma'am."

I nod to Nezu disappearing again leaving bottles of water next to them.

Hiro: Zero.

Baymax: It is all right to cry.

Hiro: No. No, no, no, no.

Baymax: Crying is a natural response to pain.

Hiro: I'm not crying.

Baymax: I will scan you for injuries.

Hiro: Don't scan me.

Baymax: Scan complete.

Hiro: Unbelievable.

Baymax: You have sustained no injuries.

"Oh that's good I'm glad he has no-"

Baymax: However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings common in adolescence. Diagnosis: puberty.

I appeared again stopping the multiple gushes of water from spit takes from landing on others as the students both cough and laugh at Baymax. Aizawa and Sir shake their heads at the absurdity of this as Mic and Toshinori burst out laughing at Baymax's blunt nature.


"You're telling me." I respond to Recovery Girl leaving again

Hiro: What? Okay. Time to shrink now.

Baymax: You should expect an increase in body hair, especially on your face, chest, armpits, and...

Hiro: Thank you! That's enough.

Baymax: You may also experience strange and powerful new urges.

"I'll say!" Mineta yelled only to be hit on the head again

Hiro: Okay! Let's get you back in your luggage.

Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.

Hiro: Fine. I'm satisfied with my…

[Hiro flips over Baymax and lands on the floor. He notices his pants moving. Reaching under he pulls out the pants and a Microbot.

Hiro: My microbot? This doesn't make any sense.

Baymax: Puberty can often be a confusing time for a young adolescent flowering into manhood.

"Stupid Robot he means the bot not some increase in hormones!"

"Shut Up, He Is A Precious Baby That Must Be Protected!" Mei yelled throwing a wrench at Bakugo

"What did you say, Gear Head! I'll kill you!"

Hiro: No. The thing is attracted to the other microbots, but that's impossible. They were destroyed in the fire. Dumb thing's broken.

Many of the heros realized that Hiro was ignoring an important piece of information.

"He's ignoring the sign." Mandalay whispered in her seat with Kota.

"If it's moving and he assumed they were destroyed in a fire then he would never have reported them as stolen." Sir said out loud

"But...that would mean someone purposely set the building on fire-"

"-which means someone killed Tadashi." Tamaki finished for Mirio

Everyone was hoping that they were just jumping gun here but it seemed very likely.

[Baymax gets closer to the microbot and realizes that the bot is only moving in one direction. Hiro sits down to fix his Megabot.]

Baymax: Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.

Hiro [not Listening]: Oh, yeah? Why don't you find out where it's trying to go?

"Wait, he's not even paying attention to Baymax!?" Mei yelled scared that the precious Baby would do something drastic

Baymax: Would that stabilize your pubescent mood swings?

Hiro [still not listening]: Absolutely. [A door closes, Hiro realizes Baymax is missing.] Baymax? Baymax? Baymax?

"Oh no."

[Cars start honking as Hiro runs to the window and sees Baymax following the tiny robot.]

Hiro: What?

"Damn serves him right for not paying attention. Ow what did I say!?"

Jiro and Tsu both hit Mineta telling him to be quiet

[Hiro runs out of his room and down the stairs almost running into Aunt Cass.]

Cass [surprised]: Hiro?

Hiro: Hey, aunt Cass!

Cass: Wow. You're up and...

Hiro: Yeah! I figured it was time.

Cass: Are you registering for school?

Hiro: Yes. I thought about what you said. Really inspired me.

Iida jumped up to scold Hiro about lying to his aunt but Tensei pulled him down shaking his head.

"Let the boy be, besides he's already done this no need to yell at the screen."

Cass [Happy]: Oh, honey, that's so great. Okay, special dinner tonight. I'll whip up some chicken wings. You know, with the hot sauce that makes our faces numb.

"Oh if only it were true." Sero dramatically added

"Now I want some of those hot wings." Bakugo replied

A bowl appeared in his lap as I smiled next to them.


Bakugo smiled while digging into the food.

Hiro: Okay, sounds good.

Cass: Great! Last hug.

"I kinda wish I had a mom like Cass. She seems nice." Aoyama said sadly

Hiro runs out of the shop. He clumsily runs after Baymax as he still only follows the microbot

Hiro: Baymax!

[Hiro looks around for Baymax only to spot him on a trolly]

Hiro: Baymax!

[Hiro follows the trolley and almost gets hit by a car and some cyclists. He spots the trolley and looks around for Baymax but doesn't see him. He runs up some stairs before spotting him.]

Hiro: Baymax!

[Hiro runs down some alleyways looking for Baymax before sporting him and sliding on the ground. He gets up and follows him to an abandoned building.]

Hiro: Baymax!

"Dang he moves fast for a marshmellow." Denki said

"I know he was always so close yet so far." Mina giggled

"Makes you wonder how he got out without anyone seeing him." Sir added

Hiro: Are you crazy? What are you doing?

Baymax: I have found where your tiny robot wants to go.

Hiro: I told you, it's broken. It's not trying to go…

[Hiro looks at the petri dish as the bot keeps moving towards the door no matter where it's pointing. He grabs the padlock]

Hiro: Locked.

Baymax: There is a window.

"Oh no tell me he's not going know what if your class has taught me anything it's that he's going to do just that."

Aizawa coughed into his hand as did All Might. I mean, Chiyo was right.

Baymax: Please exercise caution. A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm.

Everyone held their breath as Hiro tried to get into the abandoned building.

[Hiro grabs onto the window and pulls himself in. He looks around and at his Microbot. A noise from behind catches his attention. Baymax is stuck]

Baymax: Oh, no. Excuse me while I let out some air.

Hiro: Are you done?

Baymax: Yes. It will take me a moment to re-inflate.

"Pfff...that's too funny!" Ochaco called out as she died laughing

Some of the more immature Classmates also started to laugh. While others shook their heads at the joke.

Hiro: Fine, just keep it down.

[Hiro explores a little before grabbing a broom and exploring more. He notices a machine and sees what it is making.]

"Well not the weapon I would choose but at least he has something." Aizawa mentioned holding onto his armrest

"He's 14 and not hero training of any kind let him be." Mic said bumping shoulder with Aizawa

Hiro: My microbots? Someone's making more.

[Hiro turns and looks at a paper on the wall moving closer. The music intensifies as he gets closer.]

Baymax: Hiro?


Even the teachers had jumped not having heard the dang robot.

"He moves fast, silently and is strong! This is the best baby ever!"

Hiro: You gave me a heart attack!

Baymax: My hands are equipped with defibrillators. Clear.

Hiro: Stop, stop, stop! It's just an expression.

"Oh dear God, that will be a problem in the future." Recovery Girl said "he could accidentally hurt someone like that."

[Hiro notices the microbots moving in the petri dish turning to see the rest rising.]

Baymax: Oh, no.


"Hightail it out of there!"

"Movie it little listener!"

Nezu also tensed up. He hated seeing children getting hurt but to see one caught in the scheme of a villain and not be able to help...that was bad.

Hiro: Run! Oh, come on!

Baymax: I am not fast.

"Oh come on! That f*cker was fast before! Move it you f*cker!"

Hiro: Yeah, no kidding! Go! Go! Come on. Kick it down! Then punch it!

"He has the strength use it!" Mei yelled concerned

"His healthcare chip must be interfering." Melissa responded "it must be following Osha and HIPPA rules."

[Hiro looks back to see the Microbots heading towards them.]

Hiro: Go! Go! Oh, come on! Go, go, go!

[Hiro tries to close the door only to be pushed back. He pulls Baymax with him.]

"Oh no I can't watch!" Mineta covers his face after saying that but peeks through his fingers to keep watching.

Hiro: Move it! Come on! No, no.

[They are chased by the Mircobots in the vents. After being launched into the air and landing on the suspension bridge Hiro looks up and sees a man in a kabuki mask.]

"So that's our villain...he's using his own tech to attack him."

Melissa felt like this was confirming his theory and she was happy for it..

Hiro: Come on! The window! Suck it in! Baymax!

[Hiro tries to get Baymax out only to endure dangling for his life.]

Many hold their breath as they hang there.

Baymax: Hiro?

[Baymax is knocked out of the building with Hiro. Baymax then moves his body in a way to catch and soften Hiros fall]

"That's good he used his body to keep Hiro from getting severely hurt."

"Yes, a fall that High could have killed if not seriously injured him."

Hiro: Come on, let's get out of here. Go! Hurry!

[The scene changes to the police station.]

Officer: All right, let me get this straight. A man in a kabuki mask attacked you, with an army of miniature flying robots.

"Wait...won't the police think him crazy?"

"Most Likely. It doesn't seem like they have many villains there." Nomasa answered Sato's question

Hiro: "Microbots."

Officer: Microbots.

Hiro: Yeah. He was controlling them telepathically with a neurocranial transmitter.

Officer: So, Mr. Kabuki was using esp to attack you and balloon man.

[Baymax is shown using tape to patch the holes on his arms from the fall. The officer slides the tape closer to Baymax.]

The students laughed a little at the ridiculous scene.

Officer: Did you file a report when your flying robots were stolen?

Hiro: No. I thought they were all destroyed. Look, I know it sounds crazy, but Baymax was there, too. Tell him.

Baymax: yes, officer. He's telling the t-ru-th.

"Umm guys Baymax is going down!"

"We can see that, Denki but why?" Jiro said looking confused

Hiro: What the... what's wrong with you?

Baymax: Lo~w bat-teryyy.

"So he's low on battery so why is he….acting like that?" Kirishima asked

"Hmm you're right it sorta reminds me...of a drunk." Izuku said.

Hiro: Try to keep it together.

Baymax: I'm healthcare, your personal Baymax companion.

Officer: Kid, how about we call your parents and get them down here?

Hiro: What?

"That would be the most logical thing to do."

"You and your logical ideas. If he calls then Aunt Cass will know that he lied."

Officer: Write your name and number down on this piece of paper, and we can…

[Hiro disappeared with Baymax as the tape followed them.]

Hiro: I've gotta get you home to your charging station. Can you walk?

Baymax: I will scan you now. Scan complete. Healthcare.

[Hiro and Baymax just then get home, Baymax stumbling around giddy.]

"Welp that confirms it...Baymax is drunk." Denki jokes

"No he's too young to be drunk!" Mineta jokingly added on

"Seriously you two."

"It was funny."

Hiro: Okay. If my aunt asks, we were at school all day. Got it?

Baymax [Loudly]: We jumped out a window.

Hiro: No! Quiet!

Baymax [Whisper]: We jumped out a window.

Hiro: You can't say things like that around aunt Cass.

[Hiro and Baymax take the stairs only to have Baymax land head first on the stairs.]

"Ooh that has got to hurt."

"He's a robot, he can't feel pain."

"I stand by what I said, Iida."

Iida shook his head as Izuku treated Baymax like a person.

Cass: Hiro? You home, sweetie?

Hiro: That's right.

Cass: I thought I heard you. Hi.

Hiro: Hey, aunt Cass.

Cass: Look at my little college man. I can't wait to hear all about it! And the wings are almost ready.

[Suddenly Baymax poops up]

Baymax: Whee!

Hiro: Will you be quiet?

Cass: Yeah, wings! Whee! All right, get ready to have your face melted. We are gonna feel these things tomorrow. You know what I'm saying?

"Hiro is gonna lie to his Aunt again isn't he."

Hiro: Okay.

Cass: Sit down. Tell me everything.

Hiro: The thing is that, since I registered so late, I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on.

"He is. Lie one it's ok, lie twice it's a habit." Tokoyami said

Cass: What was that?

Hiro: Mochi. That darn cat.

Aizawa glares as Hiro throws the cat upstairs. He could at least been more gentle.

Cass: At least take a plate for the road, okay? Don't work too...

Hiro: Thanks for understanding.

Baymax: Hairy baby. Hairy baby.

Shinso quickly took a picture of the scene. It was so cute.

Hiro: All right, come on.

Baymax: I'm healthcare, your personal Baymax companion.

Hiro: One foot in front of the other.

[Baymax struggles to put his foot in for a minute before Hiro goes and lies down on his bed looking at his microbot.]

Hiro: This doesn't make any sense.

"It really doesn' who would just steal his microbots like that." Toru said

"Well many people could have...but for some reason Krei sticks out the most." Denki said "I mean he was already ready to steal them once and he does have money he could do it."

Baymax: Tadashi.

Hiro: What?

Baymax: Tadashi.

[Hiro gets up and closes the side to Tadashi's room.]

Hiro: Tadashi's gone.

Baymax: When will he return?

Hiro: He's dead, Baymax.

Baymax: Tadashi was in excellent health. With a proper diet and exercise, he should have lived a long life.

Hiro: Yeah, he should have. But there was a fire and… Now, he's gone.

Baymax: Tadashi is here.

Hiro: No. People keep saying he's not really gone. As long as we remember him. It still hurts.

"I see." Recovery Girl looked sad "he hasn't accepted that his brother is gone. He's still in denial about him not being there and is trying to make sure they don't see him upset about it. He's bottling his emotions up."

Iida felt that and was worried Hiro would do something drastic.

Baymax: I see no evidence of physical injury.

Hiro: It's a different kind of hurt.

Baymax: You are my patient. I would like to help.

Hiro: You can't fix this one, buddy. What are you doing?

[The screen pans to Baymax touching a computer and images flashing across the screen.]

Baymax: I am downloading a database on personal loss. Database downloaded. Treatments include contact with friends and loved ones. I am contacting them now.

Hiro: No, no, no! I... don't do that.

Baymax: Your friends have been contacted.

Hiro: Unbelievable. Now, what are you doing?

Baymax: Other treatments include compassion and physical reassurance.

Hiro: I'm okay. Really.

Baymax: You will be alright. There, there.

Hiro [smiling]: Thanks, Baymax.

Baymax: I am sorry about the fire.

Hiro: It's okay. It was an accident. Unless… Unless it wasn't. At the showcase, that guy in the mask stole my microbots. And… And then set the fire to cover his tracks. He's responsible for tadashi. We gotta catch that guy.

[Hiro looks back at Baymax with determination.]

The screen paused again and I appeared only to disappear and appear again when Mei threw a wrench at me.

"I feel like I am missing something for you to throw things at me."

"I want to see more! This baby is awesome! It's intelligent enough to think and act on its own!"

"It's only following its programing. To better help his patient."

"You mean he downloaded the material needed only because Hiro needed it?"

"That is correct Eraserhead. Now-"

"Um...Miss LunaTora. I have a quick Question."

"Yes Mineta."

"I was wondering where all the heros were."

"They will show up in the next segment as well as show you all the things you need to hear."

"What's that?"

"You don't need power to be a great hero. Revenge is never an answer. And the reason why you children should listen to your teachers more about you not being completely ready to be heros."

After that I disappear, letting the 5 minute timer count down again.


We have not many part left in this book but I'm glad you are all enjoying it so far!

Chapter 4: Part 3: Baymax Upgrade 1, The Car Chase, Fred's House (Edited)


I Live!

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own the Big Hero 6 franchise nor do I speak to its creators. I also do not own any part of my Hero Academia.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The students had been murmuring to themselves as they waited. The teachers were also skeptical about what I had said.

"What the hell did she mean with you don't need power to be a hero!?"

"Maybe she's talking about how some people have nonphysical quirks, like Aizawa Sensei, can be heroes too?" Toru answered

"It could also be that you don't need a high position in rank to be great." Iida added

"I wonder maybe she's talking about a quirk in general?"

"Dont be stupid Deku! No one without a quirk can be a hero."

"I hate to agree with him but it would be pretty hard to be a hero without a quirk." Kirishima added "not that trying isn't Manly, it's just…difficult."

Izuku hummed looking down at his notes. So far there hasn't been any indication of any kind of quirk manifestation or powers of any kind beyond those that they made with their inventions.

"Now, Now students, that wasn't all she said now was it?" Nezu asked

The students nodded.

"He's right." Iida responded knowing the answer to the revenge part. "She also wanted to sway us away from revenge."

"Not only that but to solidify why we must listen to our teachers." Momo continued

"But why?"

"Excellent questions niños." Everyone turned to look at me as I walked up to the group. "One that I will further explain after this segment."

They all sat down ready to continue watching. Sir and Aizawa both glared at me as I waved for the screen to start up again.

[Hiro and Baymax sneak past Cass as she watches a horror flick.]

TV: It's alive! It's alive, it's alive! It's alive!

[Baymax stops to watch the film only for Hiro to pull him along. Hiro pushes some buttons on a scanner.]

Hiro: If we're gonna catch that guy, you need some upgrades.

[Hiro scans Baymax.]

"Oh that's wonder what kind of upgrades he will give him." Mina asked thinking

"Most Likely some fighting moves and some armor."

"Yeah he's kind of easily broken if the tape scene was anything to go by." Sato added on to Melissa's observation

Baymax: Will apprehending the man in the mask improve your emotional state?

Hiro: Absolutely. [Sits in his chair and rolls over to his computer] Let's work on your moves.

"Called it." Melissa added smiling at the laughs she got

"Yeah you did." Mei added

"But what is he going to use exactly?" Mirio asked

"Most likely a movement detection software." Sir answered

[Hiro types into the computer and starts a martial arts sequence matching Baymax's body to the old man in the video.]

Hiro: Now, let's take care of this.

[Hiro pokes Baymax's stomach. Baymax also pokes his stomach. He rolls up to a computer and starts making pieces of armor for Baymax. He rolls over to another computer just as Baymax reaches him. He then rolls away again and a small series of clips shows Hiro building Baymax first armor.]

The students start laughing at Baymax's armor reveal. None louder than Bakugo.

"That is the most ridiculous sh*tty armor I ever saw!"

"Oh my god the belly bulge!"

"Bro why!"

"No, even Dekus first costume wasn't this bad!"

"Yeah...wait what do you mean by that Ochaco?"

Everyone laughed more as Izuku was oblivious to what his costume looked like. The teachers also tried not to laugh as this was the first costume design for Baymax.

Baymax: I have some concerns. This armor may undermine my non-threatening, huggable design.

Hiro: That's kind of the idea, buddy. You look sick.

Baymax: I cannot be sick. I am a robot.

Hiro: It's just an expression.

Computer: Data transfer complete.

[Hiro rolls over to the computer and pulls out the red chip with the new data for Baymax. He opens Baymax's chip port, stopping when he sees Tadashi's chip. He puts the other chip next to it. Baymax starts to read his chip.]

Baymax: I fail to see how karate makes me a better healthcare companion.

Hiro: You want to keep me healthy, don't you? [Holds up a piece of wood] Punch this.

Baymax breaks the board. Hiro looks excited.

Hiro: Yes! Hammerfist! Sidekick! Knifehand! Back kick! Gummy bears! Yes.

[A small display of Baymax's new skills is shown]

"Wow that's amazing in no time at all Baymax can learn a lot of things can't he." Mineta asked

"That's the perks of technology, no limits to it." Mei boasted.

Hiro: Yeah! Fist bump!

Baymax: "Fist bump" is not in my fighting database.

Hiro: No, this isn't a fighting thing. It's what people do sometimes when they're excited or pumped up.

[Hiro teaches Baymax how to do a fist bump just like he and Tadashi did. Baymax does his version of an explosion.]

"Except for that." Denki countered causing a round of laughter for the kids

The teachers also started to relax as the kid settled into their chairs.

Hiro: Hey, now you're getting it.

Baymax: I will add "fist bump" to my care-giving matrix.

Hiro: All right. Let's go get that guy. [Whispers] Come on!

[As Hiro and Baymax run towards the warehouse a car is seen driving by only to stop and reverse. The car is then seen following Hiro and Baymax. Hiro walks behind Baymax as they arrive at the warehouse. Baymax breaks the door down.]

"Um, is anyone else concerned with the car?"

The teachers leaned forward also concerned. Aizawa was impressed that Denki was the first to point out the car…even if it was only out loud.

"I must say Denki was fast to voice everyone's concern."

"He's a vocal child. Not bright academically but bright in other ways" All Might responded

Hiro: Get him, Baymax!

[The warehouse is shown to be empty.]

Hiro: We're too late. [The microbot in the dish is trying to leave again.]

Baymax: Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.

Hiro: Come on.

[Hiro follows the microbot towards a dock. He is continually running when Baymax suddenly grabs his hood.]

"What the hell did-

[Hiro is shown about to step over the edge of the dock.]

"-he stop…damn."

Students chuckled at Bakugo as he grumbled asking from more wings. Another bowl appeared for him.

Baymax: Always wait one hour after eating before swimming.

Hiro: Hey!

[Hiro looks out at sea and notices the kabuki man coming towards them.]

Hiro: Come on!

[They hide behind some shipping containers. They peak around as Kabuki comes onto shore looking around before lifting a large price of machinery onto the land. Hiro pushes Baymax back after noticing a symbol on the machine.]

"Remember this, students in a stealth mission like this always look for clues like this. No matter how small they can be beneficial to your case."

"Yes Sensei!"

Baymax: Your heart rate has increased dramatically...

Hiro: Okay, Baymax, time to use those upgrades.

[Just as Hiro and Baymax are about to fight, lights shine upon Hiro and Baymax startling Hiro.]

"Oh sh*t the car!" Sero yelled grabbing onto Kirishima

Everyone waited tensley as the figures in the car got out. The teachers also tenses up thinking of every negative possibility.

Wasabi, Go Go, Honey Lemon and Fred: Hiro?

"Oh no."

Everyone was worried there were now more civilians in the area. Nezu gripped his tea cup harder. It was bad enough that Hiro was doing this alone now his brother's friends were hoping to be involved. Nezu wished he could change what could happen now but like I had mentioned before this was already set in stone.

Hiro: No, no, no! Get out of here! Go!

Wasabi: Dude, what are you doing out here?

Hiro: Nothing! Just out for a walk. Helps my pubescent mood swings.

"That was the worst excuse ever. Even Iida doesn't have lame excuses like that and he is a terrible liar."

"I am not a terrible liar!"

"So you do lie?" Jiro countered with a smirk to back Ochaco up

Iida sputtered turning red at this.

Wasabi: Is that Baymax?

Hiro: Yeah, but you really...

Go Go: Why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants?

Baymax: I also know karate.

"Not helping buddy." Shoji said, shaking his head smiling.

"Does he ever?"

Hiro: You guys need to go.

"So do you Hiro! You're just a kid!" Iida yelled

"Isn't he only like a year or 2 younger than us?" Toru added

"Yeah but we're training to be heros. He's playing at being a hero." Mineta said

"Really? you could have fooled us." Jiro said dryly.

Honey Lemon: No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you. That's why Baymax contacted us.

Baymax: Those who suffer a loss, require support from friends and loved ones.

Hiro: Ok, but I...

Baymax: Who would like to share their feelings first?

Fred: I'll go. Okay. My name is Fred, and it has been 30 days since my last… Holy mother of megazon!

"Seriously? It's like this guy's life revolves soly around comics." Sero moaned out in pain

"A Meagzon sounds cool…maybe I could build one?"


[The Kabuik man is seen holding a shipping container over his head.]

Fred: Am I the only one seeing this?

"No you're not Fred." Denki answered

"He can't hear you Kaminari." Momo said smiling

"It's the sentiment that counts."

[Honey Lemon takes a picture of the man. He flinches before dropping the container on them.]

Wasabi: Oh, my gosh! Oh, no!

Many students bursted out laughing at Wasabi over the top reaction.

"Well that was so extra!"

"Bro he could beat some girls with their pitch."

"Hey we take offense to that Kiri!"

The teachers weren't much better. Tensei was doubled over laughing while his brother scolded him. Mandalay covered her mouth to keep from laughing. Aizawa canceled Mics quirk so that they wouldn't go deaf. Sir raised an eyebrow at Toshinori who coughed into his hand suspiciously. Tamaki felt Wasabi's pain.

[Baymax is seen holding up the container.]

Hiro: Go! [Everyone leaves as Hiro moves to order Baymax.] Baymax, get him!

[Go Go is seen coming back and grabbing Hiro, dragging him back to the car.]

"Finally someone with some sense."

"Actually everyone has had sense it's just Hiro who lacks it and Baymax is a robot." Mic replied throwing his arm around Aizawa

"I stand by what I said."

Nezu nodded, agreeing. Hiro was way out of touch with his age.

Hiro: No, no, no, no, no! What are you doing?

Go Go: I'm saving your life.

Hiro: Baymax can handle that guy!

[Baymax is shown flying through the air landing on top of the car.]

Baymax: Oh, no.

"Welp there goes their only hope of salvation."

Denki yelped when a bolt hit him in the forehead. He glared at Mei who whistled nonchalantly.

[They see the Kabuki man with his microbots peak over the shipping containers.]

Honey Lemon: Wasabi!

Wasabi: Goodbye!

"Man you gotta appreciate the comedy in this." Kirishima said shoving some candy into his mouth

"I hope you all realize in reality moments like that are rare." Aizawa scolded lightly

He had to admit they were very well timed moments of comedy.

Go Go: Hiro. Explanation. Now.

Hiro: He stole my microbots. He started the fire. I don't know who he is! Baymax, palm-heel strike!

"Pat attention." The students looked to Aizawa as he spoke "sometimes a villain may be too much for you so you may have to retreat. As a grade, I'm going to be asking you what they did wrong in this pursuit."


"Well, leave it to you to add school into fun." Mic sighed

"Keep it up and I'll quiz you too."


Gogo: Hard left!

[The car is seen being chased by the Kabuki man as Fred analyzes the man.]

Fred: That mask, the black suit… We're under attack from a super villain, people! I mean, how cool is that? I mean, it's scary, obviously. But how cool!

"Seriously, Fred kind of grows on you as this goes on." Denki said smiled at how Fred was keeping calm

"I mean they all seem very unique in how they handle everything." Iida added "so far I can safely say that Wasabi is very cautious, Honey Lemon is optimistic whereas Go Go is more Realist and Fred is….well….Fred.

[The screen shows Wasabi stopping.]

Go Go: Why are we stopped?

"Yeah that's the worst move you can do right now!?" Toru yelled

Wasabi: The light's red!

Go Go: There are no red lights in a car chase!

Aizawa groaned as he watched Wasabi. Toshinori actually laughed out loud, startling many, concerning more when he started to cough.

"A-All Might?"

"Sorry my boy. I just find that hilarious. He's such a good young man even when his life is in danger he must follow the law." Toshinori looks serious now "but that, in reality, will kill many."

Wasabi: Why is he trying to kill us? [Peeks his head out.] Why are you trying to kill us?

Fred: It's a classic villain. We've seen too much!

"Yeah what Fred said!" Toru yelled many nodding along

Koda smiled at Wasabi. He was a very funny person.

Honey Lemon: Let's not jump to conclusions. We don't know he's trying to kill us.

Fred: Car!

Honey Lemon: He's trying to kill us!

Some students laughed while others sobered up. That, while funny, was very concerning. The man behind the mask was really trying to kill them.

Go Go: Did you just put your blinker on?

Wasabi: You have to indicate your turn! It's the law!

Go Go: That's it.

"Oh yeah! Girl Time!"

The girls leaned forward to see what Go Go would do. Mandalay also leaned forward, itt was nice to see such strong women in other universes. Even with the lack of a quirk.

[Go Go sticks her gum to the dashboard and pushes Wasabis' seat back, jumping into the driver's side of the car. She speeds up the car, ensuing a speed chase as she evades the Kabuki man. Hiro climbs into the front seat.]

"Wow! Look at her go!" Toru yelled waving her fist

"Indeed, while reckless it is proving to be effective." Momo added smiling

"Take that guys. A point for the girls!" Mina teased happily

Hiro: Stop the car! Baymax and I can take this guy!

[The door is ripped off almost causing Jiro to fall. Thankfully Baymax catches Hiro and sits him back into the car placing his seatbelt on.]

Baymax: Seatbelts save lives. Buckle up, every time.

Many people gasped in shock at how close Hiro came to losing his life. The heros sent thanks to Baymax for saving the young boy. Nezu smiled as he had no idea how the movie would go thanks to the quirk dampening that was going on in the room.

[Go Go speeds up towards an upcoming train.]

Wasabi: What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?

"Holy sh*t! Did you see that!?"

Everyone watched in awe as Go Go beat the train and continued driving.

[Hiro locks eyes with the Kabuki man as he disappears from sight.]

Honey Lemon: Did we lose him?

Wasabi: Look out!

"I'm going to take that as a no." Tokoyami sighed

[The car gets wrapped up in a vortex of microbots.]

Hiro: Baymax, hold on!

Wasabi: We're not gonna make it!

Honey Lemon: We're gonna make it!

Wasabi; We're not gonna make it!

Honey Lemon: We're gonna make it!

Wasabi: We're not gonna make it!

Honey Lemon: We're gonna make it!

[They burst out of the closing vortex.]

"Yes they made it!"

The students cheered for the protagonists of the view. They had made it out safely.

Honey Lemon: We made it! Yes!

[Go Go hits the breaks as she realizes how close they are to the dock. The car doesn't have enough time and falls over the edge. Sinking as the Kabuki man looks over them. The car quickly fills with water as the group struggles to get out. Armor is seen falling outside of Hiros door. The next shot is everyone holding onto Baymax as they float up to the surface.]

The students had stopped celebrating when they saw the car sink. That was so horrible. The fear in their eyes as their air supply vanished. Many students and some adults were restrained to their seats as they wished to help only to relax as the civilians made it to the surface.

Honey Lemon: I told you we'd make it!

"C-Can we just appreciate that even though they were so close to dying Honey is still positive."

"Y-yeah it's good as a hero to always keep a good attitude to make sure our wards d-don't feel scared." Iida agreed with Melissa

Baymax: Your injuries require my attention. And your body temperatures are low.

"He's right. Hypothermia can easily set in if they don't get medical attention soon.

Hiro: We should get out of here.

Fred: I know a place.

[The group is seen walking down the street cold and wet.]

Go Go: Where are we?

Hiro: Fred. Where are you going?

[Fred had turned and was heading up to a giant mansion.]

Fred: Oh! Welcome to mi casa! That's French for "front door."

Honey Lemon: It's really... not.

Go Go: Listen, nitwit! A lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us! I'm not in the mood for any--

"You tell them there's no way that's his house. He's delusional." Bakugo grumbled

Buttler: Welcome home, Master Frederick.

Fred: Heathcliff, my man! Come on in, guys. We'll be safe here.

"You were saying Kaachan?"


[Looks of shock from the group.]

Fred: Gimme some.

[Baymax fist bumps the butter Heathcliff.]

Honey Lemon: Freddie, this is your house?

Go Go: I thought you lived under a bridge.

Fred: Well, technically, it belongs to my parents. They're on a vacay on the family island. You know, we should totally go some time. Frolic.

Go Go: You gotta be kidding me.

All the students look over at Izuku as he tries to shrink away. Fred's obsession reminds them a lot about his room. Izuku just wanted the earth to swallow him whole.

"Well...that is an interesting room."

[Honey Lemon spots a giant figure with a sign to Fred from Fred to not touch]

"Oh come on! Even I'm not that bad!" Denki yelled

Wasabi: If I wasn't just attacked by a guy in a kabuki mask, I think this would be the weirdest thing I've seen today. My brain hates my eyes for seeing this.

"You and me both." Aizawa muttered, rubbing his eyes, "this boy is insane."

"Well…at least he has passion?" Mic tried to make the situation better, failing to do so as well.

"Yes passion, let's call it that." Sir grumbled

Naomasa side eyed Sir "you have no room to talk Mister. Shall we forget your own Hero collection?"

Sir coughed while Mirio snickered. "He got you good Sir."

[Hiro moves to a table and starts to draw something on paper.]

Baymax: Your body temperature is still low.

Hiro: Yeah. Uh-huh.

"He's not listening again." Iida moaned out in pain

"He's got a one track mind. Kind of hard when you have one of those." Tensei chuckled

Some people looked over at Izuku as he tried not to move because of the stares.

[Baymax leans on Hiro raising his core temperature. Fred jumps on him, sighing.]

Fred: It's like spooning a warm marshmallow.

Honey Lemon: It's so nice.

Wasabi: Oh, yeah. That's toasty.

Go Go: Ah. Good robot.

"Remember this student, when someone has a low temperature you need to raise the body's temperature slowly. If you do it too quickly you will add stress to the heart and lungs. Also warm the core up first then the limbs." Recovery Girl said

Hiro: Does this symbol mean anything to you guys?

Fred: Yes! It's a bird!

"Pff. Only Fred." Ochaco giggled as the other students calmed down with Fred's charisma

Aizawa on the other hand noticed how effective this was. Was it possible that's why people always had that one friend in the group? Because no matter what they always seemed to make a situation better?

Hiro: No! The guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it.

Baymax: Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Hiro's emotional state.

Go Go: Apprehend him? We don't even know who he is.

Fred: I have a theory.

"Oh great I want to know just what amazing theory Fred has."

"Zawa Sarcasm suits you poorly."

"Young Yamada is right. Besides, he could have a solid basis."

"Yeah sure. What is he going to say, some random man who we haven't met more than once in this whole viewing?" Mandalay added

Wasabi: "Dr. Slaughter, MD"?

Fred: Actually, millionaire weapons designer, Malcolm chazzletick.

Hiro: "The Annihilator"?

Fred: Behind the mask, industrialist Reid Axworthy.

Go Go: "Baron von Destruct"? Oh, just get to the point!

Fred: Don't you guys get it? The man in the mask who attacked us is none other than… Voil! Alistair Krei.

"What? That can't be right, do you have any idea how crazy that sounds." Momo replied

"Actually…he may be onto something."

Everyone turned to Melissa. She cleared her throat looking up.

"You see there are corrupt businessmen even in our world. Sometimes even corrupt governments. It's not too far-fetched that one could go so far off the deep end."

"Also he did try to steal the microbots before." Mei added

"On top of the fact that the professor knew he was a bad person." Denki added

"But it just doesn't seem like him." Momo weakly countered

Her own father was a businessman…if he ever did…no.

Hiro: What?

Fred: Think about it. Krei wanted your microbots, and you said no. But rules don't apply to a man like Krei.


Hiro: There's no way. The guy is too high profile.

"Hiro also makes a good point. The higher you are in popularity the higher the risks of skeletons from your closet being found out." Nezu said "furthermore, you must always be careful to be as true to yourself as possible when on screen interviewing as this will be what people hold you too."

Honey Lemon: Then who was that guy in the mask?

Hiro: I don't know. We don't know anything about him.

Baymax: His blood type is ab-negative. Cholesterol levels are...

Hiro: Baymax, you scanned him?

"Baymax Scanned Him!?" The student yelled with Hiro

Baymax: I am programmed to assess everyone's healthcare needs.

Hiro: Yes! I can use the data from your scan to find him.

Go Go: You'd have to scan everyone in San Fransokyo. That might take, I don't know, forever.

Hiro: No, no, no, no. I… I just have to look for another angle. [Spots an action figure] Got it! I'll scan the whole city at the same time. I just have to upgrade Baymax's sensor. Actually, if we're gonna catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you.

"Wait…no way. Is he?"

The students all stated shock as Hiro started to give the most inspirational speech a 14 year old could give.

Wasabi: Upgrade who, now?

Baymax: Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones.

Fred: Okay, I like where this is heading!

Wasabi: We can't go against that guy! We're nerds!

Honey Lemon: Hiro, we want to help, but we're just us.

Hiro: No. You can be way more.

Toshinori looked at the screen in awe as this universe proved the one thing he never thought would be possible.

Melissa held her hand together as her dream of being a hero flashed before her eyes melding with what was going to happen. Mei also shook ready to see how they would make them heros using only technology. Izuku wiped away a tear as he felt all the pain of having been bullied for wanting to be a quirkless hero fall off his shoulders

Go Go: Tadashi Hamada was our best friend. We're in.

Fred: Can you feel it? You guys, do you feel this? Our origin story begins. We're gonna be superheroes!

I paused the movie as everyone looked on in shock. I smiled walking towards the back when Bakugo yelled.



So I wanted to ask if anyone was interested in me continuing the movies reactions by doing Encanto, Sky High and a few other movies I wanted them to see

The main two I'm currently interested in are Encanto and Sky High but I wanted to know what you guys thought. Should I do these two movies?

Chapter 5: A/N

Chapter Text

HI! So I just wanted to let people know what was up with this book really quickly before anything else.

So for starters I have not abandoned this story. I'm in the process of finishing two fairly long books right now and have decided to focus on those so that I may complete them before July of this year.

That being said, once those books have been completed I will not only resume this book but I will be editing the first few chapters as I don't really like the way I set some things up so you may expect that as well.

Also I have decided to react to these movies in what will be known as the BNHA reacts to series Movie Edition. So far this is what I will be doing no matter what

  • Sky High
  • G-Force
  • Megamind

I have decided not to do Encanto because while it would be cool I feel like it wouldn't tie in too well to the hero theme or BNHA.

I will also do one of these 2 trilogies as the ending of the movie reacts

> Kung Fu Panda Trilogy


> How To Train Your Dragon Trilogy

I'll let you all decide. I will see you all again this summer. Also if you have any movies you think would fit the hero theme that you want me to go ahead and add to the list just comment it down below.

Chapter 6: The True Chapter 5: Part 4: Montage, The Island and Callaghan's Reveal


Yeah so I was originally going to post this where the A/N was but the comments got way too much so I'm just going to add a chapter to the end and call it a day.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own the Big Hero 6 franchise nor do I speak to its creators. I also do not own any part of my Hero Academia

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aizawa got up to restrain Bakugo as he yelled for me to come back.

"What the hell!? There is no way a quirkless person could be a hero! Everyone knows it's impossible!"

"Bakugo Enough!"

Bakugo growled as he was wrapped up in Aizawa's scarf. All Might stood up

"Now we must remember that this world is not like our own."

"But quirkless heros should be impossible!" Bakugo yelled back

"What is the definition of a hero?"

Many people jumped at my appearance in the front. I held an emotionless face.

"Um, someone with a strong power that's able to help others?"

"Wrong." I walk towards them "The dictionary defines "hero" as a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds and noble qualities."

Butters moves to block the small children from my path. I stop just in front of Bakugo.

"I can say that about many of the students here that you have that definition but there are many definitions to the word hero. Another more modern definition is someone who puts others before themselves and is selfless in a good way. A biblical version is someone whose life is spent offering what he has to those around him so that they flourish even when it costs that person suffering, pain, and death."

The students then look at each other uncomfortably.

"I think they get the point." Mic said standing up

"I believe they may…but I leave you with this in mind. A hero is selfless, a genuinely good person, and someone that gets the undivided attention of all of us and causes change. Someone willing to risk their own life to save another. That is part of what being a hero is."

I go to leave when Nezu clears his throat.


"I believe that this cements the idea that our heroes will have no powers."

"They will not have powers like your own but powers of their own. Some are even better than some of you. I suggest you pay close attention, you may learn the true capabilities of these young heros."

The students nodded, moving to their chairs. Butters purrs to calm the youngsters as the screen begins playing again

[Immortals starts to play in the background]

"Oh it looks like a montage is coming up." Shoji smiled

"Man, this song is awesome. It makes me want to go train." Kirishima cheered

"It's not bad." Jiro admitted, pop wasn't her thing but it had a nice beat and the lyrics spoke well

Hiro: Arms up. [Scans everyone] The neurotransmitter must be in his mask. We get the mask, and he can't control the bots. Game over.

[A montage of the different ways the group will be heroes starts on the TV. Honey with her chemicals. Go Go with her bike. Wasabi with his Lazer and Fred with a…comic book?]

"I'm guessing Fred is going to have Hiro build him a suit to replicate that comic book character."

"Pff as if."

"Bakugo, it would be prudent to keep an open mind!" Iida yelled

"He's right. I will be quizzing you all during each one of their segments." Aizawa added sternly

The students all grumbled but Aizawa focused on Bakugo. His attitude towards the whole idea of a quirkless hero is just…troublesome. Toshinori also looked concerned.

[Hiro is shown assembling a holographic version of a bag on the screen before it pans to Honey Lemon with the bag on. The periodic Table is shown on the side as she types in an equation of chemicals. Inside a ball is being filled with said chemicals before being ejected out. Honey looks at Hiro who points to Heathcliff. He is holding a cup of tea as Honey lightly tosses the ball at his feet. She runs up and grabs his mask before hugging him.]

"Amazing!" Momo exclaimed happily "Mei could you be a dear and write this down for me!"

"Sure thing!"

"Why are you so excited Momo?" Toru asked

Momo beamed, "I can save on my lipids!"

Izuku snapped his fingers. "That's right, instead of using your quirk to make those small balls that Honey Lemon is making, you could use support gear like the one she has on right now."

"Indeed. You just have to ask for the chemical equations to be able to accomplish that." Iida said

"So Miss Yaomomo would be able to make those pretty colored balls?" Eri asked

"Yeah. And she can stop villains if they are strong enough." Izuku added

Aizawa smiled seeing that they were already thinking of ways of incorporating what they see with their own things.

"But wouldn't that also mean memorizing the location of each element on the table?" Denki asked "I think you could change it to have your most used combinations into just a single button and have a bit of the other elements scattered around."

Everyone looked at Denki. He looked around


"That was actually kind of smart Denki." Jiro said

"I was just thinking that it would be faster to have presets like on a gaming control. It makes it easier on the person."

Aizawa blinked as Mic snickered.

"He reminds me of someone. Oh who could that be? People think their space space an airhead but they are really smart-"

"I get it. He's a lot like you…and his grades show that."

Mic faked offense as the screen played again.

[Go Go's bike is shown next before she is shown struggling to stand on the single wheel on each side of her leg. She slowly works up some speed before using the hose to tie up Heathcliff and take his mask. She tosses it to Hiro smiling.]

"I think I could use something like that?"

Everyone turned to look at Mineta. He was pondering something.


"Yeah, while my quick is pretty good at stopping others. I'm not exactly the tallest or strongest person. So maybe adding some speed to my person could help me. Not only that if it has an extra way to attack then I wouldn't be so…helpless?"

"I see. You're trying to cover most of your weaknesses." Izuku muttered

"Good work Mineta." Aizawa mumbled "it's a good trait for heros to not only see how something can help their quirk but also how to work with any disadvantages that we may have."

"T-thank you Sensei!" Mineta smiled looking at the screen

"However you also have to work on you piss poor treatment of those of the other sex."

And just like that Minetas smile fell as the girls snickered and giggled.

[Hiro is shown making new armor for Baymax and struggling to put it on him.]

This impressed many. None more than our support group.

"Amazing he took the original and completely revamped it." Melissa noted

"Yes, not only is it a much more sleek design by the looks of it, it also seems to be a much tighter fit." Mei continued

"It may be that he's also added more features to the armor to make it more combat accessible." David added "I would like to see what he came up with."

[A fully robotic suit is shown before Fred is shown wearing it.]

Fred: Super jump! Super jump! I breathe fire.

The adults in the room all held looks of disappointment. None bigger than Sirs and Aizawa's.

"Why in the hell did Hiro give him that suit."

"Fred is a man child incapable of acting mature. I can predict a disaster even without my quirk."

"Now, now it's not all bad."

"Oh do please tell me how it's not bad, All Might?" Aizawa sassed

"He's a hero fanatic." Toshinori stated

"What does that have to do with anything?" Sir questioned

"He has a deeply rooted obsession with heros. While very unhealthy in many ways there is one thing that I hold hope in. And that is his ideology."

Naomasa hummed "I see. He would want to be like the heros in those comics so Fred would most likely try to adhere himself to the same morals as those of his heros."

"That may be true but he's still overly enthusiastic and blinded by his obsession to see what it means to be a hero."

"As do many of our students, no offense meant."

The students all looked shocked by this as Toshinori stared at his old sidekick and coworker.

"Many of our students are trying to be the next number one, are here for fame and other things. Not that those are wrong but the true meaning behind a hero is as we were told at the beginning. To give yourself for the world and expect nothing in return. Not many can do that and it is something that many young heros have strayed far from. So do not worry. We may yet see why Fred was allowed to join."

[Wasabi is next with plasma lasers that are attached to his arms. He looks up at Heathcliff as he starts up a tennis ball machine. Wasabi crosses his arms as one ball flies at him. It is cut in half. He then runs towards the machine cutting it in half. He turns off his hand to take off the mask and almost high fives Hiro with his other hand before turning it off.]

"You have to admit for someone who's very cautious he could hold his own in a fight." Bakugo mumbled

"True. I thought he would suck but he's pretty good." Mina nodded along

"Maybe we underestimated him." Shoji supplemented

"It believed that to be true." Tokoyami continued

Honey Lemon: I love it!

Go Go: Not bad.

Wasabi: Anybody else's suit riding up on them?

Hiro: Hey, guys! Check this out. I'd like to introduce Baymax 2.0.

Fred: He's glorious.

"Woah! Now that's awesome!"

"Yeah super manly!"

"It's so sleek and shiny. It sparkles so brightly!"

Baymax: Hello. [Follows a butterfly]

Hiro: Hold up. Focus. Show ‘em what you got, buddy. The fist, show them the fist.

[Baymax does the fist bump Hiro taught him.]

No, not that. The thing, the other thing.

[Baymax uses a rocket fist to destroy a statue and part of a wall.]

"Holy smokes!" Toru yelled

"I'll say that was incredible! He now has an offensive attack that's long distance!" Ohiro cheered

The students were relaxing at the idea of these heros. They may not have powers like them but by God were the powers they gave themselves awesome.

Fred: Rocket fist makes Freddie so happy!

Hiro: That's just one of his new upgrades! Baymax, wings.

[Hiro gets on using a magnetic hold so he doesn't fall]

Fred: No way!

"Wow I'm with Fred that's soo cool!" Denki cheered

"I wouldn't be so happy. If something happens and Hiro somehow disconnects from Baymax then he'd be in trouble." Aizawa chided



"Yes sensei."

Denki pouted as the others looked around. It was cool that Hiro wanted to join but…it was dangerous.

Hiro: Thrusters.

Baymax: I fail to see how flying

makes me a better healthcare companion.

Hiro: I fail to see how you fail to see that it's awesome! Full thrust.

"That isn't going to end well…is it?"

"Sadly Yaomomo it won't." Mina comforted her naive friend

[Baymax lands on the ground and fails to stabilize himself flying willy nilly.]

Many students cringed at this. The adults looked on in shock at how none of the college adults did anything to help.

"I think people forget that heros only 14." Mandalay spoke

"Sadly I think he does too." Recovery Girl sighed

Hiro: Steady, big guy. Look, let's just take this slow.

[Hiro notices that they're going to crash into a giant cat.]

Hiro: Up, up, up, up, up! Thrust, thrust, thrust! Too much thrust! Too much thrust! Too much thrust! No, no, no, no! Back on! Back on! On! On! On!

Kid: Zoom…

"Haha could you imagine the kid trying to tell his mom he saw a hero."

"Man she'd never believe him."

Hiro: Go up! Up, up, up! Up! Oh, man! Maybe…Maybe enough flying for today. What do you say?

Baymax: Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily.

"Oh that's good. That means he can deactivate right?" Sero asked

Hiro: Which means what?

Baymax: The treatment is working. [Tips over]

"I stand corrected." Sero blinked "but at least his treatment is working."

Sero felt a pillow hit his head. He turned to see Kota motioning for him to shut up.

Hiro: Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no! Whoa, Baymax! Yes! Yeah! Yes!

[Hiro and Baymax fly around the city.]

Hiro: That was… That was...

Baymax: Sick. It is just an expression.

Hiro: That's... that's right, buddy. I am never taking the bus again.

"Hiro seems to be getting better." Izuku observed

"Yeah. That and it's good to see him acting more his age." Naomasa mumbled smiling at Hiro's antics

"But I wonder…is he truly getting better or is he just distracted from his pain momentarily." Toshinori muttered

Baymax: Your emotional state has improved. I can deactivate if you say you are satisfied with your care.

Hiro: What? No, I don't want you to deactivate. We still have to find that guy. So, fire up that super-sensor.

Baymax: Functionality improved. 1000% increase in range. I have found a match…...on that island.

"Oh shoot. That's not good." Denki chided

"Nah, it's the best thing that could happen."

"You know I'm getting a bit tired of you always sassing me Jiro!"

Denki threw a pillow at Jiro with a pout. Jiro blinked as Denki turned towards the movie.


"Moving on!" Ochaco yelled, scaring everyone that was focused on Denki "how are they going to get there?"

"Fred could have a chopper?" Momo thought out loud

"They're going to fly over with Baymax." Bakugo grumbled

Go Go: Killer view.

Wasabi: Yeah. If I...If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd probably love this. But I'm terrified of heights, so I don't love it.

"Called it."

"I must say that Wasabi is a very dedicated friend. Even though he appears deathly terrified of heights he still risked himself to go with his friends." Iida commented him

"Also Fred's a whole ass vibe." Sero added

"He's a hero fanatic, what did you expect?"

"I don't know Kiri, Midoriya maybe?"

"Wait why me?!"

Hiro: There. Baymax, take us in.

Fred: Awesome! Our first landing together as a team.

Hiro: Guys, come on.

Wasabi: "Quarantine"? Do you people know what "quarantine" means?

Baymax: "Quarantine." Enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to disease, or, in some cases, death.

Wasabi: Oh. There's a skull face on this one. A skull face!

"I think for once I'm with Wasabi. If that place was Quarantined off then maybe they shouldn't be there."

"I agree with Toru. It could have very terrible side effects." Nezu hummed

"But we all know damn well there not leaving."

Hiro: Be ready. He could be anywhere. [Hears a noise] Fire!

[The whole group attacks blindly.]

Fred: Spitting fire! Spitting fire!

[The smoke clears to show that they completely missed the bird.]

The entire room dissolved into fits of laughter and groans.

"Oh my god that has got to be embarrassing!"

"Oh dear. Maybe they should have practiced a bit before going there." Mic sighed

"I believe I had an aneurysm just watching that."

"Sir please don't joke about that."

Eri leaned onto Kota to keep from falling over. All four of the kids just laughed out loud at that.

Fred: That was a bird.

Honey Lemon: Well, at least we know our gear works.

[Wasabi cuts the worst circle possible into the wall.]

"And that is a perfect example of what not to do."

"Aizawa cut them some slack."

"Those idiots I don't care about. I'm talking to my idiotic class."


Fred singing: Six intrepid friends led by Fred their leader, Fred Fred's angels Fred's angels harnessing the power of the sun with the ancient amulet they found in the attic the amulet is green it's probably an emerald

Wasabi: Fred, I will laser-hand you in the face.

Many people blinked.

"Would you look at that he does have some balls."


Hiro: Guys. Any sign of him, Baymax?

Baymax: This structure is interfering with my sensor.

Wasabi: Perfect. The robot's broken.

Honey Lemon: Guys, you might want to see this.

[Honey opens the door to reveal a decrepit room.]

Aizawa leans closer inspecting the room that Honey had revealed. The others also look at the decrepit room in wonder and suspicion.

"What the hell happened there?" Sero gulped

"Let us watch and see the madness that went down."

Go Go: What do you think it is, genius?

Hiro: I'm not sure. But look.

Honey Lemon: Hiro.

[The group opens the door allowing Hiro to enter first. He turns on the monitors to reveal-]


The students jump as Aizawa slams a fist down on his armrest.

"H-Hey Zawa calm-"

"Like hell! They let Hiro go first. Of all the stupid things they could have done and have done they let the literal child among them go first!"

Hiro: Krei.

[Hiro reminds the footage to find out more.]

Krei: That's right. We were asked to do the impossible. That's what we did. We've reinvented the very concept of transportation. Friends, I present project silent sparrow. General, may I?

Fred: Magic hat!

"They invented Teleportation!" Mei cheered ready to write down the schematics when Iida stopped her

"Something isn't right."

Kreu: Teleportation. The transport of matter instantaneously through space. Not science fiction anymore. Now, we didn't spend billions of tax dollars to teleport hats. Ladies and gentlemen, you're here to witness history. Ready to go for a ride, Abigail?

Abigail: We've invited all these people. Might as well give ‘em a show.

Computer: T-minus 30 seconds to launch. -29... 28...

Scientist: This is argo.

Computer: Capsule's in position. 27...

Scientist: Sir, we've picked up a slight irregularity in the magnetic containment field.

General: Mr. Krei, is there a problem?

Krei: No. No problem. It's well within the parameters. Let's move forward.

Computer: 3... 2... 1…

"And that is the sound of their fates being sealed."

"Seriously Tokoyami." Aoyama sighed "we don't know that yet. Besides, don't say things like that when we're all watching so intently you scared us!"

Person: Cabin pressure is go. Pod engaged.

Scientist: Field breach! Abort! We've lost all contact with the pod.

[The second portal is shown to explode.]

"Oh sh*t."

"I second that Bakubro."

Honey Lemon: Oh, no.

Scientist: It's breaking up! The pilot is gone. Portal 2 is down. The magnetic containment field's down!

General: Krei, shut it down now! I want this island sealed off!

The students and teachers all realize where the Kabuki man was. Just as the team makes their own realization.

Hiro: The government shut down Krei's experiment.

Honey Lemon: And he's using your microbots to steal his machine back. Krei is the guy in the mask.

Baymax: Oh, no.


"Get out of the way!"

"They're too young to die!"

"Oh my god no!"


The students panicked as the teachers and heros all got up to calm them. While they couldn't do anything about those on the screen they could work to calm those in the room with them. Mirio sat next to Izuku and held Eri as she trembled in fear. Kota had his face smushed into Izuku's torso with Mahoro. Katsuma ran from beside her brother over to Bakugo and crawled into his lap. She peaked at the screen while trembling in his arms.

Iida had grabbed onto his brother to keep himself grounded again.

[The Kabuki man throws a large slab of concrete onto our heros. Baymax is seen to have caught it.]

Hiro: Baymax, get us out of here.

[Baymax breaks the slab getting the Kabuki man's attention.]

Hiro: Go for the transmitter. Behind his mask.

[Baymax is punched back into the wall.]

Hiro: Baymax!

"Look closely." Aizawa called getting everyone's attention "this is the first major fight we're going to see and I want you all to take note of what they can improve on and what they did right."

The students nodded looking back at the screen. Aizawa himself prayed that none of them died.

Wasabi: All right, what's the plan?

Fred: It's Fred time. Super jump! Gravity crush! [Gets knocked away] Falling hard.

"First mistake."

"They have no plan." Momo called out

"Correct. This means-"

"That the possibility of them getting in each other's way is high." Iida added

"Not only that, Fred called out his attack and was very straight forward without consulting his teammates." Izuku followed up

"I think the only one that's taking this seriously is Wasabi." Sero sighed

Wasabi: Seriously, what is the plan?

Go Go: Get the mask.

Honey Lemon: Right behind you.

Wasabi: For real, what is the plan?

"Again their moving without consulting each other." Mina sighed

"It could be possible to move without a consult but I think thats only for Heros that have not own each other for years." Toru reasoned

"Like the Water Hose heros." Kota spoke

"Yeah like them." Izuku smiled

"But they don't have any fighting build up. Maybe friendship but that can only get you so far."

[Go Go dodges around the room attacking the Kabuki man. Honey makes her way down ready to throw a ball at the man. Go Go throws a disk at the man causing the man to dodge Honeys attack and taking them both out of commission.]

"Ohh! That's 3 people out." Sato groaned

"They timed that throw horribly. Honey should have thrown hers first so that GoGo could have a clear shot at the Kabuki man." Izuku analyzed

"Their lack of communication is starting to affect them."

Wasabi: Hey! You want to dance, masked man? 'Cause you'll be dancing with these. Hand over the mask, or you'll get a taste of this! And a little bit of that!

[Wasabi holds his own good.]

"Hey, not bad." Kirishima cheered

Denki poked his shoulder "but what about his feet. The microbots are small enough to go unnoticed."

Wasabi: Hey! I did all right. Is that all you got? [Realizing he forgot his feet] You got that, too?


Many of the students looked at Denki who slurped on his slushie. He looked around

"What? It's just like the Nano game from 2028."

"I'm starting to believe you purposefully don't do your best in class Kaminari." Aizawa scolded

"No I am. My brain just can't focus most of the time so it's hard for me to learn anything."

Aizawa blinked. He hadn't known that.

Fred: It's back into the fire!

[Wasabi gets tossed to the side by the Kabuki man and knocks Fred into the girls. The man was about to crush them when Hiro stopped him. The man takes out Baymax but accidentally sends Hiro crashing into him knocking the transmitter off of him. Hero grabs the mask.]


The students cheered loudly. The kids themselves got up on their beanbags jumping like the children they were. The adults smiled

"Not how I would have caught him." Mandalay purred

"It wasn't even intentional." Nejire commented

"Still you got to admit it was effective." Mirio jokes

Butters got up and moved over to where the kids were. They held a sad look.

Hiro: It's over, Krei.

[The man stands up and reveals that he is the professor.]

Hiro: Pro... Professor Callaghan?


Everyone froze realizing who the man on the screen was.


"Holy sh*t."

"There's no way."

The teachers looked at each other before looking at the screen. The Professor but how?

Hiro: The explosion… You died.

Professor: No. I had your microbots.

"That's how he survived."

Izuku's voice was shaky and unsteady as he spoke. He held Kota and Mahoro close. Eri cringed to Mirio.

"But that mean that Tadashi-"

Hiro: But, Tadashi. You just let him die.

Professor: Give me the mask, Hiro.

Hiro: He went in there to save you!

Professor: That was his mistake!

"You Bastard!"

Izuku and Kirishima rushed forward. They grabbed Bakugo to keep him from launching himself at the screen. He growled fighting against them.

"He was your student! He looked up to you!"

Bakugo felt something in him stir. Some unnatural feeling. He wanted Callaghan to pay for Tadashi's death. Toshinori got up and walked down to where the boys held Bakugo. He stood in front of Bakugo. His next move shocked everyone, he hugged Bakugo.

"I know." Was all he said for Bakugo to calm down


Bakugo sat down wiping his eyes. Izuku and Kirishima slowly moved back to their chairs. Toshinori sat down on a love seat that showed up next to Bakugo.

Hiro: Baymax, destroy.

"Hiro no." Toru cried softly

Baymax: My programming prevents me from injuring a human being.

Hiro: Not anymore.

"No." Iida grabbed his brother's hand

"Tadashi wouldn't want that." Jiro mumbled

Baymax: Hiro, this is not what...

Hiro: Do it, Baymax! Destroy him!

[Baymax launches a rocket fist at Callaghan. Go Go runs out and pushes Baymax's arm to the side to keep him from hurting the Professor.]

"He's going to hurt them." Recovery Girl sighed

"Hiro's gone off the deep end." Sir condemned

"Wouldn't you?" Aizawa grumbled "at his age and with his unstable mentality it was a given he would."

Go Go: No! Stop, Baymax!

[Baymax back hands GoGo into a wall. Baymax follows Callaghan trying to kill him. Fred jumps onto his back and is slammed back first into his wall.]

Hiro: No, stop! He's getting away!

"Hiro stop, this isn't what Tadashi wanted!"

Everyone jumped. Kota whines standing up fist shaking shaking his side.

"Your brother wouldn't want this Hiro!"

Izuku hugs Kota as tears rolled down his face. The others also felt tears on their eyes..

[Fred is thrown into Hiro causing him to drop the mask. Callaghan grabs the mask and makes his escape as Go Go Wasabi and Fred try to stop Baymax. Honey picks up his chip as he readies his arm to shoot Callaghan. Honey is shown having successfully put his chip back. Baymax is seen looking over the team.]

"Oh thank god." Mandalay sighed

"But what damaged has been done to the kids?" Sir asked

"A lot." Tamaki whimpered

Baymax: My healthcare protocol has been violated.

[He helps Fred up but Fred is still a little weary of Baymax unsure if he is ok.]

Baymax: I regret any distress I may have caused.

Bakugo flinched when he saw Fred flinch.

"Damn." Kirishime dragged his hand down his face

"You said it. Even Fred was affected."

Aizawa frowned. While he did believe that Fred was inadequate to be on the team he didn't mean for him to be put in a situation like this.

"I think they are realizing what they signed up for." Mirio tried to sooth them

"But at what price."

Hiro: How could you do that? I had him!

Wasabi: What you just did, we never signed up for.

Go Go: We said we'd catch the guy. That's it.

"This isn't going to end well is it?"

"It never does Denki."

Hiro: I never should have let you help me! Baymax, find Callaghan.

Baymax: My enhanced scanner has been damaged.

Hiro: Wings.

"Wait what is he doing?" Sato asked

"He's acting irrational."

"Sho…zip it."

Fred: Hiro, this isn't part of the plan.

Hiro: Fly!

Everyone: Hiro!

I show up to see everyone looking upset.

"I think you all need a bit of a break."

"I believe so Miss."

I nod letting them move around freely.


So I have decided for the following to be the Movies I have the Cast React to:

Sky High
Spy Kids
Spies in Disguise
Spiderman into the Spiderverse

HTTYD Trilogy
Kung Fu Panda Trilogy

As for the trilogies I've decided that they would be in their own separate series with different characters which I will do at the very end since they are multiple movies.

So yeah! I hope you all enjoy the rest of this movie and I shall see you all with the next one!

Chapter 7: Part 5: Tadashi is Here, The Final Battle, Abigail's Rescue and The End


So close to the end.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kota hugged his Aunt close as she tried to sooth him. Eri was listening to Mirio tell a story about him and his quirks mishaps to help him. Katsuma sniffles while drinking some water that Izuku brought him while his sister Mahoro clung to Bakugo like a Koala.

"I think we can all safely say Hiro's lost it." Sero jokes

"It's sad." Denki whispered "he was getting better."

"We know it's just-"

"This is why you kits should listen to your teachers."

Everyone jumped at Butters talking. They had their eyes closed as everyone turned to look at them.

"What do you mean?" Ochaco questioned

"Hiro has no one to guide him. His only guide was his brother but without him Hiro does as he wishes. As such he lets his emotions guide a vast majority of his actions and thoughts."

Butters lifts their head up and yawns. The students listen closely as the adults realize why I had said about learning to follow them. Butters gets up walking around the group.

"Revenge comes from untamed anger, sadness or hatred. If not quelled, it does as Hiro is doing which can lead to injuries and death. Your teachers have dealt with this as have many of the adult heros you learn from in your world. As such you need them to help teach you how to handle things like that, revenge."

"I see. Hiro's actions are supposed to show us how fortunate we are in having our teachers here to keep us from the path of wrong." Iida summed up

Butters nodded, taking their place at the foot of Izuku's feet again. I appear smiling softly.

"I believe you have only one major segment left before you all can go home."

"Already!?" They students yelled in surprise

"Yes. I will explain more after this segment but for now sit so you may see what happens."

They all get back into their seats ready to watch the remainder of the movie.

[Hiro angrily opens the garage and sets about firing Baymax's helmet.]

"That's no good." Melissa sighed "He's still very much angry."

"Yeah and poor Baymax is getting the brunt of it." Mei growled

Baymax: Your blood pressure is elevated. You appear to be distressed.

Hiro: I'm fine!

"Clearly not." Sato groaned

"He is blinded by the darkness in his heart."

[Hiro replaces the helmet on Baymax.]

Hiro: There. Is it working?

Baymax: My sensor is operational.

Hiro: Good. Then let's get… What?

[Hiro tries multiple ways to open the port only to have it not respond.]

Everyone blinks in surprise.

"Baymax isn't responding to Hiro."

"No sh*t Midoriya." Denki whispered "but…how?"

"Couldn't be the self learning part of him?" Shoji suggested

"Oh your and like when he downloaded the mental health stuff about grief?" Mina questioned back


Baymax: Are you going to remove my healthcare chip?

Hiro: Yes. Open!

Baymax: My purpose is to heal the sick and injured.

Hiro: Baymax, open your access port.

Baymax: Do you want me to terminate Professor Callaghan?

Hiro: Just open!

[Hiro removes the chest plate and continues to try and force Baymax to open his port.]

"He looks really dead set on removing that chip." Mineta comments

"Yeah but it seems Baymax is just as stubborn." Sero remarked

Baymax: Will terminating Professor Callaghan improve your emotional state?

Hiro: Yes! No! I don't know! Open your access!

Baymax: Is this what Tadashi wanted?

Hiro: It doesn't matter!

"Of Course It Matters!" Several students yelled

Baymax: Tadashi programmed me to aid and...

Hiro: Tadashi's gone!

[Hiro slams both first onto Baymax.]

Hiro: Tadashi's gone.

Many people jumped at Hiro yelling. Some even sympathize with him as he leans his head on Baymax.

"He's still really torn about his brother." Mirio commented

"It is not an easy thing to get over young Togata."

The students looked back at All Might. He sighed, rubbing his chin.

"Grief lasts for a very long time. In fact I can go as far as to say it never truly leaves. It just gets more manageable as time passes by."

"Wait, you mean you've-?"

"Yes, young Mineta. I lost my Master when I was much too young to lose her. Had I not had my sensei there to help me I would have probably done something as bad if not worse than Hiro."

The students looked at All Might in shock. Mic took this time to add in his part.

"That's not one of the only ways for grief to affect one." He took a deep breath "when I was in school a…a dear friend of mine and Aizawa's died."

Aizawa looked at Mic in shock. He never spoke of Oboro's death. In fact he avoided the topic as much as possible.

"I-I am much like Hiro in the way that I don't talk about his death. I avoid it when I can. It's not healthy but it is important to deal with it."

"What about you?"

The teachers looked at Denki. Denki stared straight at Aizawa with an unreadable expression.

"What was your way of dealing with his death, Aizawa Sensei?"

"I focused on work." Aizawa replied "I made sure to put as many criminals as I could behind bars so that no one had to deal with the loss of a friend ever again."

Denki nodded, turning to face the front again. The others also turned around to see what Baymax's response would be.

Baymax: Tadashi is here.

"Sorry buddy you tried that before." Denki whispered

"He can always try." Mina countered

Hiro: No. He's not here.

Baymax: Tadashi is here.

[A screen on Baymax's stomach lights up]

"Wait hold up what?" Sero questioned

"Baymax has recordings of Tadashi!?" Kirishima yelled

"It seems so sh*tty hair, now shut it I want to see what they are!"

Tadashi: This is Tadashi Hamada. And this is the first test of my robotics project.

Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax.

[A high pitch screech is heard before Tadashi races to stop Baymax.]

Tadashi: Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!

[Hiro stares at the screen in shock and disbelief.]

Some students giggle and laugh. David smiled realizing what recordings they are.

"He recorded his attempts at perfecting Baymax."

"Amazing. But…how will this help Hiro?" Naomasa asked

"Because his brother is his idol." Nezu replied

Tadashi: The seventh test of my robotics project.

Baymax: Hello, I…

Tadashi: What? What? Wait, wait, wait, stop! Stop scanning! Stop…

[Baymaxes arms are shown having been hitting Tadashi as he struggled to turn him off.]

"Man, that must be a struggle." Sato chuckled "is all testing like this?"

"For support gear, yes." Melissa giggled

"Hell yeah! That's the best part of improving them until they work and then improving them more!" Mei yelled happy to see the real life struggles of a Support Gear student

Tadashi: Tadashi Hamada again, and this is the 33rd test of my robotics project.

[Que the power short circuiting.]

Tadashi: I'm not giving up on you. You don't understand this yet, but people need you. So, let's get back to work.

[Hiro is shown reflecting and saddened watching his brother as he works on Baymax.]

Izuku smiles seeing how Tadashi's words are making Hiro reflect on his actions. Many students smiled seeing the determination in Tadashi's eyes.

Tadashi: This is Tadashi Hamada, and this is the 84th test. What do you say, big guy?

Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.

Tadashi: It works. It works! This is amazing! You... you work! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it. I knew it. Oh, you work. I can't believe it! I can't…

[Hiro cracks a smile as he sees his brother jumping with joy.]

"That's so sweet." Ochaco cooed grabbing onto Tsu

"Yeah, ribbit."

Tadashi: Okay. All right, big moment, here. Scan me.

Baymax: Your neurotransmitter levels are elevated. This indicates that you are happy.

Tadashi: I am. I really am. Oh, man. Wait till my brother sees you. You're gonna help so many people, buddy. So many. That's all for now. I am satisfied with my care.

[Hiro places a hand where his brother's face was. He wipes away a tear as the screen dims.]

"This just cements in my mind how much Tadashi cared for Hiro." Aoyama smiled "it sparkles so brightly."

"Even in death, he will find a way to guide his brother." Tensei muttered

Bakugo blinked thinking about Hiro's whole journey as a hero so far. Hiro had screwed up plenty of times and even got his team hurt but…there they were. Why?

Hiro: Thank you, Baymax. I'm so sorry. I guess I'm not like my brother.

GoGo: Hiro.

[Hiro turns to see his friends all looking at him with concern and empathy.]

Hiro: Guys, I... I…

[GoGo hugs Hiro showing a gentler side of her.]

Bakugo glares confused as GoGo and the others seem to just forgive Hiro.

"They understand."

Bakugo turns to Izuku who is smiling.

"What do you mean Deku?" Eri asked looking over at Izuku from where she sat with Mirio

"They understand what Hiro's going through. They know Hiro wasn't dealing with his options properly but they were too scared to approach him about it."

"Add in the fact that Hiro is much younger and that his relationship is much closer to Tadashi's than theirs, it's reasonable to assume they were trying to help Hiro gently." Momo continued

"Right, they wanted to help him but didn't know how to do so exactly." Izuku finished

GoGo: We're going to catch Callaghan, and, this time, we'll do it right.

Wasabi: But maybe don't leave your team stranded on a spooky island next time.

Hiro: Oh, man.

Fred: Nah, it's cool.Heathcliff picked us up in the family chopper.

"I knew it!"

Everyone looked at Momo who blushed realizing she yelled that out loud.

"I must say this is really bringing the kid in you out Momo." Toru teased

"S-Sorry!" Momo yelped

Honey: Hiro, we found something you should see.

[Hiro plugs in the drive.]

Man: You almost got us all killed!

Callaghan: Krei! You did this! You knew it wasn't ready!

Hiro: Callaghan? He was there?

Honey: He was such a good man. What happened?

Hiro: I don't know. But the answer's here somewhere.

[Hiro rewinds the footage.]

Honey: Wait, wait! Stop. There he is.

Hiro: With the pilot. Hang on.

Abigail: We've invited all these people…

[Hiro rewinds the video to see Callaghan on the side of the pilots head.]

Hiro: The pilot was Callaghan's daughter. Callaghan blames Krei.

Fred: This is a revenge story.

Hiro: So, what are we waiting for?

"Dude plot twists." Kirishima jokes

"Yeah. First Callaghan is alive. Now his daughter was killed. What's next!?" Ojiro cried

"She's not dead?" Denki suggested

"Denki don't be ridiculous." Jiro sighed

"What it could happen!"

[The scene changes to a beautiful modern building where a ceremony appears to be taking place.]

Krei: It's all set up. This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a lifelong dream. But none of this would've been possible without a few bumps in the road. Those setbacks made us stronger, and set us on the path to a bright future.

Person: What is that?

Callaghan: Setback?!

"No Callaghan you fool." All Might growled

"He's lost it. He's going to endanger so many people like this." Naomasa groaned

"In his defense, I would probably do the same if someone hurt my daughter." David added

Krei: What?

Callaghan: Was my daughter a "setback"?

Krei: Callaghan! But you... Your daughter, that... That was an accident.

Callaghan: No! You knew it was unsafe. My daughter is gone because of your arrogance.

[The microbots start to lift up the pieces of the machine above the building.]

"Dude it's not too late to stop!" Sero yelled

"He can't hear you." Ojiro sighed

"I'm just saying."

Krei: What are you doing?

Callaghan: You took everything from me when you sent Abigail into that machine. Now I'm taking everything from you.

Krei: No! No! No! You can't!

[The machine turns on and starts to pull the building apart.]

"I know it's a bad time to say this but damn that's strong." Sato said

"It is." Tokoyami concurred "it makes it look as if the building was made of paper."

Callaghan: You're going to watch everything you've built disappear. Then, it's your turn.

"No!" Kota yelled scared

Mandalay hugged him to comfort him as she too felt uneasy about this.

Hiro: (offscreen) Professor Callaghan!

[The team arrives. Hiro takes off his helmet.]

Hiro: Let him go! Is this what Abigail would've wanted?

Callaghan: Abigail is gone!

Hiro: This won't change anything. Trust me, I know.

"It looks like he's listening to reason." Aizawa smiled

"That's good. Then we will have a nice happy-"

Krei: Listen to the kid, Callaghan. Please, let me go. I'll give you anything you want!

Callaghan: I want my daughter back!

"-oh come on!"

The students chuckled at Denki's comment. He really didn't want to see the team fight again.

"Why do idiots in suits always have to open up their mouths." Aizawa groaned

[Callaghan separates the team by launching a pillar of Microbots at them.]

Hiro: Go for the mask!

[Hiro and Baymax move to attack Callaghan. He dodges and grabs Baymax. Hiro is knocked off when Baymax is slammed against the wall. Hiro lands sort-of safely before being lifted onto the ceiling.]

"That's not good. Hiros now in danger." Ojiro gasped

"But Baymax will Dave him." Toru added

"If Callaghan let's him up." Mina countered

[The team is shown moving in to attack Callaghan before Fred cuts off the screen with a fire blast that Callaghan blocks. Hiro tries to get up on the ceiling only to fall through.]

"This is getting bad." Nezu mummbled. Be had been trying to figure out the ending but since his quirk was being dampened he couldn't really see all the variables. It was both annoying yet relieving.

[Baymax is slammed to the ground as GoGo moves in to attack Callaghan. She is caught in a Microbot sphere. Fred jumps around blasting the bits with fire before his limbs are grabbed and pulled apart. Wasabi is holding his own on the roof before being crushed between two tiles.]

Wasabi: Getting a little tight.

"Their going down one by one." Toshinori grumbled

"They need to work together on a goal." Sir added "without one they will lose."

"But they have one…to get the mask." Nejire commented eyes never leaving the screen

[Honey tosses some of her balls around before forming a bubble shield to protect her from the bots trying to stab her. Hiro tries to pull himself back only for the rod to break. He luckily catches himself with a cable. Everyone starts to talk over each other to get Hiro's attention. Some Microbots hit him in the face. He watches them go up into the portal.]

"I see a plan forming." Denki cheered

"But will it be good?" Jiro said before another pillow hit her

"Let me have this Jiro!" Denki whined

Hiro: That's it! I know how to beat him.

[The screen pans over the group as Hiro speaks]

Hiro: Listen up! Use those big brains of yours

and think your way around the problem. Look for a new angle.

"Ah Tadashi's words of wisdom have come back to help the others." Tensei said smiling gleefully "how do you think they are going to get out of this?"

"Shush!" Tenya yelled placing a hand over his brother's mouth

Tensei laughed. Tenya never gets into any kind of movie if it isn't a documentary so it's nice to see him enjoying this.

[Wasabi looks down. He forces the walls apart some before breaking the floor beneath him. Honey uses two balls to grab hold of the spike pulling herself out and away from danger.]

"Amazing. Wasabi used his position to free himself to a lower level most likely out of Callaghans veiw." Sato spied

"Also Honeys chemical formulas appear to be sturdy and strong if they withheld such abuse for so long." Momo added "yet also easily breakable to allow her escape."

Fred: My arms! They can't go any further! Wait a second, it's a suit. Hello, sign. Care to go for a little spin? Double spin! Behind-the-back spin!

"I am still shocked that Fred didn't think of that before." Izuku sighed

"To be fair Fred is Fred." Ochaco supplied

"Besides he used his knowledge on sign spinning to get himself out of the problem. Resourceful if you ask me." Sero added

"Maybe he does have some potential as a hero." Aizawa muttered

[GoGo sticks her gum to her helmet. Grabbing both her blades she starts spinning herself until the spear is cut clean in half. Baymax is being held down when a metal plate cuts Hiro's arm.]

"Wow that's awesome!" Mineta cheered "I mean you have to feel a little dizzy after that but she really got out in seconds."

"Yeah but Hiro looks like he's in trouble." Shoji softly spoke

The students and teachers held their breath as Hiros life hung in the balance.

Hiro: Baymax! Gah

Baymax: Hiro.

[Baymax breaks through the microbots. He flies above Hiro who lets go and lands on Baymax.]

Krie: I love that robot!

"You and me both!" Mei yelled cheering with the other students as Baymax rescued Hiro

The teachers smiled as Hiro was once again safe.

[Callaghan slams the man against the wall wrapping the metal sign around him. Baymax and Hiro fly around landing on the ground. The team surrounds him. They move towards Callaghan.]

Hiro: Okay, new plan. Forget the mask. Take out the bots. They'll get sucked up into the portal.

"Oh yeah!" Denki yelled

Wasabi: Now that is a plan!

"A good one at that." Sir commented smiling. He'll admit he hated this at first but it's been helping him learn something he had forgotten about as his time as a hero.

Hiro: Honey, Fred, can you give us some cover?

Fred: Like you have to ask.

Honey: Let's do this, Freddie!

Fred: Smokescreen!

"Good. Their blocking off Callaghans line of sight. He won't notice that he's loosing bots if he can't see them." Aizawa commented

"Which means they can take them.out and not worry about being attacked." Sero added

"Only if they have the right distraction." Mina continued

[Callaghan is surrounded by smoke forcing him up above the smoke. He locks eyes on Hiro who looks at him with determination. Callaghan sends a torrent of microbot tentacles at Hiro and Baymax. They dodge heading up towards the portal.]

Hiro: Ready and dive!

[Baymax crashed into the Microbots breaking them apart, sending them up into the portal.]

"And that's what Hiro and Baymax are." Izuku smiled

"They keep Callaghans eyes on them." Ochavo started

Wasabi: Whoa, the gravity's getting a little weird here, guys! Wait. Let's use this! These are green blades of fury!

[Wasabi continues to chop the support pillars of Microbots. GoGo is seen cutting down a pillar before launching herself up one.]

GoGo: Woman up!

"And the team takes out the bots below in peace." Tokoyami finished

"A win win situation." Ojiro cheered

[Callaghan is quickly shown focusing solely on Hiro attacking him. Baymax breaks the microbots apart with ease.]

Fred: Double sign-spin. Now my signs are on fire!

[Honey is seen jumping up while a stretchy blob is seen holding her feet together. She places her bag in a pillar before exploding the entire back and multiple pillars of bots with it.]

Honey: Now that's a chemical reaction!

"She basically left herself defenseless." Momo said surprised

"But she took out a lot of bots so I think it was a fitting exchange." Sato comforted

"I see. A greater good for a disability." Momo hummed

"Not really. She could help get Krei down now that she's not focusing on the bots." Shoto said chewing on some popcorn

Baymax: Back kick. Knifehand. Roundhouse. Hammerfist.

[The microbots are seen being picked up by the portal. Byamax is suddenly caught.]

Callaghan: This ends now!

Nothing happened causing the students to look back at their teachers. All of who were smiling.

"Game over." Mic smirked

Hiro: Looks like you're out of microbots.

Callaghan: What?

[The smoke clears to show only 4 pillars of microbots remain.]

"Holy -"

"-chalupa." Sero finished for Sato "They did it."

Hiro: Baymax!

[Baymax breaks free and flies towards Callaghan with intent to hit him. Callaghan covers back in fear.]

Callaghan: No!

"NO!" Everyone jumped to try and stop Hiro only to be pulled back into their seats. I look at them unimpressed

"Stay seated."

Butters chuckles as I start the screen again.

[The screen pans out to show that Baymax stopped just shy of hitting Callaghan. Hiro smirks at him.]

Hiro: Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being. But we'll take that.

[Baymax grabs the mask, breaking it, having the rest of the microbots shut down and become absorbed by the portal. Callaghan was also about to be absorbed but Baymax saved him as the Portal came crashing down. The team just barely makes it away from its crash point.]


"They did it!" Momo cheered

"They kicked ass!" Mineta added hugging Denki

"Major time!" Denki answered

"And not a single quirk was used." Izuku whispered

"What was that Deku?" Ochaco asked

"They are awesome." Izuku smiled

Bakugo blinked before sighing. The nerd had been right this whole time. You can be a hero and not have a quirk. Bakugo looked over to see Izuki also celebrating with the others. He looked up to see the screen still moving.

[Hiro and Baymax land, dropping Callaghan on the ground.]

Hiro: It's still on! We have to shut it down!

Krei: We can't! The containment field is failing. The portal is gonna tear itself apart!

"Oi Extras. It's not over yet."

The students turned to see the screen had continued just a bit. They looked at each other.

"That's not good." Momo whimpered

They all sat in anxiousness, what did they have to deal with now.

Hiro: We need to get out of here, now!

[The team moves away from the portal but Baymax stays behind. Hiro notices this and stops.]

Hiro: Baymax!

Baymax: My sensor is detecting signs of life.

Hiro: What?

"Wait… don't tell me." Jiro gapped at the screen

"I think your about to be proven wrong Jiro." Toru giggled

Baymax: Coming from there. The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper-sleep.

Hiro: Callaghan's daughter. She's still alive.

Callaghan: Abigail.

[Callaghan looks back with a silver of hope in his eyes. Hiro runs up onto Baymax's back.]

Hiro: Let's go get her.

"No." Izuku groaned "this is where something bads going to happen."

"If Hiro dies I'm killing myself." Shot glared

"Shoto please don't joke about that." Tsu added concerned

Krei: The portal is destabilizing. You'll never make it.

Hiro: She's alive in there. Someone has to help. What do you say, buddy?

Baymax: Flying makes me a better healthcare companion.

"Of course they would." Aizawa sighed

Sir groaned as if killed and the others sighed.

"I'm too old dor this." Rwcovery Girl sighed

[Baymax and Hiro take off in a loop before entering the portal. They are first blinded by light before the inside of the portal is shown. Clouds of bright pinks, Blues and purples swirled around them.]

"Wow. That place looks beautiful." Denki said in awe

"It looks like cotten candy." Mina hummed

"The forbidden candy." Toru joked

Hiro: Careful! There's Krei Tech debris everywhere.

[Baymax does his best to avoid all the debris.]

Hiro: Look out!

[Hiro jumps up and runs along a giant section of windows before into Baymaxes arms.]

"That looks like it's going to be a pain getting out of." Mic commented

"They will make it. Hiro and Baymax are smart." Toshinori confidential stated

"Now you jinxed them." Aizawa sighed

Baymax: I have located the patient.

Hiro: Hurry!

[Hiro checks to make sure Abigail is fine.]

"It doesn't look like she's aged a day." Melissa commented

"They will have to check her at the hospital." Recovery Girl confirmed "who knows how long she was in hyper-sleep."

Hiro: Come on, buddy, let's get her home. I'll guide you out of here. Let's go! Veer right! Okay, to the left. Hard right! Up and over. Okay, level off. Easy. Nice flying! Almost there!

"Their almost home!"

They students cheered not noticing the screen showing the beginning of the end.

[Hiro looks back at Baymax smiling. In those few seconds he wasn't looking a giant section of the building came towards them. Baymax moved to block Hiro and Abigail as they crashed]

Hiro: Baymax!

The students all gasped.

[Baymax is shown with most of his armor broken off. The screen changes to show the team anxiously waiting for them as the Portal slowly speeds up and destabilizes more.]

"No. They have to make it home." Eri whimpered

"If only Hiro hadn't looked away." Mahoro sighed clinging onto Bakugo

Hiro: Baymax!

Baymax: My thrusters are inoperable.

Hiro: Just grab hold.

[Hiro looks at the portal realizing just what their situation looks like.]

Baymax: There is still a way I can get you both to safety.

The class gasps. Mei gets up to try and help only to be stopped by Iida.

"No. That precious baby can't die there!"

"Mei there's nothing we can do."

Mei has tears pool into her eyes. She's not the only one. Many students hold onto their closest friends to keep from crying.

Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.

Hiro: No, no, no, no. Wait. What about you?

Baymax: -You are my patient.

Hiro: -Baymax.

Baymax: Your health is my only concern.

Hiro: Stop! I'm gonna figure out...

Baymax: Are you satisfied with your care?

Hiro: No. There's gotta be another way. I'm not gonna leave you here. I'll think of something.

Baymax: There is no time. Are you satisfied with your care?

Hiro: Please! No...I can't lose you, too.

Baymax: Hiro, I will always be with you.

[Hiro realizing what's about to happen hugs Baymax.]

Shoto gets up and walks over to Izuku. He hugs him tightly.

"If you ever do the same thing that Baymax does I will personally bring you back only to kill you myself."

Izuki blinked before nodding. Shoto let go of him only for a pillow to hit him.on the side of the head.

"The same goes for me you damn nerd!"

Izuku turns to say something but stops realizing Bakugo is trying and failing not to cry. Izuku nods looking down at Katsuma who is crying into his torso.

"I'll do my best."

Hiro: I'm satisfied with my care.

[Baymax activates his rocket fist propelling Hiro and Abigail out of the portal just seconds before it completely collapses.

Wasabi: Hiro!

Fred: Yeah! They made it!

"Oh Fred." Denki whimpered

Wasabi: where's Baymax?

[Hiro looks down, saddened as they realize Baymax wasn't with him. He looks at Abigail sadden.]

"A-at least he saved them." Sato cried

"Y-yeah." Mina choked out

EMT: Miss, can you hear me? What is your name?

Abigail: Abigail Callaghan.

EMT: Okay, Abigail, you are gonna be fine. We're taking you to the hospital.

Officer: Move it! Get in there.

[Callaghan looks at the ambulance from inside the cop car and guilt takes over his features. The team is seen on a nearby building overlooking the area before turning away.]

"They won…but at the price of machinery friend." Sir commented

"It's sad but it's a part of being a hero that the media leaves out on purpose." Aizawa spoke "rightfully in its own way but hurtful and condemning in another."

NEWS: A massive cleanup continues today at the headquarters of Krei Tech industries. Reports are still flooding in about a group of unidentified individuals, who prevented what could have been a major catastrophe. The whole city of San Fransokyo is asking, "who are these heroes? And where are they now?"

[The group is in Aunt Cass's bakery waiting for Hiro who comes down with a book bag. They get up and leave as Cass hands Hiro his lunch.]

"Hey look Hiro decided to go to school." Mic said

"Yeah. They finally get to be normal kids again." Izuku continued

Cass: Hey, sweetie!

Hiro: Last hug. Bye!

"I see Hiro's becoming more social." Toshinori smiled " that's good."

[They all are heading towards the university acting like their normal selves again. Tadashi's hat is placed on a lamp as Hiro unpacks Baymaxes arm. He fist bumps the hand with a tired sad voice. He walks away and looks back only to notice something in Baymax's hand.]

"Wait…no." Melissa starts

"He couldn't have." Mei continued a smile pulling at her lips

[Hiro's face slowly lights up as he realizes what it is. The screen fades to black.]

"Is it going to show us?" Denki asked impatient with the wait

Hiro: Ow?

[The screen lights up to Hiro standing there nervously.]

Baymax: I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hello, Hiro.

[Baymax steps out of his charging port. Hiro tackles him in a hug that Baymax returns.]

The students cheered as Baymax returns from the grave. None louder than the teo support course students.

"He's Alive!" Mineta cheered hugging Tsu appropriately before letting go

"Did he just hug me normally?" Tsu asked Mina who was staring in shock

"I think so?"

[The screen changes to the team traveling across the city.]

Hiro: We didn't set out to be superheroes, but sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned. The good thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people, and that's what we're gonna do. Who are we?

[The title Big Hero 6 is shown before the screen pauses.]

I show up to see the students talking quietly amongst themselves. I smile clearing my throat.

"Now, their is one last segment I must show you all be for you are allowed to leave."

"Oh is it important?" Nezu asked

"Not necessarily but it sheds some light on Fred and why he is a standing member in the team. If you would all like to see it."

Nezu looks the students who are all eagerly nodding their heads. He smiles

"I suppose we can watch it."

I smile

"Good. And I leave you with this, to start a generation of work is one thing but to be the second is almost always a source of pride."


So as we all see their is one chapter left of this book. I will discuss more of the other books I the final chapter so hold onto your horses becuase here we go.

Chapter 8: Part 6: Extra


The end.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The students all sit down watching as the screen lights up again.

[Fred's house is shown before Fred is shown in front of his family picture. He looks like the young man he's supposed to be, even younger.]

"Oh." Mandalay gasped "That's not a normal Fred look."

"No it's not." Aizawa added "He looks…vulnerable and young."

Fred: Dad, I just wish I could share my accomplishments with you. You mean so much to me, and honestly, I've always felt a distance what with you being on the family island all the time, and I just wish you could see how…

"I felt that." Momo stated "my parents were almost always busy with work so I was mainly around my Nannie."

"I can relate as well. Tho I had my brother Tensei their to keep me company at times." Tenya added

[Fred touches the portrait and the wall behind it moves open.]

"If Fred's dads a criminal I'm killing someone." Shoto glared

"Seriously?" Sero asked

"Fred is to kind to have a sh*t dad."

"Shoto has a point Sero, Ribbit."

[Fred walks in and looks around before lifting a pair of spandex underwear.]

"Oh no he's a super villain!" Mineta yelled hugging Denki

Fred's Father: Fred. Son.

Fred: Dad?

[Fred's Dad grabs the underwear and shows them to Fred.]

Fred's Father: I wear ‘em front, I wear ‘em back.

"Oh no." Recovery Girl groans

"Yep that's his dad alright." Mandalay chuckles

Fred and his dad: I go inside out, then I go front and back.

Fred: Dad!

[Fred smiles and hugs his father.]

Fred's Father: We have a lot to talk about.

"Wait wait!"

Everyone looks to Izuku who's gobsmacked. I appear as well to look at him.

"Does this mean Fred is a second generation hero?"

"He is."

"Holy sh*t." Aizawa muttered "that's…unexpected."

"Yes. Now I will be sending you all back home now but first a parting gift."

I wave my hands and multiple items appear in front of specific people.

"Wait these are-"

"Yes Momo I have given each of you specific gifts as I believe they will be beneficial to you all."

"I see. Thank you for the formulas that Honey used." Momo stated clutching the papers to her chest

"I Can Make These Babies!" Mei yelled holding GoGo's boots blueprint and Honeys bag blueprints.

"I can make myself a suit!" Melissa cheered holding four blueprints for the Baymax suits, Wasabi's and Fred's Suits

"I appreciate the books." David smiled holding the books on robotics

"Oh hell yeah!" Bakugo cheered having the recepie for the hot wings Aunt Cass made

"This will be extremely helpful." Recovery Girl had not only a blueprint for Baymax but a carrier with a deactivated Baymax

"Your welcome. Now Goodbye for the time being."

With a wave of my hand they disappeared. Butters yawned

"How long until they are back?"

"Soon. But first we'll have to change the room."

~4 Months Later~

Nezu sighed as he held a staff meeting.

"So we have been invited to see another universe?"

"Yes only this time it seems that its more sporadic than before stating that only a few need to see this." Aizawa groaned

"I see what date did the invites have?" Nezu questioned

"In a week's time and they said that we will be seated based on color." Mic answered

"I see. Have the students be prepared for the day."

"Yes Sir!"

Nezu smiled. Another universe to learn more from. How fun.


Yes this is the end of this book but don't worry I shall pick up the next one next year January. Yes I'm making you all wait. I have another 2 books to finish and I want to give myself time to edit too so yeah.

Anyways up next is Sky High and the crew is going to be separated up onto Hero (red) and Hero Support (blue). We will also have some villains up in the book as well.

All Might, Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, Nezu, Endeavor
Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, Bakugo, Kirishima, Shoto, Momo, Mei, Shinso, Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, Monoma, Ibara and Tetsutetsu.

Tomura, Kurogiri, Dabi, Himiko, Jin, Compress, Spinner and Stain.

Is there anyone else I should add?

Anyways until January!

BNHA Watches Big Hero 6 - LunaTora - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.